- BACK ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Glen Brunken, Alan Brunken
- FRONT ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Dean Brunken, Evelyn Brunken, Gary Brunken, Alvin Brunken, Jere Brunken
- WHEN: 1960
- WHERE: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
- SOURCE: Gary Brunken
- NOTES: The wood in this frame is from Alvin’s favorite apricot tree. one that he planted on the east side of the house at Route 1 Box 328. in Green Valley Estates, seven miles north of Vian. Oklahoma. The tree over time outgrew its location and was cut down. milled and dried by Gary and Alan in the Fall of 2001.

- LEFT TO RIGHT: William Pereboom, Lena Johnson (Janssen) Pereboom, Mildred Brunken, Orville Pereboom, Lucille Pereboom, Verda Mae Pereboom, Clara Marie (Petersen) Brunken, William Brunken, Evelyn Alice (Pereboom) Brunken, Alvin William Brunken
- WHEN: Summer, 1937
- WHERE: Breckinridge, Oklahoma
- SOURCE: Gary Brunken
- NOTE: Evelyn related the story that Alvin s white trousers, seen in this photograph, were later stained in a watermelon rind fight at a picnic! Afterwards she said she took the suit apart, re-cut the pieces to eliminate the stains (no strong detergents being available at that time) and restyled it into a suit for herself that she wore for many years.

- LEFT TO RIGHT: Glen Brunken, Alan Brunken
- WHERE: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
- SOURCE: Gary Brunken

- TOP TO BOTTOM: Evelyn Brunken, Jason Andrew Brunken (Son of Dean and Gail (McPike) Brunken)
- WHEN: Circa 1978
- WHERE: Vian, Oklahoma
- SOURCE: Mildred Kletke
- NOTES: Apparently Jason Andrew Brunken is not in the mood for having his picture taken.

- TOP TO BOTTOM: Jason Andrew Brunken, Alvin William Brunken
- WHEN: Circa 1978
- WHERE: Vian, Oklahoma
- SOURCE: Evelyn Brunken

- LEFT TO RIGHT: Kathyrn Ruth (Harryman) Brunken, Alvin William Brunken
- WHEN: Circa 1979
- WHERE: Vian, Oklahoma
- SOURCE: Evelyn Brunken
- NOTES: How many candles? How old?

- LEFT TO RIGHT: Alan Brunken, Dean Edward Brunken. Alvin William Brunken, Evelyn (Pereboom) Brunken, Kathyrn (Harryman) Brunken
- WHEN: Circa 1979
- WHERE: Vian, Oklahoma
- SOURCE: Evelyn Brunken
- NOTES: How many candles? How old?