
Principles: In Lethbridge, principles that guided each pop-up were developed through a deliberative forum held early in the planning process. These principles guided our decisions and actions for the duration of project

  • Work together differently
  • Meet people where they are
  • Prioritize meaningful relationships
  • No one is turned away

Practices: The following practices became core elements of each pop-up. Further information on some of these is provided in the following powerpoint slides which were used guide the rehearsals.

  • Common approach to greeting attendees – How’s your 5?
  • Plain language communication at each service provider table
  • Provision of services, not just information
  • Coming out from behind tables
  • Spending time and meaningful interactions
  • Everyone is a navigator
  • Warm handoffs
  • Commitment to collaboration and networking

Click here to view slides from our rehearsals or contact us to receive an editable copy.