
9 Economics

Macroeconomics by EpicTop10 CC BY

Book Collections & Textbooks

  • Core Econ ebooks: Free online textbooks and resources for teaching and learning economics. Registration only required to access additional instructor and learner resources. Includes: The Economy; The Economy: A South Asian Perspective; Economy, Society, and Public Policy; Doing Economics; L’Économie. CC BY-NC-ND
  • Pressbooks: Economics: textbook collection from Pressbooks; titles include: Principles of Economics; The Economics of Food and Agricultural Markets; Principles of Economics: Scarcity and Social Provisioning (2nd Ed.); Principles of Macroeconomics 2e; Microeconomics for Managers; Social Cost Benefit Analysis and Economic Evaluation; and more.
  • Principles of Microeconomics: adaptation of the textbook, Microeconomics: Markets, Methods, and Models, which covers introductory microeconomic theory, application and policy in a Canadian and global environment; edited by Lyryx Learning; formats in pdf, epub, and html; includes ancillary interactive homework; [CC BY-NC-SA]
  • Warehouse Science: “The focus of this book is the science of how to design, operate and manage warehouse facilities. The authors emphasize the building of detailed mathematical and computer models that capture the economics of the management of space and labor. The goal of this approach is to give managers and engineers the tools to make their operations successful.”
  • Libretexts Bookshelf: Economics: Macroeconomics; Principles of Macroeconomics; Microeconomics; Principles of Microeconomics; Introduction to Economic Analysis; Economics – Theory Through Applications; Principles of Managerial Economics and more.
  • OpenStax Textbook Collection: Principles of Economics 2ePrinciples of Macroeconomics 2ePrinciples of Macroeconomics for AP® Courses 2ePrinciples of Microeconomics 2ePrinciples of Microeconomics for AP® Courses 2e;[ all OpenStax content is licensed CC BY; remix, reuse, share]

Research & Repositories

  • The Global Economy: provides economic data on foreign countries; up-to-date numbers for GDP, inflation, credit, interest rates, employment, and many other indicators; data series are updated continuously based on the release dates of individual countries; presents over 300 indicators from multiple official sources such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum.
  • The White House > Council of Economic Advisers > National Economic Council > Office of Management and Budget
  • ECO201 Prin of Macroeconomics: Curated guide from Colorado Community College System (CCCS)/ CCCOnline; Materials have been librarian-curated from a variety of sources and vetted for content and alignment by subject matter experts.
  • ECO202 Prin of Microeconomics: Curated guide from Colorado Community College System (CCCS)/ CCCOnline; Materials have been librarian-curated from a variety of sources and vetted for content and alignment by subject matter experts.
  • Spent: interactive website which places users in poverty situations due to loss of job, and then challenges users to make important choices across a broad set of contingencies.


The Global Economy: provides economic data on foreign countries; up-to-date numbers for GDP, inflation, credit, interest rates, and employment; data series are updated continuously based on the release dates of individual countries; presents over 300 indicators from multiple official sources such as the World Bank, United Nations, and the World Economic Forum.

Courseware & Open Learning

  • Lumen Learning: Macroeconomics: This course is based on OpenStax Principles of Economics, with contributions from Lumen Learning team and subject matter experts including Steven Greenlaw, Clark Aldrich, Jennifer Pakula, Veronika Dolar, Michael Fusillo, Sophie Haci, Shawn Kilpatrick, and Melissa Walker. “This course prepares students to think like economists and analyze decisions made by individuals, businesses, and governments. Students will learn about the key macroeconomic indicators of GDP, unemployment, and inflation, then apply these concepts to analyze economic behavior.”



  • Economics Interactives: Developed by George Mason University economics professors
  • Economic Policy Simulator: an interactive exercise combining various economic policies to analyze future impact (in the following two years) on the main macroeconomic indicators; results and feedback given to students are expressed numerically and graphically.


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