11.1.2 SEE-I Model


Chiropractic medicine has been proven to be a sound form of medicine with evidence that exhibits it as a safe and effective treatment for patients.


The medical division has led to a great deal of controversy surrounding chiropractic medicine amongst physicians and the general public, which does not necessarily align with the research that has been performed in support of chiropractic. This may result in patients being hesitant when seeking medical treatment such as chiropractic medicine, because physicians and patients are not aware of its effectiveness towards patient care.


  • Historical Lens: The historical origins of Chiropractic Medicine reach well into ancient times, with individuals known as “bone setters” who used magical ointments and abilities they claimed to possess. These magical ointments and abilities set and mend broken bones as well as misaligned joints. While the practice of bone setters still occurs today in places like Nigeria and Ireland (Ezeanya-Esiobu, C, 2019), one thing keeps bone setters separate from the science-based method of chiropractic. While the “father” of chiropractic medicine David D Palmer credits bone setting for giving chiropractic medicine its method, Palmer would go on to legitimize the chiropractic practice by using scientific-based procedures.


  • Orthopedic Lens: In the filed, especially with physicians, there is ongoing backlash regarding the claim that chiropractic medicine has the ability to cure non-musculoskeletal diseased such as asthma and colic. This backlash stemmed from the claims made by Dr. Daniel D. Palmer, who founded chiropractic medicine in the late 19th century. He believed that “spinal adjustments” would be the cure for all diseases. However, as the field of chiropractic developed throughout the 20th century chiropractors found this to be false. Their conclusion being that chiropractic medicine is the most efficient in alleviating mainly musculoskeletal diseases. In 2016, a study endorsed by the U.S Department of Health and Human Services showed patients with spine and muscle pains reported less pain after spinal manipulation.


  • Exercise Science Lens: People who work within the field of exercise science, such a physical therapists and athletic trainers, utilize chiropractic medicine for care and treatment with athletes. Their skill level can range from beginner to professional players within national leagues, but both receive care by a chiropractor. Several studies have found positive outcomes in the treatment of muscle strains, joint dysfunctions, relief in lower back pain, and enhancing overall athletic performance (Lin, A. F. C. et al., 2023).


Those who believe chiropractic medicine is a pseudoscience, and not founded in real medicine fail to recognize the change and developments chiropractors and researchers have done to revolutionize the field 200 years after its modern conception. Chiropractic medicine is not a pseudoscience as opposed to beliefs because it has developed into an evidence-based science, and has not continued to practice with the ideology of its origins of “magical healing”. One can see the divide by comparing the field of chiropractic to the field of astrology. While astrology has stayed consistent for 3,000 years, Chiropractic medicine has evolved during its lifespan. Its medical trials, research, and patient outcomes support its effectiveness and validity as a viable medical treatment.


Science or Pseudoscience? Theory or Conspiracy Theory? Copyright © by Sara Rich. All Rights Reserved.

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