Survey Instrument: Parts 4-6
Part IV: Interest in Open Educational Resources
17) For which of the following purposes would you be interested in using Open Educational Resources in the context of your teaching/training? (Select all that apply)
- To get new ideas and inspiration
- To supplement my existing lessons or coursework
- To give to learners as self-study materials
- To provide e-learning materials to online learners
- To broaden the range of my teaching methods
- To broaden the range of resources available to my learners
- To make my teaching more culturally diverse or responsive
- To enhance my professional development
- To connect with teachers or learners who have similar interests
- To stay up-to-date in a subject or topic area
- To engage my students more fully in a topic area
- To interest hard-to-engage learners
- I have no interest in using OER for my teaching/training
- Other (Please specify)
18) Which of the following do you see as barriers to your use of OER? (Select all that apply)
- Not knowing where to find a comprehensive list of resources
- Not having enough time to look for suitable resources
- Not finding suitable resources in my subject area
- Not finding resources that are current or up-to-date
- Not finding resources of sufficiently high quality
- Difficulty changing or editing OER
- Not knowing whether I have permission to modify resources
- Difficulty integrating OER into the technology I use
- Not finding resources that are relevant to my local context
- Not having enough time to experiment with using different OER
- Not having connections with peers who use OER
- Lacking support from my institution
- Difficulty getting supervisors/managers to accept the use of OER
- Resources are not aligned with professional standards or regulations
- Other (Please specify)
19) Considering the needs of instructors in your discipline, how interested are you in utilizing OER in the following formats:
Likert scale: (Very interested, Somewhat interested, Neutral, Somewhat disinterested, Very disinterested)
- Images or infographics
- Interactive games or simulations
- Videos
- Lesson plans
- Assignments
- Tests and quizzes
- Open textbooks
- Open textbook chapters
- Articles
- Slides and Presentations
- Training Material
- Video lectures/tutorials
- Modules from an existing course
20) Do you have any interest in creating an original OER?
- Yes
- No
20a) (If 20 = Yes) What types of OER would you be interested in creating? (Select all that apply)
- Images or infographics
- Interactive games or simulations
- Videos
- Lesson plans
- Assignments
- Tests and quizzes
- Open textbooks
- Open textbook chapters
- Articles
- Slides and Presentations
- Training Material
- Video lectures/tutorials
- Modules from an existing course
- Other (Please specify)
Part V: Open Educational Practices
Ehlers (2011) defines Open Educational Practices as “practices which support the (re)use and production of OER through institutional policies, promote innovative pedagogical models, and respect and empower learners as co-producers on their lifelong learning path.”
OEP in Action
- Robin DeRosa, instructor at Plymouth State University, has integrated Open Educational Practices into her teaching through the development of an open textbook with her students. Her textbook, The Open Anthology of Earlier American Literature, was created by combining primary source texts with introductions and commentaries on the texts written by the students in her course. This is one example of a non-disposable assignment, assignments that students create that can be accessed and used after a course has ended.
21) How interested are you in utilizing the following Open Educational Practices in your teaching?
Likert scale: (Very interested, Somewhat interested, Neutral, Somewhat disinterested, Very disinterested)
- Creating non-disposable assignments for students (updating Wikipedia pages, etc)
- Requiring student feedback on OER used (to facilitate updates and assess student engagement)
- Working with students to create ancillary materials for class (instructional videos, etc)
- Working with students to update or edit an open textbook
- Working with students to create a new open textbook
22) How, if at all, do you believe that the use of Open Educational Practices could enhance the learning experiences of students in your discipline?
[Text box]
23) How, if at all, do you believe that the use of Open Educational Practices could enhance the pedagogical practices of instructors in your discipline?
[Text box]
Part VI: Open Licensing & Other Considerations
“An [open] license is a document that specifies what can and cannot be done with a work. It grants permissions and states restrictions.
Broadly speaking, an open license is one which grants permission to access, re-use and redistribute a work with few or no restrictions.” Open Definition
24) What aspects of openly licensed resources do you believe could benefit pedagogy for instructors generally? (Select all that apply)
- The freedom to adapt materials
- The availability of materials online
- The availability of materials relevant to your local context
- Resources are immediately available to learners
- Materials can be updated at any time
- Materials are universally free to access
- Materials are available in multiple languages
- Materials can be integrated into a Learning Management System (LMS)
- Supplementary materials are available (lesson plans, quizzes, etc)
- None
- Other (Please specify)
25) What aspects of openly licensed resources do you believe you would personally utilize in your teaching? (Select all that apply)
- The freedom to adapt materials
- The availability of materials online
- The availability of materials relevant to your local context
- Resources are immediately available to learners
- Materials can be updated at any time
- Materials are universally free to access
- Materials are available in multiple languages
- Materials can be integrated into a Learning Management System (LMS)
- Supplementary materials are available (lesson plans, quizzes, etc)
- None
- Other (Please specify)
26) What teaching and learning resources are specifically needed in the context of your discipline? (e.g. Instructional videos, hands-on exercises, text resources, et cetera)
[Text box]
27) Is there anything you would like to add?
[Text box]
28) If you are willing to be interviewed about your response to this survey, please submit your email for follow-up:
[Text box]
End of Survey.
The following questions from this survey were adapted from the OER Research Hub Survey Questions by OER Research Hub, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License: Q4, Q17, and Q18.