4 10.1.2 SEE-I Model


There is no physics-based evidence supporting many of the spiritual acts that have gained traction in the last few years.


The physics-based evidence used to support spiritual awakening movements is often attributed to quantum-mysticism and viewed by most physicists as fake/reaching/grasping for straws.


  • Quantum Positivity: Information presented by quantum healers (Deepak Chopra) mainly regards having an exaggerated positive attitude under the guise to improve people’s lives while gurus benefit financially. Another example is information presented in the movie What the Bleep Do We Know!? this is a film depicting Quantum Mysticism and aims to provide a message about how thinking a certain way can influence the world around you.
  • Crystals: There is no evidence showing that the healing done by crystals is legitimate, all evidence is anecdotal stories lacking in scientific basis likely due to placebo effects.
  • Quantum Mysticism: All the work that aims to relate quantum physics to spirituality is labeled as Quantum Mysticism and is debunked and looked down upon by physicists worldwide.


An adequate number of individuals wear a certain piece of jewelry or clothing to provide good luck when undergoing an important life event because they believe that it will help them achieve successes like they have in the past. While not necessarily true, it provides a sense of comfort and increases the likelihood of success which can enforce their belief in the superstition. 


Science or Pseudoscience? Theory or Conspiracy Theory? Copyright © by Sara Rich. All Rights Reserved.

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