Serial Lover

It’s not that I’m unfaithful. It’s just that, for me, there’s something special—no, irresistible—about taking a new lover. So, although I’m scrupulously loyal to whoever I’m seeing, once it goes stale, I end it and I’m on to someone new. On average, the cycle runs less than a month.

For now, it’s Stan. I met him this morning and we’ve been together ever since. He’s a sweet guy. He might last a month and a half, which in my lifestyle practically makes him “Mr. Right.”

He’s stepped away for a moment, but I’ll introduce you to him when he returns. Except that…I’ve forgotten his last name. And what he looks like. I’m sure when he returns it’ll all come back to me though.

Stan left me this note. I guess I’ll read it.

Dearest Colleen—

You don’t realize it, but we’ve been together for 10 wonderful years. I never thought a boring guy like me could ever win the love if an adventuress like you.

I was wrong. Very luckily wrong.

That first night together when we made love, it was crazy. Got out of control. You hit your head and I called 911 and stayed with you at the hospital all night and visited every day for months until you were released.

They said you’d have some memory loss and they didn’t know how long it would last. It was a really bad break and I felt terrible for you—but maybe I shouldn’t have.

For 10 years, every day now I’ve been the new love of your life. Whenever I see you, I’m reassured and happy, indescribably happy. And the joy of new love shows in your face whenever you look at me. It’s a little odd being the “new man” in your life every single day, but I’ve gotten used to it. I’ve made my peace.

The thing is, the doctors say that your brain is healing, that you’ll be better soon, which is beyond wonderful.

So, now I’m afraid to ask but I must: will you still be mine?

Love always,

Old Stan


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Uncorrected Proofs Copyright © 2015 by Ray Katz and Katz, Ray is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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