2 The Preparatory Phase

Setting up a makerspace requires a preparatory phase consisting of three main steps: map your ecosystem, be aware of the maker ideology and research

Map your maker ecosystem

Careful planning is one of the most important steps you can take to ensure that your project is a success. The first step is to invest  time in research and development by reading and comparing what other people are doing in this area. It would be useful to ask yourself the following questions beforehand (Make App Club Team, 2018)

  • Do any other makerspaces exist in your context? If they do, is this something that you can get involved in, or is it far enough away to justify a new space?
  • Has a makerspace already been tried in your area? If it failed, what were some of the reasons that this happened? Is this something that can be overcome?


Research should cover the choice of the space, technologies, types of equipment, sustainability strategy and security.

  • Choice of the space: Depending on your planning outcome and preferences (eg. a community space, a university makerspace), choose a space that is accessible and has enough room to accommodate equipment and users. Some inspiration for spaces that can work well are: School/College Classrooms or Science Labs, Theatres and Arts Centres, Church Halls and Community Centres, Libraries.
  • Technology: Make sure the space has reliable internet connectivity, sufficient electrical outlets, and other technologies needed to support makers’ projects.
    Equipment and furniture : Most commonly, equipment is related to digital fabrication, electronic/robotic, textiles, woodworking, metalworking, computers and software, general tools.
  • Security : Select relevant safety rules and waste management best practices.


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