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When Alan Wayne Brunken was born in Breckenridge, Oklahoma, his father, Alvin, was 30 and his mother, Evelyn, was 27. He married Muhrizah Darius on October 12, 1968, in Malaysia.
Alan Wayne Brunken
WHO: Alan Brunken, Son of Evelyn Alice (Pereboom) and Alvin William Brunken
WHEN: Circa 1957
WHERE: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma – probably
SOURCE: Mildred Kletke
Going for a Ride
WHO: Alan Brunken, Son of Evelyn Alice (Pereboom) and Alvin William Brunken
WHEN: Circa 1957
WHERE: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma – probably
SOURCE: Evelyn Brunken
NOTES: Alan is showing off his motorcycle to his little brothers
Delivering Papers and a Brother
WHAT: Delivering Papers and a Brother
LEFT TO RIGHT: Alan Wayne Brunken, UnIdentified
WHEN: DateUnknown
WHERE: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
SOURCE: Evelyn Brunken
Clippings and Notes
SCHOLASTIC AWARDS were presented Friday by the Oklahoma City chapter of the American Institute of Architects to two graduating architectural students, Alan W. Brunken, Oklahoma State University senior, left, and Donald L Shafer, Universty of Oklahoma, right The awards-silver metals-were presented by M.D.Timberlake, chapter president.
SOURCE: The Oklahoman; Date: 1995 Mar 25; Section: None; Page Number: 6
Pat on the Back To Alan Brunken, professor of architecture at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater. Winner of the second annual Edna Mae Phelps Award — recognizing efforts to improve the effectiveness of the school’s library.
SOURCE: The Oklahoman; Date: 1962 May 19; Section: None; Page Number: 7
Alan Brunken
Dr. Brunken, professor of architecture joined the OSU faculty in 1974. “While the principal role of an educator is to share knowledge, To help the student understand and respect him or herself and the human condition is an important fundamental educational goal. Connecting ‘knowledge to people, society, their culture and the larger context of human needs gives meaning and wisdom.”
SOURCE: Clipping shared by Evelyn Brunken
Muhrizah Darius
Muhrizah Darius was born on in Malaysia. She married Alan Wayne Brunken on October 12, 1968, in her hometown. She lived in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in 1969.
Muhrizah Darius
WHO: Muhrizah (Darius) Brunken
WHEN: DateUnknown
WHERE: LocationUnknown
SOURCE: Evelyn Brunken
Clippings and Notes
Muhrizah Brunken, Central State College student from Malaysia, holds a necklace she has made from polished wood and metal.
By Jean Gilmore Women’s Editor CREATIVITY RUNS rampant in Oklahoma. … Muhrizah Brunken, is from Malaysia. A fulltime student with classification as a junior, she’s had one semester of jewelry making. In this time, she made the very contemporary wood and sliver necklace … and also the dangling earrings. Miss Brunken was a little startled at the high cost of stones in Oklahoma so she’s going to bring some back from Malaysia when she returns from a visit home. She’s leaving soon for the brief trip across the ocean. Staff Photos by Al Mclaughlin
SOURCE: The Oklahoman; Date: 1971 Jan 24; Section: None; Page Number: 68
Muhrizah and Alan Brunken
WHAT: Enjoying a Banquet
LEFT TO RIGHT: Muhrizah (Darius) Brunken, Alan Wayne Brunken
WHEN: DateUnknown
WHERE: LocationUnknown
SOURCE: Evelyn Brunken
Alan and Muhrizah
LEFT TO RIGHT: Alan Wayne Brunken, Muhrizah (Darius) Brunken
WHEN: DateUnknown
WHERE: LocationUnknown
SOURCE: Evelyn Brunken
Muhrizah (Darius) Brunken
WHO: Muhrizah (Darius) Brunken
WHEN: DateUnknown
WHERE: LocationUnknown
SOURCE: Evelyn Brunken
Muhrizah and Alan Brunken
Many thanks to Alan Brunken for identifying people, events, places and dates.