
Primary Contributors

Courtney Lundy, Ryan Mallard, Cathie Scott, Shannon Spenceley, Cheryl Andres, Stasha Donahue, Stephanie Perrin, on behalf of the Alberta Local Innovation Partnership 


It is with thanks that we acknowledge the individuals who have contributed their wisdom, experience, and perspectives to this project. Acknowledgement is given to the primary contributors listed above.


IMPACT – Improving Models Promoting Access-to-Care Transformation program was funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (TTF-130729) Signature Initiative in Community-Based Primary Health Care, the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé and the Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute, which was supported by a grant from the Australian Government Department of Health under the Primary Health Care Research, Evaluation and Development Strategy.


Suggested Citation

Lundy C, Mallard R, Scott C, Spenceley S, Andres C, Donahue S, Perrin S, on behalf of the Alberta Local Innovation Partnership. (2020) Primary healthcare Pop-ups: a model for health and social service delivery that meets the needs of people who have limited access to primary health care: A Planning Guide.  Available from https://popupguide.pressbooks.com

 Sharing Guidelines

It is the hope of all those who contributed to this project that these findings are shared and used to benefit others and inform enhanced access to primary healthcare for vulnerable populations. The team asks the intent and quality of the work is retained; therefore, IMPACT must be acknowledged in the following ways:

  • In all published articles, PowerPoint presentations, websites, signage or other presentations of projects.
  • The IMPACT logo must be used in conjunction with this acknowledgement in all of the above instances.
  • This product and content included in it may not be used for commercial purposes.
  • No derivative works and publications. You may not alter, transform or build upon this material without permission. 

Contact us if you have questions relating to this guide. We are happy to answer questions about the concept of the pop-up and our experiences. The information contained in this ebook is for general information purposes only. We anticipate it will continue to evolve as others develop pop-ups in their contexts. We assume no responsibility for how this information is applied in other contexts.