
Service Provider Invitation Email Example

Hello all,

I hope you had a restful holiday break and are off to a good start with the New Year. To those of you who participated in the last pop up event held on [date] – thank you so much for your support! With your help, we were able to provide over [number] services to attendees at the event. To those of you who are new to the Pop-up, thank you for reaching out to us, and WELCOME!

To begin, I would like to introduce myself. My name is [insert contact name here], and I am [insert role and organization]. My role is Coordinator with the [name of pop-up event]. I look forward to being in contact with you all and meeting you in person.


Pop-Up Invite

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the next pop-up event on [date] from [times]. For this third event, will be returning to [location]. As we continue to learn what is required to hold a pop-up, we decided to be consistent in the location. We believe that this will allow us to give additional attention to external communications and that we will see increased growth and awareness around our pop-ups. We understand that many of you are interested in seeing this event move to a new location (e.g., a school), and we are pursuing new locations for the upcoming pop-up events.


Pop-Up Rehearsal

There will be a rehearsal session for all service providers participating in the pop-up on [date] from [times] at [location, room]. We find that these rehearsals are critical for service providers to learn about the services offered by others, and to gain a level of familiarity with the processes, principles, and venue – we sincerely hope you can attend!



In the communications and marketing for the upcoming pop-up event, we will emphasize that the event is open to all ages, with services provided at no cost. We will also share posters and postcards around [locations] and provide them to relevant service providers and agencies. Thanks to your feedback we have learned about existing information sharing systems, and we are contacting the groups who oversee those systems, and working more closely with North side schools. Our communications strategy will also expand our online efforts – a social media package will be sent out with pre-written Twitter and Facebook posts and photos that we encourage you to share on any social media channels that you have access to.


We invite you to share suggestions, ideas, and feedback that can support the ongoing growth and success of our pop-up events. Returning service providers have valuable experience and insights to share. We also encourage you to reflect on the services you have provided previously and consider if you would like to offer something different or take a new approach to this third pop-up event. This is a learning process and we are open to discussion about how we can collectively refine and improve the pop-up events. Please contact us at [phone] or if you have any other ideas, or if you want printed materials to share with your clients and colleagues.


We would appreciate hearing from you by [date] to confirm your participation in the pop up and rehearsal session.


We appreciate your commitment to supporting this initiative. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Thank you on behalf of the IMPACT team,




Service Provider Confirmation Email Example

Hello NAME:

Thank you for agreeing to attend our third “pop up” primary health care event, scheduled for [date] from [time] at [location, address]. As you know, the focus of the event is service provision (i.e. it’s not a “Health Fair”), and we are finding that providing services in this innovative way is meeting an unmet and growing need in [location].

In our conversations with you, it is our understanding that the services you are bringing include: [fill in services]

We will have tables and chairs set up throughout the [location], and we also have access to some private spaces should your service require an area for private conversation or assessment. The [location] also has Wi-Fi.  You will need to bring:

  • Any supplies that you require to provide your service
  • Materials to support documentation (intake forms, laptop, etc) and the ability to connect people to your service in the future
  • Signage for your service that can be taped or placed in your area so people know who you are (it doesn’t need to be fancy!)

We would also ask that you also attend a pop up rehearsal to be held on site at [pop-up location]. This will take place on [date] from [times] in the [room].

In your response to this email, could you please “reply all” and:

  1. Confirm how many people you will be bringing to the pop up event.
  2. Confirm whether or not you will be attending the orientation session on [date] at [location] ([times]).
  3. Confirm if you will require access to private space to deliver some services.

This is the third event of this kind focused on primary health care services for [location]—we appreciate your willingness to join us in this initiative! We know that this third effort will benefit from your participation—we also know that this event gets better each time! THANK YOU!