This resource draws from the existing body of open educational resources on social science research methods. This index provides information about which sources were adapted in each chapter. This index does not include attributions for images, which are provided in the Media Attributions section at the end of each chapter before the footnotes.

I should note that this textbook draws heavily from Scientific inquiry in social work by Matt DeCarlo and published by Open Social Work under a CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license which adapted a large chunk of content from Principles of sociological inquiry: Quantitative and qualitative methods by Amy Blackstone and published by the Saylor Foundation under a CC-BY-NC-SA license. In many ways, this project is indebted to Dr. Blackstone’s seminal scholarly gift.

Chapter 1 adapted content from:

Chapter 2 adapted content from:

Chapters 3, 4, and 5 adapted content from:

Chapter 6 adapted content from:

Chapter 7 adapted content from:

Chapter 8 adapted content from:

Chapter 9 adapted content from:

Chapter 10 adapted content from:

Chapter 11 adapted content from:

Chapter 12 adapted content from:

Chapter 13 adapted content from:

Chapter 15 adapted content from:

Chapter 19 adapted content from:

Chapter 21 adapted content from:

Chapter 24 adapted content from:


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