5 Coding, Programming & Electronics

Coding and programming stand out as indispensable skills, serving as the backbone for innovation and creative expression.


Coding is a language for computers, it is a set of phrases and syntaxes and rules put together to give an instruction on how a computer/program operates. Like instructions on how to do quite literally everything! And like the many languages we have here on the planet, there are a myriad of programming languages used for many different purposes (BMCC’s OpenLab). Through coding, makers gain the ability to manipulate and control electronic components, paving the way for the creation of interactive and intelligent systems. The integration of coding in makerspaces nurtures a collaborative and interdisciplinary environment. Makers with diverse backgrounds and skill sets can converge to collectively tackle complex challenges by leveraging their coding expertise.


In makerspaces, programming plays a vital role. Visual languages like CSS and HTML are employed for website development (with Javascript offering broader functionality beyond websites). Arduino, primarily using C++, is frequently used for programming in makerspaces, alongside tools such as Processing and p5.js for visual design. Programming is best learned by doing and often requires an application to write or edit code, commonly known as an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). IDEs, like those provided by Processing, p5.js, and Arduino, are tailored for specific languages. Alternatively, general-purpose IDEs such as Atom, Brackets, Sublime, or Visual Studio can be used.


While programming languages provide the instructions, hardware and microcontrollers such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and ESP32 bridge the gap between code and the physical world. These tiny computers come equipped with various input and output pins, allowing code to interact with sensors, LEDs, motors, and other controllers. Free and open source software for computer programming can be downloaded, avoiding the cost of expensive software packages. Scratch by MIT is a good program to introduce programming to a novice audience, and is also useful for creating video games. These activities use breadboards and wire that is inserted to the breadboard to make electrical circuits. Microcontrollers such as the Arduino are affordable ways to add programming.


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