The Brunken School (Platte County School #35) was located on the John Brunken farm and was an integral part of the John and Johanna Brunken family

Brunken Children Attended
This was the school that the John and Johanna Brunken children attended for their first years. They attend Lutheran Schools for their upper grade school years.
Four students received certificates of award from Superintendent Leavy for being neither absent nor tardy during the last school year—Minnie Wardeman, district 05; Leonard and Minnie Knight, district 58; Louise and Edward Brunken, district 15.
SOURCE: The Columbus Journal, April 27, 1904, page 2
Social Center for the Community
The Brunken School house provided a social center for the community. And, basket socials were sponsored to provide financial support to run the Brunken School:
The basket social held at the Brunken school house Friday night was very well attended considering so many other things taking place that evening. The sum of $13.40 was realized from the sale of baskets.
SOURCE: The Columbus Journal, February 26, 1908, page 2
The basket social at the Brunken school house last Friday evening was a success, both socially and financially. Although the attendance was not large, the baskets old well, averaging $2.00, the highest price being $3.75.
SOURCE: The Columbus Journal, April 13, 1910, page 2
Brunken Road
The Brunken road was build to provide access to the Brunken school:
The Board of Supervisors of Platte county, Nebraska, have declared the following section lines open as public roads:
Also a public road commencing at N.W. corner of Section 2, Town 18, Range 1, we., and running thence due south on Section line and terminating at N. W. corner of Section 11, Town 18, Range I, west, and known so the “Brunken Road.”
SOURCE: The Columbus Journal, October 14, 1885, page 2
Miss Lizzie Dunn – Teacher
Apparently Miss Lizzie Dunn was the school teacher at Brunken School for at least from 1892 until 1903.
It is Miss Mary Sheehan, and not Miss Lizzie, who has a clerkship at Lincoln. The latter is teaching school in the Brunken district, and we know that her patrons would be very sorry to see her go to Lincoln.
SOURCE: The Columbus Journal, February 1, 1893 , page 2
Platte County Teachers.
We publish a list of teachers who have been engaged throughout the county. There has been an unusual scarcity of teachers in the county and state this year, and there still are several districts unsupplied in Platte county:
Brunken school Lizzie Dunn.
SOURCE: The Columbus Journal, July 22, 1903, page 2
John Brunken – Director
John Brunken was the director of the Brunken School. He apparently was responsible for managing the school property.
District No. 35 has ordered a set of eight of Rand, McNally’s best hand mounted globe series maps. John Brunken is director.
SOURCE: The Columbus Journal, August 31, 1904, page 2
Miss N. Rose Rasmussen – Teacher
Miss N. Rose Rasmussen was a later teacher and decisions to close or open a school depended on many factors.
Owing to the necessity of keeping a good many of the scholars out to help husk the large crop of corn, and also on account of the severe cases of diphtheria, Mr. Brunken, director of the Brunken school district, considered it best to close the school for ten days or two weeks, or until the 20th at least. Miss N. Rose Rasmussen, the teacher, returned to her home in Columbus Tuesday to remain until Mr. Brunken thinks best to have the school open again.
SOURCE: The Columbus Journal, November 14, 1906, page 2
Miss N. Rose Rasmussen after a two week’s vacation; began teaching again in the Brunken school district. This is Miss Rasmussen’s first year in teaching, and her many friends will be glad to know that she is giving excellent satisfaction, and her manner of discipline in the school room it is claimed, would do credit to a more experienced teacher.
SOURCE: The Columbus Journal, January 9, 1907, page 2
The school house was on the corner of the John and Johanna Brunken farm thus providing easy access for the Brunken children:

Luarel Brunken posted on Facebook January 18, 2016: “So I was perusing Dale‘s Blogs (Which are very interesting by the way) and noticed he was searching for a picture of Brunken School District 35 east of Platte Center. I had put out a request on the Columbus board and low and behold Cheri Schrader came up with this photo of the school. I guess it was also nicknamed Pleasant Hill. Another awesome treasure found. If you happen to see Cheri, be sure to thank her for her help!!!”