This appendix provides a list of resources that you may wish to refer to, in addition to the references to be found in the references and endnotes.
No REDD in Africa Documents
- Africans Unite against New Form of Colonialism: No REDD Network Born
- The No REDD in Africa Maputo Declaration
- No REDD In Africa Network
- Carbon Trade Watch
- No REDD Make Noise
- World Rainforest Movement
- REDD Monitor
- Exposing REDD
- Darker Shade of Green – REDD Alert
- Money Tree PBS/Frontline World, Carbon Watch, Centre for Investigative Journalism
- The Story of Cap and Trade, Annie Leonard
- REDD Reaping profits from Evictions, land grabs, Deforestation and Destruction of biodiversity. Indigenous Environmental Network
- The No REDD Reader
- The No REDD Papers, volume 1
- Why is REDD happening What is REDD? Who benefits from REDD Players and Power, Carbon Trade Watch
- Ten Things Communities should know about REDD, World Rainforest Movement
- REDD moves from Forests to Landscapes, World Rainforest Movement
- REDD Myths, Friends of the Earth International
- Shell bankrolls REDD
- Carbon Trading – How It Works And Why It Fails, Carbon Trade Watch
- Carbon Trading in Africa: A Critical Review
- Dozen of the Worst REDD-type projects Affecting Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
- Cashing in on Creation: Gourmet REDD privatizes, packages, patents, sells and corrupts all that is Sacred, Indigenous Environmental Network, The No REDD Reader
- When ‘payment for environmental services’ delivers a permit to destroy, World Rainforest Movement
- Economic Valuation of Nature, The Price to Pay for Conservation , Rosa Luxembourg Foundation