Homestead Applications and Land Patents


John H. Lohmann who homesteaded in the next section south of the Kirmse land was issued a Land Patent in March of 1912.

Land Patent issued to John H. Lohmann
Land Patent issued to John H. Lohmann

A search of the Bureau of Land Management database for Lohmann Land Patent details found the following dated March 7, 1912 [1]:

Lohmann Land Patent search results
Lohmann Land Patent search results

Someone might want to use these results to request a search by the National Archives for land entry case files of the John H. Lohmann – Serial Patent Number 252067.

The application for Land Patents to these properties will contain interesting genealogy/family history information and the Homestead Proof documents will likely provide facts as to how the property was improved.


Goodwin, Ellis County, Oklahoma – Section 30 is just south of Section 19 containing the Wilhelm Kirmse homestead – about 1 mile east Goodwin, Oklahoma and about 8 miles southwest of Shattuck, Oklahoma.

Bureau of Land Management Ohio Township (Township 20 North Range 25 West of the Indian Meridian, Oklahoma) map marked red with the location of the Kirmse Land Patent in Section 19.  The Lohmann Land Patent is located in the NW corner of Section 30 BLACK - just south of the Kirmse Land Patent.RED
Bureau of Land Management Ohio Township (Township 20 North Range 25 West of the Indian Meridian, Oklahoma) map marked red with the location of the Kirmse Land Patent in Section 19.  The Lohmann Land Patent is located in the NW corner of Section 30 BLACK – just south of the Kirmse Land Patent.RED


  1. The John H. Lohmann land patent was issued about two years after the land patent was issued to Wilhelm Kirmse.  I assume that Lohmann applied about 1906.


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Out-Migration From Perry County To Oklahoma Copyright © 2018 by Dale Kirmse is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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