8 12.1.2 SEE-I Model


Despite the geological evidence that invalidates the Hollow Earth Theory, its appeal and persuasion to the public was contributed by cultural and political influences, a fascination to mystery and the supernatural, and a lack of scientific understanding.


The Hollow Earth is the idea of an interior world within the Earth’s core that can be accessed through the North and South poles. In the Hollow Earth live “exotic creatures” within an exotic, subterranean paradise.

     The Hollow Earth Theory consists of dozens of theories regarding the “interior world” within the Earth that is suspected to exist. This theory has been interpreted and altered in political, mythological, and geopolitical settings throughout the past several centuries. Two very prominent interpretations of the Hollow Earth have been implemented in decades past- Hitler’s theory about Hollow Earth regarding a superior, Aryan race, and the theory that there are unEarthly creatures, or aliens, living inside the Hollow Earth.


  • Geological Lens: When asking yourself if the Hollow Earth Theory has any validity, you can easily find your answers through geology. Dating back hundreds of years to 1735, French scientists Pierre Bouguer and Charles Marie de La Condamine traveled to Chimbozaro, a volcano in Ecuador, to prove that the Earth was in fact not hollow. The two performed a vertical deflection experiment to test how local mass anomalies affected gravitational pull. Bouguer remarked that their findings were enough to falsify the Hollow Earth Theory. This experiment was repeated by Charles Mason in 1772 and produced far greater evidence to debunk the Hollow Earth Theory. Seismic waves are yet another way to prove the Earth is in fact not hollow. The amount of time it takes for the waves to pass through and around Earth contradicts a fully hollow sphere. Through research, we know that the Earth is made up of four layers: the crust, mantle, inner core, and outer core. With this undeniable evidence we can draw the conclusion that there is no evidence, geologically, that the Earth is hollow.
  • Psychology Lens: Because of the lack of supporting scientific evidence for the Hollow Earth Theory, one should question the psychological reasoning for somebody to believe in this outlandish theory. When someone hears a figure of authority in their lives, tell them the Earth is hollow, the person is very likely to carry that perception throughout the rest of their lives and treat it as fact. Even after evidence that entirely refutes a theory, people refuse to change their opinion. This makes it almost impossible to convince someone who believes in Hollow Earth Theory otherwise.
  • Folklore Lens: Shaver’s statement about venturing into the hollow Earth and encountering its inhabitants aligns with a mythological lens applied to the hollow Earth theory. Within this narrative, the hollow Earth is depicted as a realm inhabited by distinct mythical beings, each with its own characteristics and roles. This interpretation places Shaver’s account within the realm of mythology, illustrating how the hollow Earth theory can be viewed through a lens incorporating legendary elements and narratives. Another element of folklore reveals untold parts of history. While society knows much of Adolf Hitler’s beliefs and actions, they may not know Hitler that he was a Hollow Earth believer. In fact, he composed a theory that Hitler suggested a species of superior beings, otherwise known as the Aryan race, living inside of the Earth.


Hollow Earth is imagined in various ways, with an overall consensus that there is a shell that all humans live on. Within this shell, there is space with another Earth-like sphere. On this sphere live different beings, based on the hypothesis being considered. Generally, there are theorized superior beings living inside of the Hollow Earth. To visualize this, consider having a plastic Easter egg. Inside this egg, there are magical jelly beans, which represent the magical beings that inhabit the inner Earth.


Science or Pseudoscience? Theory or Conspiracy Theory? Copyright © by Sara Rich. All Rights Reserved.

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