
Carsten Petersen Family Second Home

Carsten Petersen Family Second Home
  • WHAT: A picture of the Carsten Petersen family second home.
  • WHEN: Circa 1879
  • WHERE: Platte Center, Nebraska – west of
  • SOURCE: Carolyn Petersen
Enlargement of People in Above Picture
Notes on back of picture

Grandpa & Grandma home place
Ema is the baby on Grandma’s lap.
Born 8-28-1878
(appears to be Grandma Petersen’s penmanship)

Anna 10-27-1874
Mathilda 6-11-1876
Emma 8-28-1878

  • WHO:
    • “Grandma” ,”Grandma Petersen” is Margaret (Holman) Petersen
    • “Grandpa” is Carsten Petersen, Sr.
    • “Emma”  is Emma Petersen.
    • “Anna” is Anna Catherine Petersen
    • “Mathilda” is Mathilda Petersen
  • WHEN: Circa 1879 – Assuming that Emma is less than a year old.
  • WHERE: Platte Center, Nebraska – west of
  • SOURCE: Carolyn Petersen
  • NOTES: My guess is that the two girls to the left of Margaret (Holman) Petersen are her two oldest daughters, left to right Mathilda and Anna.
  • My guess is that one of the two men on the left of the picture is Carsten Petersen, Sr. who was thirty years old at the time this picture was taken.
  • I do not have a guess as to who the other gentleman is nor do I have a guess as to who the woman and the two boys on the right of Margaret (Holman) Petersen are.
  • Carolyn Petersen shared these photographs on September 20, 2014.  They are photocopies of a photocopy of genealogy records that she received from a distant relative.

In the 1880 US Census, there were three people living with the Carsten Pertersen, Sr. family:

1880 US Census

A male boarder age 23 and two servants – a male age 13 and a female age 10.  Possibly these are several of the unidentified people in the picture.

Carsten Petersen Farmyard

Carsten Petersen, Sr. Farmyard – c.1910
Magnified view of House On The Farm Yard
  • WHAT: Carsten Petersen, Sr. Farmyard
  • WHEN: Circa 1910 – Carolyn Petersen says that her father, Melvin Petersen, learned to walk in the house that replaced the house shown above, so this picture was taken before 1917.
  • WHERE: Lost Creek Township on Section 9, four miles west and one-half mile north of Platte Center, Nebraska.
  • SOURCE: Carolyn Petersen
  • NOTES: Carolyn Petersen shared this century old picture of the Carsten Petersen, Sr. farmyard.  On the left side of the picture, one can barely see the farmhouse. This appears to be the same house as in the “Second Home” picture, but with an addition. According to Carolyn Petersen, this house was replace with a new house and the old house was used to store chicken feed and eventually was incorporated into a shed.

A satellite view of the farmyard as it now looks:

The Former Carsten Petersen House and Farmyard

A 2005 picture of the former Carsten Petersen house  and farmyard is shown below.

Carsten Petersen House – 2005
  • WHAT: Carsten Petersen House
  • WHEN: 2005
  • WHERE: four miles west and one-half mile north of Platte Center, Nebraska.
  • SOURCE: Carolyn Petersen
  • NOTES: Carsten Petersen, Sr. was Carolyn Petersen’s great-grandfather.  Her grandfather, Carsten Petersen, Jr. inherited the property and then passed it on to his son, Carolyn’s father, Melvin Petersen. The house was sold in 2005.

Checking Cattle

Raising cattle for market was and still is a major farming operation in Nebraska.  I do know that my Petersen relatives did raise and sell cattle.

Checking Cattle At Feeder
Possibly Petersen men
  • WHO: The men in the picture are unidentified. Possibly one is Carsten Petersen, Sr.
  • WHEN: All the dates of items in the album so far identified have been between 1905 and 1919 with most of the dates being between 1911 and 1917.
  • WHERE: Likely in Nebraska because this post card was in the first section of my grandmother’s album which contained post cards received mostly from relatives in Nebraska.
  • SOURCE: Grandma Brunken’s Album
  • NOTES: None

An article from the The Columbus journal (Columbus, Nebraska) states:

Carsten Petersen, one of the thrifty farmers four miles west of Platte Center, was in town today on his return home from South Omaha where he marketed one car each of cattle and hogs.
The Columbus journal (Columbus, Nebraska) April 20, 1904, page 3


Homestead  Final Proof

FINAL PROOF. Land Office at Grand island, Neb., April 23d, 1884.
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge of the District Court, at Columbus Nebraska, on 1664, viz: Carsten Petersen Homestead Entry No. 11074, being additional to Homestead No. 471, for the S. 1/2, S. E. 1/4,, Section 8. Township 18, North Range 2 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: C. Vanajlen, P. F.Ketelson, F. Tcssendorf, of Metz P. 0. Platte County Nebraska, and J. H. Johannes, of Platte Center P. 0., Platte County Nebraska.
1-6 C. HOSTETTER, Register.
SOURCE: The Columbus Journal, April 30, 1884, page 2

Land Patent

Petersen, Carsten Land Patent Details
Petersen, Carsten Land Patent



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