12 IV A. Applying for Funding at UNM

To support faculty development and integration of quality, open-access materials into UNM courses. The sections below describe the types of fundable OTP Projects. In addition to these descriptions, you can also determine the scope of your project, using the information located on the Creating OER: Scoping and Drafting page.

Types of Fundable OTP Projects

The following types of projects may be submitted for funding.

Adopt –

Where an existing open textbook or course materials is available for adoption and can be integrated into a UNM course without significant revision or additions. Faculty will integrate the newly adopted materials, similar to adopting and integrating any new textbook into an existing UNM course, but without publisher support.

  • Supplementary and ancillary materials not supplied with the textbook may be acquired from other sources and compiled and/or be composed as needed.

Adapt –

Where a single suitable textbook or course materials is not available to meet the needs of a course, but multiple existing texts or sets of OER materials can be adapted, combined, compiled and integrated into a course, as above, with slight to moderate changes to the original content.

  • Some editing and/or original writing may be required for successful integration.
  • Supplementary and ancillary materials not supplied with the textbook may be acquired from other sources and compiled and/or be composed as needed.

Create –

Where suitable texts or existing materials cannot be readily adapted, combined, compiled, and integrated into an existing course, without significant modifications or additions. Faculty may develop a textbook or course materials to meet the needs of a course by:

  • adapting, combining, synthesizing or compiling content from multiple sources to create a cohesive text or set of course materials*
  • adapting or creating necessary supplemental and ancillary materials required for success of the course instructor and students
  • contributing significant original writing as required to introduce, contextualize and connect original source materials

Funding Priorities and Eligible Project Categories 

  1. Large Grants ($2,000 – $10,000) 

Creation or adaptation of OERs for General Education courses, high-enrollment courses (>75), or courses with a fail rate above 40% in one or more previous semesters. The selection committee anticipates that these grants will require a team of instructors (which may include graduate students or advanced undergraduates) to create, revise, and curate materials.

  1. Small Grants ($500 – $2,000)  

Adoption or adaptation of OER materials for any course. The selection committee anticipates these grants will fund a single instructor to revise and curate materials.

Grant Recipient Expectations

Below is a list of expectations for award recipients. Please read carefully before applying. 

  • Throughout the process, update the program administrators about your progress either through periodic check-ins (virtual, email, or one-on-one) or engage with the OER Community of Practice that will meet several times a year.
  • Write a final grant report that includes a narrative summarizing the challenges and accomplishments of your experience creating/finding/using the materials, the impact on your teaching, the impact on students and their performance, and lessons learned.
  • Agree to share the results of your project with other faculty in your Department and the campus via meetings, workshops, or promotional materials.
  • Circulate a qualitative and quantitative survey to all of your students at the end of the first semester you utilize the materials.
  • Provide a copy of the revised syllabus or course outline used for the class.
  • Participate in long-range assessments of the Open Education Initiative.
  • On materials developed for a UNM course, apply an appropriate Creative Commons license of the grantee’s choice.
  • Agree to potentially participate on the review committee for future applications.

License and Attribution



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Faculty OER Guide Copyright © 2024 by Jennifer Jordan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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