

By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

  • Determine the source and nature of an arguable claim. (GEO 1; SLO 2, 4)
  • Explain the term rhetoric and its history. (SLO 2, 3, 4; GEO 1, 2)
  • Understand apply the elements of the rhetorical situation and rhetorical appeals. (SLO 3, 4; GEO 2)
  • Use reasoning, authority, and emotion to support your argument. (GEO 1; SLO 2, 4)
  • Identify and avoid logical fallacies. (GEO 1; SLO 2, 4)

For some people, the word argument brings up images of finger-pointing, hostility, or polarization. Actually, when people behave like this, they really aren’t arguing at all. They are quarreling. And when people quarrel, they are no longer listening to or considering each other’s ideas.

An argument is something quite different. Arguments involve making reasonable claims and then backing up those claims with evidence and support. The objective of an argument is not necessarily to “win” or prove that you are right and others are wrong. Instead, your primary goal is to show others that you are probably right or that your beliefs are reasonable and worthy of their honest consideration. When arguing, both sides attempt to convince others that their position is stronger or more beneficial. Their goal is to reach an agreement or compromise.

In college and in the professional world, people use argument to think through ideas and debate uncertainties. Arguments are about getting things done by gaining the cooperation of others. In most situations, an argument is about agreeing as much as disagreeing, about cooperating with others as much as competing with them. Your ability to argue effectively will be an important part of your success in your college courses, your social life, and your career.

What Is Arguable?

Let’s begin by first discussing what is “arguable.” Some people will say that you can argue about anything. And in a sense, they are right. We can argue about anything, no matter how trivial or pointless.

“I don’t like chocolate.” “Yes, you do.”
“The American Civil War began in 1861.” “No, it didn’t.”
“It disgusts me that our animal shelter kills unclaimed pets after just two weeks.” “No, it doesn’t. You think it’s a good thing.”

These kinds of arguments are rarely worth your time and effort. Of course, we can argue that our friend is lying when she says she doesn’t like chocolate, and we can challenge the historical fact that the Civil War really started in 1861. However, debates about personal judgments, such as liking or not liking something, quickly devolve into “Yes, I do.” “No, you don’t!” kinds of quarrels. Meanwhile, debates about proven facts, like the year the American Civil War started, can be resolved by consulting a trusted source. To be truly arguable, a claim should exist somewhere between personal judgments and proven facts (Figure 8.1).

Arguable Claims

When laying the groundwork for an argument, you need to first define an arguable claim that you want to persuade your readers to accept as probably true. For example, here are arguable claims on two sides of the same topic:

Examples of Arguable Claims

Marijuana should be made a legal medical option in our state because there is overwhelming evidence that marijuana is one of the most effective treatments for pain, nausea, and other symptoms of widespread debilitating diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, cancer, and some kinds of epilepsy.

Although marijuana can relieve symptoms associated with certain diseases, it should not become a legal medical option because its medical effectiveness has not been clinically proven and because legalization would send a message that recreational drugs are safe and even beneficial to health.

Both claims are “arguable” because neither side can prove that it is factually right or that the other side is factually wrong. Meanwhile, neither side is based exclusively on personal judgments. Instead, both sides want to persuade you, the reader, that they are probably right.

When you invent and draft an argument, your goal is to support your position to the best of your ability, but you should also imagine views and viewpoints that disagree with yours. Keeping opposing views in mind will help you clarify your ideas, anticipate counterarguments, and identify the weaknesses of your position. Then, when you draft your argument, you will be able to show readers that you have considered all sides fairly.

On the other hand, if you realize that an opposing position does not really exist or that it’s very weak, then you may not have an arguable claim in the first place.

Four Sources of Arguable Claims

Once you have a rough idea of your arguable claim, you should refine and clarify it. First, figure out what you want to argue. Then sharpen your claim by figuring out which type of argument you are making, as shown in the chart below. The result will be a much clearer arguable claim.


Arguable claims generally arise from four sources:

1. Issues of definition. Some arguments hinge on how to define an object, event, or person. For example, here are a few arguable claims that debate how to define something:


When our campus newspaper published its interview with that Holocaust denier, it was an act of journalistic malpractice.

What that fraternity did was not just a “prank that got out of hand.” At the very least, it was an act of bullying. More accurately, it was assault and battery.

A pregnant woman who smokes is a child abuser who needs to be stopped before she further harms her unborn child.

2. Issues of causation. Humans tend to see events in terms of cause and effect. Consequently, people often argue about whether one thing caused another.


Each year, texting while driving causes far more deaths than the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center.

Violent video games do not cause the people who play to become violent in their actual, lived, real-world lives.

Pregnant mothers who choose to smoke are responsible for an unacceptable number of birth defects in children.

3. Issues of evaluation. We also argue about whether something is good or bad, right or wrong, or better or worse.


It’s true that the movies inspired by Marvel Comics are funny and action-packed, but for great storytelling and drama, the movies inspired by DC Comics—such as Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman—are unmatched.

The current U.S. taxation system is unfair, because the majority of taxes fall most heavily on people who work hard and corporations who are bringing innovative products to the marketplace.

Although both are dangerous, drinking alcohol in moderation while pregnant is less damaging to an unborn child than smoking in moderation.

4. Issues of recommendation. We also use arguments to make recommendations about the best course of action to follow. These kinds of claims are signaled by words like “should,” “must,” “ought to,” and so forth.


Tompson Industries should convert its Nebraska factory to renewable energy sources, like wind, solar, and geothermal, using the standard electric grid only as a backup supply for electricity.

People will keep texting while driving because the urge to stay in touch is so irresistible. Therefore, we need to make the penalties for breaking this law much harsher.

We must help pregnant women to stop smoking by developing smoking-cessation programs that are specifically targeted toward this population.


The art of creating effective arguments is explained and systematized by a discipline called rhetoric. Writing is about making choices, and knowing the principles of rhetoric allows a writer to make informed choices about various aspects of the writing process. Every act of writing takes place in a specific rhetorical situation. Before looking closely at different definitions and components of rhetoric, let us try to understand what rhetoric is not. In recent years, the word “rhetoric” has developed a bad reputation in American popular culture. In the popular mind, the term “rhetoric” has come to mean something negative and deceptive. Open a newspaper or turn on the television, and you are likely to hear politicians accusing each other of “too much rhetoric and not enough substance.” According to this distorted view, rhetoric is verbal fluff, used to disguise empty or even deceitful arguments.

Examples of this misuse abound. Here are some examples:

  • A 2003 CNN news article “North Korea Talks On Despite Rhetoric” describes the decision by the international community to continue the talks with North Korea about its nuclear arms program despite what the author sees as North Koreans’ “rhetorical blast” at a US official taking part in the talks. The implication here is that that, by verbally attacking the US official, the North Koreans attempted to hide the lack of substance in their argument. The word “rhetoric” in this context implies a strategy to deceive or distract.
  • Another example is the title of the now-defunct political website “Spinsanity: Countering Rhetoric with Reason.” The website’s authors state that “engaged citizenry, active press and strong network of fact-checking websites and blogs can help turn the tide of deception that we now see.” (http://www.spinsanity.org). What this statement implies, of course, is that rhetoric is “spin” and that it is the opposite of truth.
  • Here, perhaps, is the most interesting example. The author of the video below, posted on Youtube, is clearly dissatisfied with the abundance of “rhetoric” in Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign for the White House. What is interesting about this clip is that its author does not seem to realize that she is engaging in rhetoric as she is criticizing the term. She has a purpose, which is to question Obama’s credentials; she is addressing an audience which consists of people who are perhaps considering voting for Obama; finally, she is creating her video in a very real context of the heated battle between Senators Obama and Clinton for the Presidential nomination of the Democratic Party.

Rhetoric is not a dirty trick used by politicians to conceal and obscure, but an art, which, for many centuries, has had many definitions. Perhaps the most popular and overreaching definition comes to us from the Ancient Greek thinker Aristotle. Aristotle defined rhetoric as “the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion” (Poetics). Aristotle saw primarily as a practical tool, indispensable for civic discourse.

Elements of the Rhetorical Situation: Context, Audience, and Purpose

When composing, every writer must take into account the conditions under which the writing is produced and will be read. It is customary to represent the three key elements of the rhetorical situation as a triangle of writer, reader, and text, or, as “communicator,” “audience,” and “message.”

The three elements of the rhetorical situation are in a constant and dynamic interrelation. All three are also necessary for communication through writing to take place. For example, if the writer is taken out of this equation, the text will not be created. Similarly, eliminating the text itself will leave us with the reader and writer, but without any means of conveying ideas between them, and so on.

Moreover, changing one or more characteristics of any of the elements depicted in the figure above will change the other elements as well. For example, with the change in the beliefs and values of the audience, the message will also likely change to accommodate those new beliefs, and so on.

In his discussion of rhetoric, Aristotle states that writing’s primary purpose is persuasion. Other ancient rhetoricians’ theories expand the scope of rhetoric by adding new definitions, purposes, and methods. For example, another Greek philosopher and rhetorician Plato saw rhetoric as a means of discovering the truth, including personal truth, through dialog and discussion. According to Plato, rhetoric can be directed outward (at readers or listeners), or inward (at the writer him or herself). In the latter case, the purpose of rhetoric is to help the author discover something important about his or her own experience and life.

The third major rhetorical school of Ancient Greece whose views have profoundly influenced our understanding of rhetoric were the Sophists. The Sophists were teachers of rhetoric for hire. The primary goal of their activities was to teach skills and strategies for effective speaking and writing. Many Sophists claimed that they could make anyone into an effective rhetorician. In their most extreme variety, Sophistic rhetoric claims that virtually anything could be proven if the rhetorician has the right skills. The legacy of Sophistic rhetoric is controversial. Some scholars, including Plato himself, have accused the Sophists of bending ethical standards in order to achieve their goals, while others have praised them for promoting democracy and civic participation through argumentative discourse.

What do these various definitions of rhetoric have to do with research writing? Everything! If you have ever had trouble with a writing assignment, chances are it was because you could not figure out the assignment’s purpose. Or, perhaps you did not understand very well whom your writing was supposed to appeal to. It is hard to commit to purposeless writing done for no one in particular.

Research is not a very useful activity if it is done for its own sake. If you think of a situation in your own life where you had to do any kind of research, you probably
had a purpose that the research helped you to accomplish. You could, for example, have been considering buying a car and wanted to know which make and model would suit you best. Or, you could have been looking for an apartment to rent and wanted to get the best deal for your money. Or, perhaps your family was planning a vacation and researched the best deals on hotels, airfares, and rental cars. Even in these simple examples of research that are far simpler than research
most writers conduct, you as a researcher were guided by some overriding purpose. You researched because you had a purpose to accomplish.

The three main elements of the rhetorical situation are purpose, audience, and context. We will look at these elements primarily through the lens of Classical Rhetoric, the rhetoric of Ancient Greece and Rome. Principles of classical rhetoric (albeit some of them modified) are widely accepted across modern Western civilization. Classical rhetoric provides a solid framework for analysis and production of effective texts in a variety of situations.


Good writing always serves a purpose. Texts are created to persuade, entertain, inform, instruct, and so on. In a real writing situation, these discrete purposes are often combined.


The second key element of the rhetorical approach to writing is audience-awareness. As you saw from the rhetorical triangle earlier in this chapter, readers are an indispensable part of the rhetorical equation, and it is essential for every writer to understand their audience and tailor his or her message to the audience’s needs.

The key principles that every writer needs to follow in order to reach and affect his or her audience are as follows:

  • Have a clear idea about who your readers will be.
  • Understand your readers’ previous experiences, knowledge, biases, and expectations and how these factors can influence their reception of your argument.
  • When writing, keep in mind not only those readers who are physically present or whom you know (your classmates and instructor), but all readers who would benefit from or be influenced by your argument.
  • Choose a style, tone, and medium of presentation appropriate for your intended audience.


Context is an important part of the rhetorical situation. Writers do not work in a vacuum. Instead, the content, form, and reception of their work by readers are heavily influenced by the conditions in society as well as by the personal situations of their readers. These conditions in which texts are created and read affect every aspect of writing and every stage of the writing process, from topic selection to decisions about what kinds of arguments used and their arrangement, to the writing style, voice, and persona which the writer wishes to project in his or her writing. All elements of the rhetorical situation work together in a dynamic relationship. Therefore, awareness of rhetorical occasion and other elements of the context of your writing will also help you refine your purpose and understand your audience better. Similarly having a clear purpose in mind when writing and knowing your audience will help you understand the context in which you are writing and in which your work will be read better.

One aspect of writing where you can immediately benefit from understanding context and using it to your rhetorical advantage is the selection of topics for your compositions. Any topic can be good or bad, and a key factor in deciding on whether it fits the occasion. In order to understand whether a particular topic is suitable for a composition, it is useful to analyze whether the composition would address an issue, or a rhetorical exigency when created. The writing activity below can help you select topics and issues for written arguments.

To understand how writers can study and use occasion in order to make effective arguments, let us examine another ancient rhetorical concept. Kairos is one of the most fascinating terms from Classical rhetoric. It signifies the right or opportune moment for an argument to be made. It is such a moment or time when the subject of the argument is particularly urgent or important and when audiences are more likely to be persuaded by it. Ancient rhetoricians believed that if the moment for the argument is right (for instance, if there are conditions in society that would make the audience more receptive to the argument), the rhetorician would have more success persuading such an audience.

Rhetorical Appeals: Logos, Ethos, and Pathos

Figure 16.1: Using Emotions in an Argument
This historic advertisement used freedom as an emotional appeal to influence the readers.

Once you have developed an arguable claim, you can start figuring out how you are going to support it. A solid argument will usually employ three types of “proofs”: reason, authority, and emotion, as seen in the chart below. Greek rhetoricians like Aristotle originally used the words logos (reason), ethos (authority), and pathos (emotion) (Fig 8.1) to discuss these three proofs.

Logos (Logos)

Figure 16.2: A Cause and Effect Proof

Logos involves appealing to your readers’ sense of logic and reason.

Logical Statements

Logical statements allow you to use your readers’ existing beliefs to prove they should agree with a further claim. Here are some common patterns for logical statements:

  • If . . . then: “If you believe X, then you should believe Y also.”
  • Either . . . or: “Either you believe X, or you believe Y.”
  • Cause and effect: “X is the reason Y happens.” (Figure 8.1)
  • Costs and benefits: “The benefits of doing X are worth/not worth the cost of Y.”
  • Better and worse: “X is better/worse than Y because . . . “


The second type of reasoning, examples, allows you to illustrate your points or demonstrate that a pattern exists.

  • Examples: “For example, in 1994. . . .” “For instance, last week. . . .” “To illustrate, there was the interesting case of. . . . “Specifically, I can name two situations when. . . .”
  • Personal experiences: “Last summer, I saw. . . .” “Where I work, X happens regularly.”
  • Facts and data: “According to our survey results, . . . .” “Recently published data show that. . . .”
  • Patterns of experiences: “X happened in 2004, 2008, and 2012. Therefore, we expect it to happen again in 2016.” “In the past, each time X happened, Y has happened also.”
  • Quotes from experts: “Dr. Jennifer Xu, a scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory, recently stated. . . .” “In his 2013 article, historian George Brenden claimed. . . .”

Ethos (Ethos)

Figure 16.3: Building Ethos
Iconic figures and celebrities are often used to promote causes and products because they have credibility with the public.

Ethos involves using your own experience or the reputations of others to support your arguments (Figure 8.2). Another way to strengthen your authority is to demonstrate your practicality, ethical principles, and goodwill. These three types of authority were first mentioned by Aristotle as a way to show that a speaker or writer is being fair and therefore credible. These strategies still work well today.


Show your readers that you are primarily concerned about solving problems and getting things done, not lecturing, theorizing, or simply winning. Where appropriate, admit that the issue is complicated and cannot be fixed easily. You can also point out that reasonable people can disagree about the issue. Being “practical” involves being realistic about what is possible, not idealistically pure about what would happen in a perfect world.

  • Personal experience: “I have experienced X, so I know it’s true and Y is not.”
  • Personal credentials: “I have a degree in Z” or “I am the director of Y, so I know about the subject of X.”
  • Appeal to experts: “According to Z, who is an expert on this topic, X is true and Y is not true.”
  • Admission of limitations: “I may not know much about Z, but I do know that X is true and Y is not.”

Ethical Principles

Demonstrate that you are arguing for an outcome that meets a specific set of ethical principles. An ethical argument can be based on any of three types of ethics:

  • Rights: Using human rights or constitutional rights to back up your claims.
  • Laws: Showing that your argument is in line with civic laws.
  • Utilitarianism: Arguing that your position is more beneficial for the majority of people.

In some situations, you can demonstrate that your position is in line with your own and your readers’ religious beliefs or other deeply held values.

  • Good moral character: “I have always done the right thing for the right reasons, so you should believe me when I say that X is the best path to follow.”


Demonstrate that you have your readers’ interests in mind, not just your own. Of course, you may be arguing for something that affects you personally or something you care about. So show your readers that you care about their needs and interests, too. Let them know that you understand their concerns and that your position is fair or a “win-win” for both you and them.

  • Identification with the readers: “You and I come from similar backgrounds and we have similar values; therefore, you would likely agree with me that X is true and Y is not.”
  • Expression of goodwill: “I want what is best for you, so I am recommending X as the best path to follow.”
  • Use of “insider” language: Using special terminology or referring to information that only insiders would understand.

Pathos (Pathos)

Figure 16.4: Using Emotions in an Argument
This advertisement uses a “promise of gain” emotional appeal to influence readers.

Using emotional appeals to persuade your readers is appropriate if the feelings you draw on are suitable for your topic and readers (Figure 8.4). As you develop your argument, think about how your emotions and those of your readers might influence how their decisions will be made.

  • Promise of gain. Demonstrate to your readers that agreeing with your position will help them gain things they need or want, like trust, time, money, love, loyalty, advancement, reputation, comfort, popularity, health, beauty, or convenience (Figure 8.5). “By agreeing with us, you will gain trust, time, money, love, advancement, reputation, comfort, popularity, health, beauty, or convenience.”
  • Promise of enjoyment. Show that accepting your position will lead to more satisfaction, including joy, anticipation, surprise, pleasure, leisure, or freedom. “If you do things our way, you will experience joy, anticipation, fun, surprises, enjoyment, pleasure, leisure, or freedom.”
  • Fear of loss. Suggest that not agreeing with your opinion might cause the loss of things readers value, like time, money, love, security, freedom, reputation, popularity, health, or beauty. “If you don’t do things this way, you risk losing time, money, love, security, freedom, reputation, popularity, health, or beauty.”
  • Fear of pain. Imply that not agreeing with your position will cause feelings of pain, sadness, frustration, humiliation, embarrassment, loneliness, regret, shame, vulnerability, or worry. “If you don’t do things this way, you may feel pain, sadness, grief, frustration, humiliation, embarrassment, loneliness, regret, shame, vulnerability, or worry.”
  • Expressions of anger or disgust. Show that you share feelings of anger or disgust with your readers about a particular event or situation. “You should be angry or disgusted because X is unfair to you, me, or someone else.”

The psychologist Robert Plutchik suggests there are eight basic emotions: joy, acceptance, fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, anger, and anticipation (Fig. 8.5). Some other common emotions that you might find are annoyance, awe, calmness, confidence, courage, delight, disappointment, embarrassment, envy, frustration, gladness, grief, happiness, hate, hope, horror, humility, impatience, inspiration, jealousy, joy, loneliness, love, lust, nervousness, nostalgia, paranoia, peace, pity, pride, rage, regret, resentment, shame, shock, sorrow, suffering, thrill, vulnerability, worry, and yearning.

FIgure 16.5: Plutchnik's Wheel of Emotions
Psychologist Robert Plutchik created the model shown above, which provides a framework for understanding an emotion and its purpose. The eight sectors are designed to indicate that there are eight primary emotions. Each primary emotion has a polar opposite. The emotions with less color represent an emotion that is a mix of two primary emotions. Emotions are often complex and being able to recognize when a feeling is actually a combination of two or more distinct feelings is a helpful skill. The cone’s vertical dimension represents intensity – emotions intensify as they move from the outside to the center of the wheel, which is also indicated by the color: The darker the shade, the more intense the emotion.

Begin by listing the positive and negative emotions that are associated with your topic or with your side of the argument. Use positive emotions as much as you can, because they will build a sense of goodwill, loyalty, or happiness in your readers. Show readers that your position will bring them respect, gain, enjoyment, or pleasure. Negative emotions should be used sparingly. Negative emotions can energize your readers or spur them to action. However, be careful not to threaten or frighten your readers, because people tend to reject bullying or scare tactics. These moves will undermine your attempts to build goodwill. Make sure that any feelings of anger or disgust you express in your argument would be shared by your readers, or they will reject your argument as unfair, harsh, or reactionary.

imageAvoid Fallacies

Figure 16.6 Common Logical Fallacies
Check out more examples of logical fallacies at https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/.

A logical fallacy is an error in reasoning. You should avoid logical fallacies in your own writing because they can undermine your argument. Plus, they can keep you from gaining a full understanding of the issue because fallacies usually lead to inaccurate or ambiguous conclusions. Figure 8.6 defines and gives examples of common logical fallacies. Watch out for them in your own arguments. When an opposing viewpoint depends on a logical fallacy, you can point to it as a weakness.

Fallacies tend to occur for three primary reasons:

  1. False or weak premises. In these situations, the author is overreaching to make a point. The argument uses false or weak premises (bandwagon, post hoc reasoning, slippery slope, or hasty generalization), or it relies on comparisons or authorities that are inappropriate (weak analogy, false authority).
  2. Irrelevance. The author is trying to distract readers by using name-calling (ad hominem) or bringing up issues that are beside the point (red herring, tu quoque, non sequitur).
  3. Ambiguity. The author is clouding the issue by using circular reasoning (begging the question), arguing against a position that no one is defending (straw man), or presenting the reader with an unreasonable choice of options (either/or). Logical fallacies do not prove that someone is wrong about a topic. They simply mean that the person may be using weak or improper reasoning to reach his or her conclusions. In some cases, logical fallacies are used deliberately. For instance, some advertisers want to slip a sales pitch past the audience. Savvy arguers can also use logical fallacies to trip up their opponents. When you learn to recognize these fallacies, you can counter them as necessary.
    Figure 16.7 Types of Rhetological Fallacies
    In addition to fallacies of logic, it’s important to be aware of fallacies of ethos and pathos. Check out more examples of rhetological fallacies at https://informationisbeautiful.net/visualizations/rhetological-fallacies/.


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