Additional resources

Setup, Organisation and Equipment

Name of the ressource Type of Ressource Subject/Topic Developped by Link Language
Social innvation in action through makerspaces blog Definition of Makerspaces,
interactions between Makerspaces
and social innovation
Future learn link English
importance of makerSpaces in education,
Makerspaces as a continuous source of knowledge
Esther Fuldauer link English
Social Innovation, Democracy and Makerspaces article Article containing: etymology of Makerspaces,
definition of Makerspaces, Maker space possibilities
Adrian Smith Link English
Makerspace: a place where we find a range of activities
Location of Makerspaces,
Makerspace: a place where we find a range of activities
MATTHEW LYNCH link English
Creation Crate Blog ressources Blog Series of content will help understand how to start, run, and being involved in a Makerspace Creation Crate Blog Link English
Creating a Makerspace That Works Research Article Information on how to set up a makerspace Jamie Back Link English
Starting a Makerspace: 5 Things Every Administrator Needs to Know Blog Information on how to set up a makerspace Dr. Jacie Maslyk Link English
Sustainable in Action: From Intention to Environmentally Friendly Practices in Makerspaces Based on the Theory of Reasoned Action Article Information on how to set up a makerspace Antje Klemichen Ina Peters* Rainer Stark Link English
State of the Art of Makerspaces – Success Criteria when Designing Makerspaces Article Information on how to set up a makerspace ScienceDirect Link English
Makerspace Resources Blog Information & resources about makerspace design and set-up Diana Rendina Link English
How to Start A Makerspace Article Information on how to set up a makerspace Brillant Labs & Labo Creatif Link English
Establishing a maker culture beyond the makerspace Article Information on how to set up a makerspace Karen Beavers, Jennifer Esteron Cady, Amy Jiang and Liberty McCoy Link English
How to Start a Makerspace Planning and Resource Guide Article Planning and Resource Guide to start a Makerspace Diana Rendina Link English
How to develop a makerspace: from proposal to production Article Provide Key element to consider when setting up a Makerspace Reid Fuente, Suzy Dorsey, Devin Spatz, Cameron Crasto and Zach Patterson Link English
Des communs informationnels aux communs éducationnels Article Information on Makerspace, Definition (French) Stéphanie Leyronas, Link French
Innovation numérique et transformation structurelle des économies africaines francophones Article Information on Makerspace, Definition and Opportunities (French) Kako Nubukpo Link English
Technology-transfer offices and academic open labs as different types of organizational intermediaries in science-society relationships Article Information on Makerspace, Definition (French) Valérie Mérindol, Emilie Pauline Gallié, Ignasi Capdevila Link English
THE ESSENTIALS YOU NEED TO BUILD YOUR MAKERSPACE Website Tips on how to build a makerpsace OfficeMax Link English
HOW TO SET UP AND RUN A MAKERSPACE Blog Information & resources about makerspace design and set-up Moritz Walter Link English
How to Build a Safe Makerspace Article Information & resources about makerspace design and set-up Future Learn Link English
How to choose the best management software for makerspaces Blog Information & resources about makerspace design and set-up L Walker Link English
Makerspace Collaborating on Sustainability Projects Blog Insights and Information on various projects examples to run in makerspaces Williams Link English
Science 3D: Discovery, Design & Development through Makerspaces Book Research on the pedagogical aspect of makerspaces Dr. Janette Hughes Link English
How to Setup a Digital Makerspace Video How to Setup a Digital Makerspace Youthlink Scotland Link English
How to level up your library makerspace Blog How to Set up and organise a Makerspace library Artefacto Link English
Incentives and Ingredients for Building a Makerspace Blog How to Setup a Makerspace FormLabs Link English
Tips to Start your New MakerSpace Blog Tips to Start your New MakerSpace S&S Blog Link English
Equipment in the Innevation Center Makerspace Website Case study and example of Makerspace University of Nevada, Reno Innevation Center Link English
The DWA project Training Website Workshop and Training Videos on Woodworking and Social innovation Digital wood artisan Link English

Management, Human Resource, Safety and Regulation

Name of the ressource Type of Ressource Subject/Topic Developped by Link Language
Circular Makerspaces Article Information on Makerspace, Definition and Opportunities Sharon Prendeville ORCID Icon,Grit Hartung,Clare Brass,Erica Purvis &Ashley Hall Link English
Makerspace projects Blog Repository of project to run in Makerspaces Makezine Link English
The Exploratorium Projects Website Close to 51 “open source” project for activities in the makerspace The Exploratorium Link English
Makerspace: Policies and Procedures Blog Example of Policies and Procedure for Makerspace Miami University Libraries Link English
Phrase: makerspace tips Website Compilation of Case studies and tip on how to design and Manage a Makerspace Amtek Company, Inc. Link English
Innovation Junction: a Guide to Makerspaces in Coworking Environments Blog Insight on the collaborative nature of Makerspaces Helga Moreno Link English
3D PRINTING, MAKERSPACES AND INNOVATION: A BRICOLAGE PERSPECTIVE Article Information on Makerspace, Definition (French) Ahmad Beltagui1 , Achilleas Sesis1 , Nikolaos Stylos2 Link English
Defining and Differentiating the Makerspace Book Information on Makerspace, Definition (French) Tonia A. Dousay Link English
Makerspaces as Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Learning Environments: The DOIT Learning Program article Definition of Makerspace, role of Makerspace in Eduction, Case study Eva-Maria Hollauf, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Sandra Schön link English
Educating young social innovators from 6 to 16 in
makerspace settings: Case studies of existing approaches
and their implications for the European Initiative DOIT
PPT presentation Role of Makerspace in Eduction Eva-Maria Hollauf BA link English
MAKERSPACES AS SOCIAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION PLATFORMS blog Information on Makerspace, Definition (French) Digital wood artisan link English
Makerspaces: A catalyst for Africa’s creativity, innovation, hands-on learning blog Development of Makerspaces in Africa,
success and impact rate of Makerspaces
By Edugist link English
Social innovation: what it is, why it matters and how it can be accelerated Paper The growing importance of
social innovation, Understanding
social change
Geoff Mulgan with Simon Tucker, Rushanara Ali and Ben Sanders Link English
Key elements of social innovation Blog This article describes four key elements:
social technology, innovation intermediaries,
people who drive innovation and openness
Allyson Hewitt Link English
Social Vouchers: Innovative tools for social inclusion and local development Article The paper explores the role of
social vouchers as a tool for
social inclusion and local development
OECD Link English
Building local ecosystems for social innovation Article This article presents a
preliminary framework for
analysing social innovation
ecosystems at the local level
OECD Local Employment and Economic Development (LEED) Papers Link English
The guide to the seven key questions all social entrepreneurs must ask themselves Article Guide designed to have
clearer ideas and some useful tools
in pocket to develop projects and
maximize the social impact
ASHOKA Link English
ASHOKA ; NGO focussing on social innovation Website Build and amplify the
global movement in three stages:
identify and support the world’s
leading social entrepreneurs, Accelerate
the “Everyone a Changemaker”, Equip Everyone
ASHOKA Link English
Social innovation tool kit Article A toolkit to support social innovation
and social entrepreneurship initiatives
Simón Peña-Fernández link English
Social innovation: Comparative perspectives Book social innovation – understood as
organizations’ capacity to generate
novel ideas, ways and means of doing things,
of addressing public and social problems
Helmut Anheier, Gorgi Krlev, Georg Mildenberger link English
Social innovation for creating a smart future article Informations on social innovation:
classification, evolution; organizational
Sang M. Leea, Silvana Trimib, link English
Social Innovation in the Built Environment: The Challenges Presented by the Politics of Space article This paper reports on social innovation
systems for building resilient communities
within different social and political
contexts across four continents
Donagh Horgan and Branka Dimitrijević Link English
Standford Social Innovation Review Journal How recognizing trauma in ourselves,
other people, and the systems around
us can open up new pathways
to solving social problems
SSIR link English
What Is Social Entrepreneurship? A Guide blog Definition of social entrepreneurship,
Entrepreneurship Vs Social entrepreneurship
Coursera staff link English
6 Social Entrepreneurship Examples and How to Set Up a Social Enterprise blog Definition of social entrepreneurship
and informations on how to
set up a social enterprise
Futurize: Moritz Gripp link English
Social entrepreneurship: Creating new business models to serve the poor article Article defining Social Entrepreneurship
(SE) as a new phenomenon, Social
entrepreneurship in support of
sustainable development goals
Christian Seelos and Johanna Mair link English
Social Innovation Academy website A course on how to create
social impact and systemic change
Social innovation Academy team link English
Social Innovation – the What, Why and How blog Definition of social innovation,
main importance of social innovation
Diana Porumboiu link English
Social Innovation: Blending Business with Impact blog business can be a vessel for positive change Lindsey Hayden, Silvia Mah, Emily Seeba link English
Social Innovation lab website Short details about social innovation Lab Pune international center link English
Reinventing social innovation. blog Presentations on innovation mindset Project innovation: link English
Social innovation for public service excellence document Document presenting Social innovation as a response to challenges such as : a brake on sustainable
economic growth, leading to inequality and instability
in society, and impinging upon the general well-being of
their population
Simon Tucker link English
Social Innovation: 7 practical steps to promote it at regional level blog Steps to promote Social innovation:
preparation, build, strenght, support,
invest, sitting up and promoting exchange
Guadalupe de la Mata link English
Innovation frugale, effectuation et Fablabs : des pratiques à croiser pour penser l’innovation différemment Article L’article contient : definition de l’innovation
frugale, les points convergents entre
l’innovation frugale et l’entrepreneuriat
effectual, Innovation frugale, fablab
et développement durable
Sandra Fagbohoun link French
Making Maker Space: An exploration of lively things, urban placemaking and organisation Article Provide insight on how makerspace can interact with local environement Abigail Schoneboom Link English
SCHWAB foundation for social entrepreneurship Website List of pertinent blogs talking about social innovation SCHWAB foundation link English
What Is Social Innovation? article Definition of social innovation Sol Price center for social innovation link English
11 Blogs Every Social Innovator Should Be Reading blog List of pertinent blogs talking about social innovation Kayla Kurin link English
Three strategies to boost social innovation blog 1. Connecting science with society,
2. Frameworks for action,
3. Public participation
David Murillo link English
NESTA toolkits Website Collection of well designed toolkits by NESTA; some thematically relevant Nesta Link English
Innovate UK INNOVATION CANVAS Website Canvas tool designed to help you create value from innovation and identify the changes needed to make your idea succeed. Innovate UK Business Connect Link English


Name of the ressource Type of Ressource Subject/Topic Developped by Link Language
Making, Hacking, Coding: Fablabs as Intermediary Platforms for Modes of Social Manufacturing Article Information on the social, Open and inclusive nature of Makerspace for sustainability Constance Garnier, Ignasi Capdevila Link English
Social innovation for sustainable living article The Role of Social Innovation in Sustainable Living Aeiforia link English
Novel ways in which social innovation can tackle biodiversity loss article A new study at the diverse use
of the term in scholarship around
sustainability action and tackling
biodiversity loss
FERGUS LYON link English
Social innovation for biodiversity: A literature review and research challenges article Article containing: social innovation tackling
main drivers of biodiversity loss, Social
innovation for biodiversity focuses on civic
action for changing practices
Rafael Ziegler et al link English
Social Innovation as a Driver for New Educational Practices: Modernising, Repairing and Transforming the Education System article Article recomanding that the SI-DRIVE project concerning education and lifelong learning reveal the potential social innovation could have for innovating this policy field and its systems Antonius Schröder, Daniel Krüger link English
Cultivating sustainable developments with makerspaces Article Insight on how to sustain a makerspace Adrian Smith, and Ann Light Link English
Sustaining a Makerspace Article Insight on how to sustain a makerspace KRISTIN FONTICHIARO Link English
Design Principles for Teaching Sustainability Within Makerspaces Article Insight on how to sustain a makerspace Paula Macdowell Link English
Sustainability at the MakerSpace Blog Insight on how to sustain a makerspace Makerspace Link English
How to cultivate sustainable developments in makerspaces Article Insight on how to sustain a makerspace Adrian Smith and Ann Light Link English
Makerspace for Sustainability: University-community Learning Collaborations with RCE Severn Presentation Insight on how to sustain a makerspace Dr. Alex Ryan & Ms. Miriam Webb, RCE Severn Link English
Sustainability Considerations in Digital Fabrication Design Education Article Insight on how to sustain a makerspace Georgi V. Georgiev ORCID and Vijayakumar NanjappanORCID Link English
Co-creating social and sustainable innovation in Makerspaces and Fab Labs. Article Insight on sustainability for Makerspace from previous project Carla Sedini, Asger Nørregård Rasmussen, Marion Real, Laura Cipriani Link English


Name of the ressource Type of Ressource Subject/Topic Developped by Link Language
The DWA project Manual Manual/Book Manual containing the results of the
comparative study in Europe on the old and
new woodworking techniques, machines and
tools used.
Link English
Co-creating social and sustainable innovation in
Makerspaces and Fab Labs. Lessons learnt from
the SISCODE European project
document Document containing cultural role of Makerspaces and Fab labs,
details about SISCODE (Makerspaces and Fab labs pilot projects)
Carla Sedini, Asger Nørregård Rasmussen, Marion Real, Laura Cipriani link English
Moving from makerspace to dynamic innovation space blog Using of tech to support collaborations,
making the transformation
Nick Swayne link English
The role of makerspaces in innovation processes: an exploratory study article informations such as: Evolution of Makerspaces, innovation
process, main resources, Makerspaces are using more as
David Zakoth, Oliver Mauroner, Jutta Emes link English
A Makerspace Network as Part of a Regional Innovation Ecosystem, the Case of Emilia-Romagna article Article detailing Makerspaces and
their networks : global, continental,
international, national, regional and
local. Case study of a Regional Makerspace Network
Andrea Cattabriga link English
Innovation Junction: a Guide to Makerspaces in Coworking Environments
Helga Moreno
blog Users of a Makerspace,
Design of a Makerspace,
Building a makerspace ecosystem
Helga Moreno link English
Open social innovations dynamics and impact: Exploratory study of FabLab network document The results of the study of
Centres for Maker Innovation and
Technology (CMIT)
Thierry Rayna and Ludmila Striukova link English
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and development (OECD): Social innovation online library Projects and workshops on social innovations OECD Link English
Social innovation tool kit book This toolkit was designed to help
cities integrate social innovation in
their path towards Climate Neutrality,
A process has been provided:
Analyze context, Reframe problem,
Envision alternatives, Prototype and
experiment, Evaluate and scale,
Net Zero Cities Link English
Social innovation tool kit book find links between big issues and
the smaller actions that Europeans
can initiate as social innovators.
It also offers an opportunity for
collaborations across Europe
European social innovation competition link English
Digital social innovation: An overview and research framework article DSI involves the use of digital
technologies in the development
and implementation of innovative
products, services, processes and
business models
Israr Qureshi, Shan L. Pan, Yingqin Zheng link English
A Spectrum of Open Social Innovation Within Social Enterprise article This paper explores the use of
OSI as a means of achieving social
change through two in-depth, longitudinal,
qualitative case studies with Scottish SEs
Lauren Tuckerman, Julie Roberts and Geoff Whittam link English
article Article containing: Theories of
Social Change, Social Innovation
Studies, Innovation and Management Studies
Anna Butzin et al link English
Digital Technologies for Social Innovation: An Empirical Recognition on the New Enablers article The article offers empirical recognition
to SI by investigating and intends
to capture SI core businesses
Donagh Horgan, and Branka Dimitrijevic link English
The open book of social innovation book Book containing: The process of
social innovation, Connecting people,
ideas and resources, Ways of
supporting social innovation
Robin Murray, Julie Caulier-Grice and Geoff Mulgan link English
TOWARD A THEORY OF SOCIAL INNOVATION book Book containing: definition of social
innovation, The social innovation process,
Kristen Pue, Christian Vandergeest, and Dan Breznitz link English
Social Innovation: Field Analysis and Gaps for Future Research article Article containing advances in social
innovation in the literature and presents
the most cited authors, including the
co-authorship networks and concentration
of study areas
Jaiarys Capa Bataglin, Isak Kruglianskam link English
The history of social innovation article Article containing informations
about history of social innovation
Ola Tjornbo link English
Investing in the Future: Why Social Innovation Startups Are Attracting Funding article Article containing main answers on
atttraction of funding by social innovation
faster capital link English
Toolkit of All Toolkits for Social Innovation blog A toolkit on how to invent, adopt, or
adapt ideas that can deliver better results
Guadalupe de la Manta link English
Design strategy for social innovation pdf Instructions intended to accompany educators Penny Herscovitch & Dan Gottlieb link English
Social innovation guide for practitioners article Article containing a seven step
guide to develop social innovation
SIMRA social innovation in marginalised rural areas link English
Contributions et coordination des makers face à la crise du Covid-19 Article L’article contient des informations sur
les makers face au Covid-19: cadre
théoriques, résultats préliminaires
Robert Viseur et Amel Charleux Link French
Co-création de valeur et innovation sociale : l’exemple des living labs Article L’article a pour résultat: Compréhension
du processus de co-création de valeurs
d’usage, d’échange et sociale par les
living labs Dévoilement de la fragilité
de la co-innovation multi-parties
prenantes des living labs
Ingrid Fasshauer Link French
La performance des lieux de cocréation de connaissances
Le cas des FabLabs
Article L’article contient des points tels que:
FabLab, tiers lieux et cocréation de
connaissances et Une analyse empirique
de la performance des FabLabs
Raphaël Suire Link French
Le déploiement des innovations sociales numériques dans les fablabs Article L’article propose d’approfondir la notion
d’innovation sociale numérique, domaine
de recherche en gestation, au travers d’une
étude circonscrite à l’un de ses champs d’application
Maud Pélissier Link French
Retour sur l’atelier “Communs services de proximité” en Bretagne au Tilab Article L’article présente l’atelier dans son ensemble Michel Briand Link French

Digital Fabrication

Name of the ressource Type of Ressource Subject/Topic Developped by Link Language
Printable Website Open 3D design for 3D printing projects Printable Link English
Makerspace MekTro Training ressources Information on rules and regulations, training content, instructions and manuals, opening hours and reservations, and a forum for DIY prototypers.3D printing,Lazer cutting, Electronics and Soldering University of Renne (France) Link French
Creation Crate Blog ressources Blog Electronics tutorials, videos, and courses. Creation Crate Blog Link English
Careables Training Kit: Design and 3D technologies for Healthcare Website Online course on 3D technologies for health Careables Link English
DIY PROJECTS Tutorials Electronics project for the Makerspace Sew Electric Link English
OBRARY: library of open designs Website Ebooks & Free designs for CNC router and laser cutter Scott Austin and Eric Schleiche Link English
Maker Pro Website Electronics projects and tutorials for the Makerspace EETech Media, LLC Link English
Amtek Company, Inc. Sample files Website Open Source STL Sample files for 3D printing projects Amtek Company, Inc. Link English



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