Many information resources have been drawn from to write this book.

Local History

Excerpts of histories, biographies, and events were included from:

  • Wilhelm “William” Kirmse. Autobiography. See Appendix: Wilhelm Kirmse – Autobiography.
  • Charles Rauh, Rauh:  Our Great Heritage 2007. Includes histories of the Rauh Families and their migration to Oklahoma from Perry County.
  • Cherokee Strip Volunteer League. “Pioneer Footprints Across Woods County”, 1976. Includes biographies of families.
  • Seekers of Oklahoma Heritage Association. “The First 100 Years of Alva, Oklahoma. 1886-1986″  Curtis Media Corporation, Dallas, Texas, 1987. Includes biographies of families.

Volga German-Russian Resources

Information was used from several Volga German-Russian study centers, books and articles:

  • Timothy Egan, ‘The WORST HARD TIME – The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the The Great American Dust Bowl’. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, New York, New York. 2006. This is a must read non-fictional account of the the history and people who stayed and survived the Dust Bowl period which plagued the Southern Plains. Major excerpts were taken from Chapter 4: High Plains Deutsch.
  • Center for Volga German Studies at Concordia University.
  • Voga German Institute at Fairfield University.
  • Lower Volga Project,
  • Russia Heritage Collection. North Dakota State University Library
  • Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture, Oklahoma Historical Society.
  • Encyclopedia of the Great Plains. University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • Germans From Russia,  GENEALOGICAL REsEARCH OUTLINE, Family History Library.


Several sources of maps were used to define locations and places being referenced.

  • Google Maps
  • US Geological Maps
  • Bureau of Land Management Maps


Was a resource for describing areas, histories, events, and maps.

National Archives

National Archives were searched for land case files and land patents.

Census records,  marriage records, genealogical information were used.


Information about graves, cemeteries and churches was drawn from:

  • The Oklahoma Cemeteries Website
  • Find A Grave

Church Records

Marriage and birth records were obtained from:

  •  Salem Lutheran Church, Farrar, Missouri.
  • Zion Lutheran Church – Alva, Oklahoma.

Dale’s Family Research Blog

Dale’s Family Research blog was used to post analysis and research findings, These blog posts formed the initial basis for chapters of this book.



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Out-Migration From Perry County To Oklahoma Copyright © 2018 by Dale Kirmse is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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