Final Portfolio

Final Portfolio

The portfolio allows you to reflect upon your growth as a reader and writer during this course. This assignment will ultimately determine whether or not you have met the Student Learning Outcomes for ENG 096. The Portfolio is comprised of two essay reflections, a reflection paragraph (not a summary) on a text you choose from This I Believe, a revision of your summary essay from week 5, and a copy of your reading log.

To construct your portfolio, you are to do the following:

Choose two essays from This I Believe.  Write a summary of these two essays.

After choosing these essays, write two 50-100 word reflections in which you reflect upon the reason you chose these essays and any challenges or lessons taken away from these essays.

Additionally, choose one written text that you love. That text must be written, but it can be in any form or genre. Write a summary of that text, and then write a passage in which you explain why you love this text and what you have learned from reading it. The summary should be one paragraph, and the reflection passage should be one paragraph as well.

In addition to these summaries and reflections, you should also include a revised version of the summary essay you turned in Week 7. After getting feedback from me, you should revise this summary to the best of your ability. Afterwards, write a reflection of a minimum of 50 words in which you discuss the changes that you made to your summary.

Lastly, you should include your reading log in the Portfolio.

Feel free to package your portfolio however you would like, but make sure that your summaries and reflections. Your portfolio can be handwritten, BUT IT MUST BE EASILY DECIPHERABLE. If I cannot read it, your grade will suffer.

Assignment Due Date: Week 10 when you turn in your final exam.

This portfolio is worth 300 points, so get started early.


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