There are no known pictures of Julius’s relatives in Altenburger Land except maybe the following two unidentified photos.
Young Man from Ronneburg
Helen (Kirmse) Hacker has the following photograph that was found in the Julius Kirmse home that she now owns.

On the back of the picture is the photographer identification “HERM MEYNER – PHOTOGRAPH – RONNEBURG”. Ronneburg is about 20 miles southwest of Rositz.

He is thought to possibly be a relative of Julius Kirmse from Ronneburg, Duchy of Saxe-Altenburg. Does anyone have any suggestions as to the name of this young man and how he might be related to Julius Kirmse?
Unidentified Family
Ella (Kirmse) Krueger shared this picture from Grandmother Kirmse’s photo album but was unable to identify the family.

The general features of the man’s face are similar to that of the unidentified young man above. Maybe they are the same person. Anyone have suggestions as to who this family is and how they might be related to Julius?