Bus Driver

At least the bus driver isn’t texting.

Yeah, but YOU are.

I’m a passenger.


I’m not liking what I’m seeing.

What’s that?


He’s reading?


On his phone? A Kindle? What?

A book.

Whaddya mean?

He’s reading a book.

What kind of book?

A big hardcover book.

Shouldn’t he pay more attention? He’s driving the bus.

Tell me about it.

Shouldn’t you say something?

I don’t want to distract him.

From reading? Or driving?


What book is he reading?

Can’t see from here.

What does it look like?


How far to go?

About 20 minutes to NYC.

I mean in the book.

He’s got about 25 pages, I think.

What else?

I can see it a little. Says Sartre.

He’s reading philosophy? A bus driver?

Maybe he has angst. I know I’m starting to feel angst.

How the heck can he be driving?

Maybe he just knows the route.

Yeah, but…

Maybe this is a Google self-driving bus.


I can hope. OMG


There’s another bus and the driver is reading Camus!

You must be kidding.

He’s getting awfully close. I hope he

What? Hello? Hello??


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Uncorrected Proofs Copyright © 2015 by Ray Katz and Katz, Ray is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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