AGSA – Auditor General of South Africa

AMEU – Association of Municipal Electricity Undertakings

ANC – African National Congress

ASGISA – Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative for South Africa

B-BBEE – Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment

B2B – Back to Basics

BLA – Black Local Authority

BTI – Board of Trade and Industries

CDF – Capital Development Fund

CIGFARO – Chartered Institute of Government Finance, Audit and Risk Officers

COGTA – Ministry of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs

CoJ – City of Johannesburg

COSATU – Congress of South African Trade Unions

CP – City Power (Johannesburg)

CPI – Consumer Price Index

CSIR – Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

DA – Democratic Alliance

DME – Department of Minerals and Energy

DMR – Department of Mineral Resources

DMRE – Department of Mineral Resources and Energy

DoE – Department of Energy

DPE – Department of Public Enterprises

DTI – Department of Trade and Industry

ECB – Electricity Control Board (replaced by NER and then NERSA)

EDD – Economic Development Department

EDI – Electricity Distribution Industry

EDIRC – EDI Restructuring Committee

EE – Energy Efficiency

ERICElectricity Restructuring Interdepartmental Committee

Escom – Electricity Supply Commission (Eskom from 1987)

ESI – Electricity Supply Industry

Eskom – Electricity Supply Commission (Escom/Evkom before 1987)

EU – European Union

EWG – Electricity Working Group

FBE – Free Basic Electricity

FBS – Free Basic Services

Foskor – Phosphate Development Corporation

5YSA – Five-Year Strategic Agenda

GEAR – Growth, Employment, and Redistribution

GJMC – Greater Johannesburg Metropolitan Council

GNU – Government of National Unity

GW – gigawatt(s)

GWh – gigawatt hour(s)

HI – Historical Institutionalism

Idasa – Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa

IDC – Industrial Development Corporation

IDP – Integrated Development Plan

IMF – International Monetary Fund

IPAP – Industrial Policy Action Plan

IPP – Independent Power Producer

IRP – Integrated Resource Plan

Iscor – Iron and Steel Corporation

ISI – Import Substitution Industrialisation

ISMO – Independent System Market Operator

ISP – Industrial Strategy Project

ITSMO – Independent Transmission Grid System and Market Operator

JEU – Johannesburg Electricity Undertaking (City Power from 2000)

kWh – kilowatt hour(s)

kWp – kilowatt peak

LED – Local Economic Development

LGTA – Local Government Transition Act (of 1993)

LGTS – Local Government Turnaround Strategy

ME – Municipal Entity

MEC – Minerals-Energy Complex

MERG – Macro-Economic Research Group

MEU – Municipal Electricity Undertaking

MFMA – Municipal Financial Management Act (of 2003)

MLC – Metropolitan Local Council

MM – Merz and McLellan Consulting Engineers

MW – megawatt(s)

Nats – Members of the National Party

NDP – National Development Plan

NEES – National Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Targets

NELF – National Electrification Forum

NEP – National Electrification Programme

NER – National Energy Regulator (replaced in 2005 by NERSA)

NERSA – National Energy Regulator of South Africa

NGP – New Growth Path

NP – National Party

NT – National Treasury

NUM – National Union of Mineworkers

OECD – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

PC – President’s Council

PE – Public Entity

PFMA – Public Finance Management Act (of 1999)

PwC – PricewaterhouseCoopers

RDP – Reconstruction and Development Programme

RE – Renewable Energy

RED – Regional Electricity Distributor

REFIT – Renewable Energy Feed-In Tariff

REIPPPP – Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme

RSC – Regional Services Council

SACP – South African Communist Party

SALGA – South African Local Government Association

SAR&H – South African Railways and Harbours Administration

Sasol – South African Coal, Oil, and Gas Corporation

SCC – State Security Council

SOE – State-Owned Enterprise

Stats SA – Statistics South Africa

ToU – Time of Use

UME – United Municipal Executive (replaced in 1996 by SALGA)

UP – United Party

VFPC – Victoria Falls Power Company

VFTPC – Victoria Falls and Transvaal Power Company

WET – Wholesale Electricity Tariff

WLA – White Local Authority

WTO – World Trade Organization

WWI – World War I

WWII – World War II


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Running to Stand Still Copyright © 2021 by Theo Covary is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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