The following is by no means a complete list of each sector active on REDD in Africa, but it is a start. Promoters of REDD in Africa include many of the corporations and UN agencies shown in the graphic Who benefits from REDD Players and Power. REDD players in Africa identified in the database include the following: (There is some overlap between funders, carbon traders and NGOs.)
Countries and Regional Bodies
African countries and ministries of the environment, agriculture, forests, tourism, nature, mines; national forest and parks authorities; Norway, European Union, United States, European Space Agency (ESA) and OSFAC (satellite observatory for central African forests) and BRICS among others. BRICS is an acronym for an association of five major emerging national economies, which is considered “sub-imperial” by some observers: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. BRICS members are promoting REDD.
REDD is not just being developed nationally, regional initiatives are also afoot. According to the South African Development Community (SADC) REDD+ Information Network, during the SADC Ministerial Meeting that took place in Windhoek, Namibia on 26th May 2011, the SADC Ministers including Mozambique approved a regional REDD+ Programme for Southern Africa. The SADC Support Programme on REDD provides a comprehensive framework for the region to actively participate in and bene t from the carbon market. The programme’s purpose is to “contribute to strengthening capacities in the Member States to design REDD policies and programmes while at the same time providing a framework for strategic cooperation among Member States on issues of regional interest.” The programme document on ADC upport rogramme on Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) was approved by the Ministers responsible for Environment and Natural Resources Management.
It is probable that Mozambique is serving as a laboratory for REDD pilot projects that will be subsequently replicated both by SADC and others in Southern Africa as a region, as well as in Africa as a continent. In this regard the status of land grabs in Mozambique is relevant as the emerging Mozambican pattern of REDD and land grabs may be applied in other African countries. These trends are being resisted by peoples in the region. The Congo Basin Forest Fund is also promoting regional REDD coordination.
UN Agencies, Banks and Funders
World Bank, Global Environmental Facility (GEF) World Bank Forest Carbon Partnership Facility, World Bank BioCarbon Fund, African Development Bank, United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), UN-REDD, IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature), Congo Basin Forest Fund (CBFF), with funding from the European Union, Norway and others; KfW Bankengruppe, Department for International Development (United Kingdom), Spain-UNEP partnership for Protected Areas, Danish International Development Agency (Danida), Department for International Development, UK, Government of Germany, USAID, AFD/ FEM – public French donors, Nedbank, and German Technical Corp, among others.
NGOs, Institutes and Churches
WWF, Conservation International, World Resources Institute (WRI), Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), GTZ, CARE International, Global Witness, Green Belt Movement, REDDAF – REDD in Africa, Code REDD, Envirotrade, Planet Action, Ethiopian Wetlands and Natural Resource Association (EWNRA), BCI – The Bonobo Conservation Initiative, Zoological Society of London, CED (Centre for Environment and Development), NOVATEL, Planet Survey (formerly SNV), GFA Envest, Treedom, Nature Plus, Sangha Trinational Park grant making programme, GAF AG, Alternatives to Slash-and-Burn Partnership, Jadora, Capno International Developments, Joint Organization of Ecologists and Friends of Nature (OCEAN), Livelihood Venture, Archdiocese of Kikwit, BioCarbon Partners, ECOTRUST, Achats Services International (ASI), The Clinton Hunter Development Initiative, Malawi Environmental Trust (MEET), TBC, Vi Agroforestry (ViA), Wildlife Works, Inc., Tree Flights, Tany Meya Foundation, The Holistic Conversation Programme for Forests (HCPF), Institute for the Conservation of Tropical Environments (ICTE), Bioclimate, Oceanium, Wildlands, Conservation Trust, International Small Group and Tree Planting Program, Face the Future (formerly FACE), Nature Of ce, VI Agroforestry, Mpingo Conservation Development Initiative, World Vision Australia, World Vision Ethiopia, A Rocha Ghana, FORM, Eco2librium, Sustainable Use of Biomass – SUB globalwoods, Carbon Green Investments Guernsey Ltd., Sable Transport, Ltd – land owner, Etc Terra, Clean Air Corporation, Camco, Fan Bolivia, GFW, Cameroon Institute of Oceanographic and Fisheries Research, Center for Tropical Research (CTR), Climate Stewards (UK), Community Forest Associations, Coordination Nationale, Ecosur Afrique and PrimaKlima-Weltweit, pension funds among others.
Arlomom Senegal (Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar), State University of New York Stony Brook, University of Edinburgh and the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Management, among others.
Shell Trading, Forest Stewardship Council, Disney Productions, GMbH, Safbois SPRL – logging company, af liate of American Trading Company, and forest company» Pallisco, among others.
Carbon Traders
Global Green Carbon Corp, Carbon Me, South Pole Carbon Asset Management Ltd., Carbon Tanzania, Envirotrade Carbon Limited, ERA Carbon Offsets Canada (clients include Shell Canada and lululemon athletica), Catalyst Paper, Harbour, HSE-Entega, Vancity, Almia, Carbon Offset and Carbon2Green Development, Ltd, among others.
Voluntary Carbon Standard; Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB); CDM; TUV-SUD (CDM Validation); JACO (CDM Validation); Det Norske Veritas; Scientific Certification Systems (SCS); CarbonFix; American Carbon Registry; Rainforest Alliance Standard: Plan Vivo; World Bank BioCarbon Fund Standard; Ernst Young; Environmental Services, Inc. (ESI), among others.
Buyers of African forest carbon or other carbon credits
These include, but are by no means limited to: the State of California, Canada (IBRD), Canada (Carbon2Green), World Bank BioCarbon Fund, IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), Italy and Italy (BioCarbon), among others.