
This Pop-up Planning Guide provides a snapshot of the knowledge that we gained while implementing and evaluating this intervention in Lethbridge, Alberta. Our experience highlighted the power of the pop-up model to provide services where people are underserved by, and struggle to connect with, primary healthcare. It also highlighted the power of this approach to advance interprofessional collaboration.

We have been approached by people across Canada, the United States, and Australia who are interested in adapting this model for their unique contexts. Over the next several months, we look forward to building on this Planning Guide to share what we have learned from this experience. Through upcoming publications a few of the topics that we will describe include the outcomes that were achieved;  how implementation was guided by rapid cycle improvements; what we learned about navigation; and, the pop-up as a strategy for strengthening interprofessional collaboration.

We encourage you to use this Guide and contact us to share what you are learning as you go. We continue to explore opportunities to learn more about the potential of this approach and welcome the opportunity to expand the conversation.


Dr. Cathie Scott
University of Calgary