Word Reference: http://www.wordreference.com/ (Links to an external site
Real Academia: http://www.rae.es/
Linguee: https://www.linguee.com/
El español en los Estados Unidos
- http://elpais.com/elpais/portada_america.html (Links to an external site.)
- http://www.jornada.unam.mx/ultimas (Links to an external site.)
- http://www.lanacion.com.ar/ (Links to an external site.)
- http://www.ilam.org/index.php/es/ (Links to an external site.)
- http://www.guije.com/ (Links to an external site.)
- http://www.damisela.com/index.htm (Links to an external site.)
- http://radioambulante.org/ (Links to an external site.)
- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF96AC77D7265C72D (Links to an external site.)
- http://www.rtve.es/radio/ (Links to an external site.)
Acentos- Para escribir bien en español, es necesario saber escribir acentos y tildes en la computadora.
- Sigan estas instrucciones para configurar su teclado para escribir en español.
http://studyspanish.com/typing-spanish-accents (Links to an external site.)
- http://www.rae.es/diccionario-panhispanico-de-dudas/articulos-tematicos (Links to an external site.)
Práctica virtual con nativo hablantes del español
- HelloTalk (http://www.hellotalk.com/ (Links to an external site.)): This free mobile app (for Apple and Android devices) connects you with native speakers through voice and text chat and has features designed for language learners (Text-to-Voice, Notepad, Grammar Correction, etc.).
Vocabulario y otros temas
- http://www.elcastellano.org/ (Links to an external site.)
- http://www.fundeu.es/ (Links to an external site.)
- http://www.who.int/es/ (Links to an external site.)
- http://www.mayoclinic.org/es-es/espanol (Links to an external site.)
- http://www.bbc.com/mundo/topics/c4794229-7f87-43ce-ac0a-6cfcd6d3cef2 (Links to an external site.)
- http://www.ngenespanol.com/ (Links to an external site.)
- http://www.mexicotravelchannel.com.mx/ (Links to an external site.)
- http://www.espanatravelchannel.com/ (Links to an external site.)
- https://www.microsoft.com/language/en-us/default.aspx (Links to an external site.)
- http://mentalfloss.com/article/57195/50-spanish-english-false-friend-words (Links to an external site.)
Formato- MLA, Chicago, APA