About the Authors

Elizabeth Wells-Beede, PhD, RN, C-EFM, CHSE is a Clinical Assistant Professor with Texas A&M University. Dr. Wells-Beede received her Bachelors of Nursing degree from the University of New Mexico and practiced on a high-risk obstetric unit in the Albuquerque area for over 6-years. She has traveled the United States and practiced as a nurse at several hospitals in the south. She completed her Masters of Nursing in Education at the University of Phoenix and a Doctorate in Education with a focus in Nursing Education from Capella University where she conducted her research on the faculty perception of the flipped classroom. Since graduating Dr. Wells-Beede has continued to conduct pedagogical research in educational strategies and simulation. Dr. Wells-Beede has been an educator for over 12 years teaching in undergraduate and graduate degree programs including, medical-surgical, acute care of the adult, maternity & newborn health, community, and clinical simulation for health care providers. She is a TeamSTEPPS master trainer, as well as a Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator. Additionally, Dr. Wells-Beede was one of the inaugural nurses to be certified in fetal monitoring. Dr. Wells-Beede is alumni of the Experienced Educators Leadership Academy with Sigma and has served on the Board of Directors for the International Nursing Association for Simulation and Clinical Learning. Her expertise in simulation and education has allowed her to lead her institution in developing innovative teaching strategies through the utilization of virtual reality simulation.