Open Education Resources Evaluation Rubric

Categories of Criteria 3 – Superior 2 – Limited 1 – Weak/NA
Alignment to Course Objectives

  • Alignment to individual course objectives
Course objective fully aligned and addressed comprehensively. Course objective partially aligned and addressed. Course objective neither aligned nor addressed.
Explanation of the Subject Matter

Is the

  • Content valid and appropriately current?
  • Content understandable by target audience?
  • Content authoritative and appropriate (age level, language, visuals, cultural sensitivity)?

Does the

  • Content present main ideas clearly?
  • Content connect associated concepts?
Content is valid, appropriately current, understandable by target audience, authoritative, and appropriate. Content presents main ideas clearly and connects to associated concepts. Content is partially valid, less than appropriately current, garners less than complete understanding by target audience, is incomplete in elements of authority and appropriateness. Content presents most main ideas clearly and connects to some associated concepts. Content is invalid, outdated, not understandable by target audience, deficient in authority and appropriateness. Content neither presents main ideas clearly nor connects associated concepts.
Utility for Instruction

  • Are instructions for use provided?
  • Do the components of the OER function as intended?
  • Does functionality require specific software or hardware?
  • Is the OER licensed for open use? (CC license for reuse, remix, revise, redistribution)
  • Is content adaptable or revisable?
  • Is metadata available?
Comprehensive instructions are provided; components function as intended; functionality does not require additional software or hardware; OER is licensed for open use; content is adaptable and revisable; and, metadata is available. Instructions are incomplete; some components do not function as intended; some functionality does require additional software or hardware; OER license is partially open; content is not easily adaptable and/or revisable; and, metadata is incomplete. Instructions are not provided; components do not function as intended; functionality requires additional software or hardware; OER is not licensed for open use; content is not adaptable and/or revisable; and, metadata is not available.
Quality of Assessment

  • Is assessment aligned to the content?
  • Does the assessment measure and appropriately weight the major concepts of the content?
  • Does the structure of the assessment support an accurate measurement of proficiency?
Assessment is aligned to the content; measures and appropriately weights the major concepts of the content; and, the assessment structure supports an accurate measurement of student proficiency. Assessment is moderately aligned to the content; inconsistently measures and weights the major concepts of the content; and, the assessment structure compromises an accurate measurement of student proficiency. Assessment is misaligned to the content; does not measure or appropriately weight the major concepts of the content; and, the assessment structure does not support an accurate measurement of student proficiency.

Open Educational Resources Evaluation Rubric by Rodney Birch of George Fox University CC BY 3.0



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OER Handbook for Eastern North Carolina Copyright © 2019 by Heather Seibert, Jeanne Hoover, and Dan Zuberbier is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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