
German Russians of Ellis County, Oklahoma Territory


The following 1910 US Census record sheet includes the George Alexander Ehrlich household.

1910 United States Federal Census highlighting the George A Ehrlich household
1910 United States Federal Census highlighting the George A Ehrlich household

The Ancestry.com transcription of the George Alexander Ehrlich household is:

Name: George A Ehrlich
Age in 1910: 37
Birth Year: abt 1873
Birthplace: Russia
Home in 1910: Ohio, Ellis, Oklahoma
Race: White
Gender: Male
Immigration Year: 1891
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse’s Name: Hannah Ehrlich
Father’s Birthplace: Russia
Mother’s Birthplace: Russia
Native Tongue: English
Occupation: Farmer
Industry: Lu Farm
Employer, Employee or Other: Employer
Home Owned or Rented: Own
Home Free or Mortgaged: Mortgaged
Farm or House: Farm
Naturalization Status: Naturalized
Able to Read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Years Married: 15
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
George A Ehrlich 37
Hannah Ehrlich 32
Marry Ehrlich 14
Dina Ehrlich 12
Ledia Ehrlich 9
Lillie Ehrlich 8
Hulda Ehrlich 5
Esther Ehrlich 3
William Ehrlich 0
Jacob Stienert 27

US Census records do show who were immediate neighbors on a given sheet.  But, the order depends on the route the census taker took to reach each residence.  Note that the above George Alexander Ehrlich census record sheet number is 3900 as denoted on the upper right hand corner of the sheet. Even though the William Kirmse homestead is just one section west of the George Alexander Ehrlich property, the sheet number is 3999 – There are 99 sheets before the Kirmse-Lohmann sheet. The census taker obviously took a rather circuitous route to go between the two residences.

Note the Birthplace Column with a yellow border, for the above George Alexander Ehrlich sheet, the birthplaces are Russia and Kansas, Iowa, with the children being born in Kansas and Oklahoma. All of the parent birthplaces are German-Russian.  These people were part of the colony of Volga German-Russians that settled in Ellis County, The Oklahoma. Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture notes that “Between 1900 and 1902 Evangelical Volga Germans moved from Marion, Kansas, to Shattuck, in Ellis County. This colony proved to be the state’s most cohesive and long-lasting.” [3]

Beginning at the top of above 1910 US Censor sheet 3900, the heads of households are listed below along with their place of origin and the apparent property that they own on the OHIO Township Land Owner Map:

  • Schoenhals, David; Russia;
  • Sturtz, George; Russia; NW  34
  • Schwab, Alexander; Russia; NW 33
  • Ehrlich, Alexander; Russia;
  • Schmidt, John; Russia;
  • Ehrlich, Alexander; Russia;
  • Ehrlich, George; Russia; SE 17
  • Ehrlich, George A; Russia; SW  21
  • Stienert, Jacob; Russia;
  • Ehrlich, Dietrich D; Russia; NW 28

This compares to Chapter: 1910 US Census – Kirmse – Lohmann.  Beginning at the top of 1910 Census sheet 3900,  the heads of households are listed below along with their place of origin and the apparent property that they own on the OHIO Township Land Owner Map:

  • Spaner, Conrad; Russia;
  • Schoenhals, John; Russia;
  • Leathermann, Elizab; Indiana;
  • Harris, Roland; Iowa;
  • Jelmota, Fred L.; Indiana;
  • Kirmse, William; Missouri; W 19
  • Lohmann, Henry; Missouri; NW 30
  • McKernan, Martha; Ohio;  SW 30
  • Williams, Joseph W.; Missouri; SE 19
  • Tuman, William; England;  SW 10, SW 11


  1. Dianna Everett. GERMANS FROM RUSSIA. Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture, Oklahoma Historical Society. Downladed October 26, 2017 from: http://www.okhistory.org/publications/enc/entry.php?entry=GE008.
  2. See Chapter: George Alexander Ehrlich – Land Patent.
  3. Timothy Egan, ‘The WORST HARD TIME – The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the The Great American Dust Bowl’. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, , New York, New York. 2006. Chapter 4 High Plans Deutsch, page 68.
  4. “Shattuck, Ellis Co., Oklahoma”, Center for Volga German Studies Downloaded November 17, 2017 from http://cvgs.cu-portland.edu/immigration/united_states/oklahoma/shattuck.cfm


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Out-Migration From Perry County To Oklahoma Copyright © 2018 by Dale Kirmse is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.