Table of Contents (TOC)

Dr Jay Seitz

Human Lifespan Development…Backwards: Retracing the Stages of Life (Ontogeny) from the End to the Beginning

(1) Late Adulthood (70 and above)

Chronic diseases of aging that shorten lifespan

  • Aging and longevity
  • Neurodegenerative diseases

Aging and work

  • Employment vs. retirement
  • Cognition and memory

Keeping the mind active vs. cognitive decline

  • Intelligence, creativity, and wisdom
  • Behavioral health

Sociality in later life

  • Well-being and emotion
  • Friends, siblings, marriage, and same-sex partnerships

(2) Middle Adulthood (40 – 70 years)

  • Work vs. leisure
  • Relationships in midlife
  • Occupational challenges
  • Gender, ethnicity, and discrimination

(3) Young Adulthood (21 – 40 years)

  • Emerging adulthood
  • Who do you want to be?
  • Physical development and health
  • Intelligence in life and work: What is it?

(4) Adolescence (12 – 21 years)

  • Peers and understanding others
  • Romantic relationships and sexuality
  • Identity and self-esteem
  • Behavioral health and the use of licit and illicit drugs

(5) Childhood (2 – 12 years)

  • Emergence of the creative mind
  • The centrality of schooling
  • Mind and culture
  • Emotions and interactions with others

(6) Infancy (0 – 2 years)

Biological foundations

  • Brain development
  • The external and internal (e.g., proprioception) senses

Means for exploring the world

  • The embodied mind
    • Perceptual, motor, and physical development
    • Consciousness
    • Becoming self-aware: Theory of mind

The emergence of language and thought

  • Language development
  • Using symbols: The symbolic stage

Emerging sociality

  • Early sociality
  • Emotional development


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Retracing the Steps of Human Ontogeny Copyright © 2023 by Dr Jay Seitz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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