Main Body
1 What was your childhood dream?
Your childhood interests and your career
Gloria San Jose Daims
Learning Objectives
- Identify your individual strengths and personal career interests.
- Articulate how your childhood strengths and interests are related to your educational or career interests.
Your childhood interests and your career
Remember when you were a young child and you dreamt of becoming a firefighter, an actress/actor, superwoman/superman, teacher, soccer /basketball player, a pilot…you name it!
What was my childhood dream?
As a child I wanted to work at a circus, be a teacher, an aviation pilot, an attorney and an archeologist!
Now, as an adult my childhood dreams made total sense to me considering the following:
- I absolutely love to travel! Well, circus staff are always on the move! Aviation pilots really go to far away places!
- I am passionate about reading books : Ok, I am a teacher who loves her job 🙂
- I have an innate desire to help and advocate for others who are less fortunate: Becoming an attorney really fits me too
- My curiosity and interest for the history behind people, places and objects: No wonder I wanted to become an archeologist too!
This next video shows adults sharing their childhood dreams!
“You tube video: Premier Q&A: Childhood Dreams “ by Premier Medical Staffing Services, LLC is licensed under CC BY 4.0
Let’s Practice!
Exercises for your own reflection:
- What were your childhood dreams?
- Can you see as an adult, how those job dreams were connected to your personality traits, interests or skills that you still have? Explain your answer
Attributions and Licenses:“You tube video: Premier Q&A: Childhood Dreams “ by Premier Medical Staffing Services, LLC is licensed under CC BY 4.“You tube video: Premier Q&A: Childhood Dreams “ by Premier Medical Staffing Services, LLC is licensed under CC BY 4.0