
Each subject is indexed by material type:

  • Books & Textbooks: resources on textbook platforms; will often have an ISBN; includes collections when possible
  • Images: when it comes to accessing OER images, there may be times where you will be asked to register with an email only in order to download the object. This tends to be more common of image sites, and will often give important image information and metadata for creating accurate attributions.
  • Interactive: embeddable h5p resources; simulations and 3D models
  • Open Courseware & Learning: free and openly-licensed courses with adaptable learning materials
  • Repositories & Research: includes OER repositories, journal publications, governmental sites, and individual creator sites.
  • Video: includes video collections and playlists sourced from creator site and YouTube content


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Open Educational Resources (OER) Directory Copyright © 2022 by H.S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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