Evangelical Lutheran Church – Lost Creek Township
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Lost Creek Township was originally known as the Zion Lutheran Church and the German Lutheran Church. It was built on land that Carsten Petersen provided near his home.

- WHAT: Evangelical Lutheran Church – Lost Creek Township
- WHO: “W.G.” – The photographer’s initials are believed to be those of William Albert Griepentrog
- WHEN: Circa 1915 – Obviously from the snow on the roof in the picture it was taken some time in the winter. The photographer “W.G.” whom I assume was William Albert Griepentrog died in 1917. And, other dated photographs by “W.G.” range from 1911 through 1916. For now, I will assume this picture was taken Circa 1915.
- WHERE: Lost Creek Township, Nebraska – The Evangelical Lutheran Church – Lost Creek was located in Lost Creek Township Section 8, four miles west and one mile north of Platte Center, Nebraska.
- SOURCE: Mildred Kletke
- NOTES: According to Carolyn Petersen[5], about 1945, the church building was moved to Grace Lutheran Church, Platte Center, Nebraska and was used as for Sunday school. When the building was no longer of use at Grace Lutheran Church, it was moved back to the Lost Creek Township Section 8 site in 1956 and was converted into a house. The parsonage also remains at the site.
A newspaper clipping notes Sunday School activities in 1885:
The picnic of the German Sunday school of Metz, held in Mr. M. Bloedorn’s grove, was well attended and enjoyed by all. No better place could be found than the old gentleman’s grove, and no happier crowd be seen than the one assembled there. Good singing, and music on the organ by Mrs. Wm. Bloedorn, contributed much to the pleasure of this first picnic and made all wish that it would be only the first one of many to follow.
The Columbus Journal, July 15, 1885, page 3
As noted in the following clipping, the picnic did take place again in Mr. M. Bloedorn’s grove:
Children’s day and picnic was held by the German Sunday S•o hol at Metz on Sunday, July 1st, in Mr. M. Bloedorn’s grove with strictly religious exercises, as becoming the Lord’s day. Rev. C. H. Ranz of Fremont preached two excellent sermons, addresses were also delivered by Mr. Wm. Bloedorn, the superintendent of the school, and by Rev. A. Henrich. Mrs. Win. Bloedorn played the organ and some exqisite singing of appropriate hymns and recitations and dialogues spoken by Miss M. Hensen, Miss De Fries, Mrs. C. Petersen and many of the children rendered the occasion pleasant for all. A collection of nearly $9 for the theological seminary in Hamburg. Germany, was taken up. Mr. Bloedorn received a unanimous and cheerful vote of thanks for the use of his beautiful grove.
The Columbus Journal, July 11, 1888, page 2
The Columbus Journal., July 11, 1888,
The following 1899 Ownership Map shows the location of the original German Lutheran Church mission as being next to the Mr Bloedorn’s property and the No. 17 County School of which Mr. Bloedorn was the superintendent.

The new church building shown in the above picture was dedicate July 22, 1900:
The new German Lutheran church near Platte Center will be dedicated July 22.
The Columbus Journal, June 27, 1900, page 3
Carsten Petersen, Sr., belonged “to the German Lutheran church, of which he served as an officer for six years, and at all times he has been a generous contributor to its support and an active worker in its behalf.”[4]
As may be noted in the following newspaper clipping, Carsten Petersen, Sr. sold property to the Evangelical Lutheran Zion Association for $1 with the understanding that should the property no longer be used for religious purposes, the land ownership would revert back to him or his heirs.
Real Estate Transfers.
Becher, Hockenberger & Chambers, real estate agents, report the following real estate transfer filed in the office of the county clerk since our last report:
Carsten Peterson to Enan Luth,
Zion Association, pt ne4 se4
8-18-2w, wd ………$ 1.00
The Columbus Journal, January 09, 1901, page 3
“Reverend Herman Miessler supplied the pulpit for the Zion congregation for twenty-two years. During all but four years of this time it was a mission. After the Zion Lutheran Church [Later known as the Evangelical Lutheran Church – Lost Creek Township] was built, Reverend Herman Miessler became its first pastor on April 6, 1902, . He served the church for four years, 1902-1906, until it was on a sustaining basis and could call a pastor of its own.
During the pastorate of Reverend Theodore S. Estel in 1911, the Zion Lutheran Church was formally incorporated. A meeting for this purpose was held at the church on July 9, 1911. The incorporation made it possible for the Zion Lutheran Church congregation to hold and manage property for the benefit of the church. The formal name of the church as stated in the articles of incorporation is ‘German Evangelical Lutheran Zions Church of the Unaltered Augsburg Confession’ located in Lost Creek Township on Section 8.
‘The following persons were elected: C. L. Martensen, chairman of the meeting; Gerhard Harms, clerk; C. L. Martensen, C. Petersen Jr., and Gustav Tessendorf, trustees of the church.
These articles of incorporation were filed for record at the Platte County Court House by Gerhard Harms, clerk, on July 25, 1911.
The members of the Zion Lutheran Church congregation present at this meeting included: Edward Arndt, Gustav Tessendorf, C. Petersen Sr., C. L. Martensen, A. Tessendorf, Gerhard Harms, Henry D. Martensen, 0. Loseke, Joseph Hoerle, A. Hoerle, E. Hinrichs, C. Petersen Jr., Con. Filbert, Joseph Hueschen, and Fred Griepentrog.”[2]
As noted in the previous paragraph as well as the parishioners listed in the next paragraph, the Petersen family and neighbors were active members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church congregation.
“Early day parishioners included the following: Edward Arndt, William Brunken, Diedrich Harms, Gerhard Harms, Louis C. Loseke, William Loseke, Otto Loseke, C. L. Martensen, Henry Martensen Sr., Carsten Petersen Sr., and Albert Tessendorf.
Some of the later day parishioners were: Theodore Jepsen, Diedrich Harms, Chris Petersen, William Loseke, Ernst Loseke, Henry Hueschen, Henry Martensen Jr., Claus Braasch, Melvin Petersen, Melvin Hueschen, and Wilbert Hueschen. Reverend S. W. Holstein was the 1948 pastor of the church.”[2]
On the 1914 Ownership Map of Lost Creek Township, Platte County, Nebraska, the church in the picture is listed as the “Evangelical Lutheran Church”. Note that the old church building a mile north is still designated as the “German Lutheran Church”.

- Curry, Margaret. The History of Platte County, Nebraska. Murry & Gee. Culver City, California. 1950. p 260. – Zion Lutheran Church [Evangelical Lutheran Church – Lost Creek Township]. Downloaded September 22, 2014.
- Metz was a U.S. Post Office in Platte County servicing the Carsten Petersen, Sr. home that was discontinued in 1885. The Columbus Journal., August 26, 1885, page 3.
- Phillips, G. W. “Past and Present of Platte County Nebraska – A Record of Settlement, Organization, Progress and Achievement” Vol II p 439. – CARSTEN PETERSEN, SR. Downloaded September 20, 2014.
- Carolyn Petersen of Columbus, Nebraska provided this information during a telephone conversation on September 22, 2014. Carolyn attended church services at the Evangelical Lutheran Church as a child and remembers her grandfather, Carsten Petersen, Jr. and then her father, Melvin Petersen, ringing the church bell every Sunday morning.
Evangelical Lutheran Church Sanctuary – Lost Creek Township
My grandmother Brunken visited with relatives near Platte Center, Nebraska. And, my grandmother expects that my grandfather Brunken will recognize the church sanctuary shown on the front of the postcard. My guess is that the church is Evangelical Lutheran Church – Lost Creek Township[2] for two reasons: 1) At the time this post card was written, Carsten Petersen family members, with whom my grandmother was likely visting, were parishioners of Evangelical Lutheran Church – Lost Creek Township [3] 2) My grandmother and grandfather were married in Evangelical Lutheran Church – Lost Creek Township on March 15, 1905 an this postcard was mailed just prior to their seventh wedding anniversary.

Postmark: PLATTE CENTER NEB MAR 11 1912 5 PM
Mr Wm Brunken
Lahoma, Okla
Mar 11, 1911.
Well we are having snow again yesterday morning it was 2 below zero
We are all well so far Peat Sumbrum died last Saturday a dog bit him & he died an half hour afterwards.
I suppose you will know this Picture We we[nt] to church yesterday Minnies baby was baptized
Well Bye Bye Mary
- WHAT: Postcard to William from Mary
- WHO:
- “Mr Wm Brunken” is William Leopold Brunken, my grandfather.
- “Mary” is Clara Marie “Mary” (Petersen) Brunken, my grandmother.
- “We are all well” probably includes Mary’s children – Leona Cecelia Brunken age 1, Harold Carsten Brunken age 3, and Hilda Ida Brunken age 5.
- “Peat Sumbrum” is probably Peter Zumbrum who was a charter member of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church – Grand Prairie Township [1].
- “Minnie” is Minnie Christina (Petersen) Grossnicklaus, Mary’s half-sister.
- “Minnie’s baby” is Gladys Grossnicklaus (born 24 Jan 1912).
- WHEN: March 11, 1912. The year, 1911, written on the postcard is incorrect. The postmark is 1912 and Minnie’s first child was born 24 Jan 1912.
- WHERE: The Evangelical Lutheran Church was located in Lost Creek Township Section 8, four miles west and one mile north of Platte Center, Nebraska.
- SOURCE: Grandma Brunken’s Album
- Curry, Margaret. The History of Platte County, Nebraska. Murry & Gee. Culver City, California. 1950. p 271. – Zion Lutheran Church [Grand Prairie Township].
- Carolyn Petersen affirmed that this is a picture of the sanctuary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Lost Creek Township during a telephone conversation on September 22, 2014. The bottom half of the alter is currently in the basement of Faith Lutheran Church in Platte Center, Nebraska and serves as the Sunday school alter.
- Curry, Margaret. The History of Platte County, Nebraska. Murry & Gee. Culver City, California. 1950. p 260. – Zion Lutheran Church [Lost Creek Township].