Where do destructive doubts emanate from? In a 2016 survey study conducted by Yaqeen Institute, the author categorized the sources of doubts into three broad categories based upon respondents’ answers to the survey questions.1 These three categories are:
- Moral and Social Concerns
- Philosophical and Scientific Concerns
- Personal Trauma
With regards to moral and social concerns, doubts can stem from a type of moral incongruence between one’s adopted worldview and one’s proclaimed worldview. Thus a person may find society saying X is moral while Islam might consider X immoral or vice versa. The following are some items that come under moral and social concerns:
- Teachings about the role of women
- The hypocrisy of religious people; that is, the nonreligious behavior of supposedly religious individuals
- The bad things that people do in the name of religion
- The intolerance that some religious people show toward other faiths
- The way that religious people sometimes insist that there is only one “right” way to practice faith
- The intolerance that some religious people show toward certain other people (e.g., homosexuals)
Philosophical and scientific concerns may generally fall in the domain of epistemology (refer to ‘Components of a Worldview’). The following are some respondent concerns in this area:
- The debate over Evolution (through natural selection) vs. Creation (through God)
- Uncertainty over the existence of God
- The problem of evil and unfair suffering in the world
- Feeling that certain religious beliefs or practices do not make sense
Finally, in the Yaqeen Institute study, respondents mentioned personal trauma as a source for doubts. Some of their concerns were:
- Finding that being religious does not make one happy
- Not feeling welcomed in your faith community
- The death of a loved one
Personal trauma can cause doubts by way of cognitive distortions. We will expound upon this later in Part II, under the eighth strategy, ‘Dealing with Trauma’.
1 Chouhoud, Youssef . “Modern Pathways to Doubt in Islam.” Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research. Accessed March 29, 2022. https://yaqeeninstitute.org/read/paper/modern-pathways-to-doubt-in-islam.