

In many ways, we’re on our own islands during the Covid-19 pandemic. Although many states have been cautiously “re-opening,” People are still disconnected from one another, unable to physically interact with friends, co-workers, communities, and local businesses. Many are un-or under-employed, and their families are in financial crisis.



Non-profits’ programs, people, and funding are greatly affected by Covid-19. For many, the impacts are complex, and the responses need to be comprehensive and well thought out. The best solutions will be strategic, practical, and cost-effective—much like “normal times,” but in a compressed window with arguably greater consequences.



It is essential non-profits take a strategic and adaptable path in approaching Covid-19’s challenges. What they do today has near-term—possibly even existential— impacts, and also directly impacts future outcomes. Every decision needs to be made for current conditions, but also with eyes fixed on missions and long-term aspirations.


We’ve listened closely to what non-profits are saying is most challenging to them during Covid-19.  In exploring these issues, we identified six key themes, from changing program design and delivery requirements to previously unseen risks. These elements embody the practical considerations non-profits must take into account today.


Figure 1 (below) depicts the issues non-profits must strategically address during Covid-19.


Figure 1 – Practical Considerations Framework



This is the framework for our Practical Considerations live series, which covers the following topics:


  • Strategic Responses (Session 1)
  • Change Communications (2)
  • Workforce Adaptation (3)
  • Contingency Planning (4)
  • Leveraging Connections (5)
  • Emerging Stronger (6)


Go to series materials and recordings


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