3 10.1.1 Reasoned Analysis and Empirical Claims

Reasoned Analysis

Question at Issue:

Does physics, specifically quantum and particle physics, explain any of the trendy spiritual phenomena that has gained attention over the past few years?

Information and Evidence:

  • Peer-reviewed studies on quantum mechanical models
  • Mathematical theories exploring the Many-world theory and Law of attraction
  • Studies about Vibrational frequency
  • Studies about Energy, and Thermodynamic Laws detailing what energy is and how it flows in the universe.


To evaluate whether or not quantum physics explains the recent trends of spiritual phenomena such as astral projections, the Law of attraction, and the phenomenon of raising frequencies.


  • For a phenomenon to successfully be supported by quantum physics
  • Mathematical models must be in place detailing how it works.
    • It is crucial for these models to be widely accepted in the physics world.

Point of View:

  • Physicists
  • Spiritually-inclined individuals
  • Wiccan practitioners
  • TikTok users
  • Medical professionals


  • Physics
  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Vibrational Frequency
  • Energy
  • Law of attraction
  • Quantum Entanglement

Implications and Consequences:

If there exists a highly spiritual world exists and it is supported by mathematical models, then it is being kept hidden from the general population. The consequences of using physics to support spiritual theories can be very drastic. Not only do these models poorly represent physics and spread misinformation, but the people who are partaking in these trends also rarely understand Quantum Mechanics. These individuals simply use it because it is not explained well nor understood by the masses. They are using a physics concept, that little is known about, to support theories with no basis.


Spiritual phenomena should be considered within the context of physics, social media impact, human psychology, and cognition.

Conclusions and Interpretations:

There is absolutely no evidence suggesting that any of the spiritual phenomena mentioned is based on true Quantum Mechanics models or can even be supported by physics (Newtonian or not).


Disciplinary Lenses

Physics (Thermodynamics)

Question at Issue:

How do the laws of Thermodynamics affect humans and matter such as crystals?

Evidence and Information:

  • Thermodynamics book
  • Anecdotal research published in the form of articles
  • Peer-reviewed research
  • Crystals marketing schemes


  • Vibrational energy
  • Crystals
  • Energy interactions
  • Entropy


  • Materials (including crystals) have energy and release radiation, however, this radiational energy either has little to no impact on us, or is detrimental.


to determine if there exists any Thermodynamic data that points towards crystal healing and law of attraction among other spirituality or spiritual healing practices.


  • Thermodynamics
  • Energy
  • Spiritual healing

Point of View:

  • Physicists
  • Spiritual leaders
  • General public

Implications and Consequences:

  • Understanding the role that physics plays in everyday life
  • Understanding the basis of how people use Thermodynamics and the flow of energy to support topics such as crystal healing, law of attraction, and more.

Conclusions and Interpretations:

Thermodynamics has the potential to show whether there are any physical and mathematical models supporting the mentioned spiritual topics.

Physics (Quantum Mechanics)

Question at Issue:

Does Quantum Mechanics relate spirituality, consciousness, and subconsciousness to physical and mathematical models?

Evidence and Information:

  • Peer-reviewed research
  • Understanding Quantum Mysticism
  • Spiritual leaders publishing about Quantum Mechanics and its relation to spirituality


  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Quantum Mysticism
  • Consciousness
  • Astral projection
  • The Many-Worlds Theory
  • The Copenhagen Interpretation (something exists only upon observation)


  • When observed, the wave function collapses and not all possibilities are realized
    • This renders any “many reality” theories such as shifting realities impossible.


  • To understand why Quantum Mechanics does not support these theories and what Quantum Mysticism is as a subject.


  • Consciousness
  • Subconsciousness
  • Quantum realm
  • The Mind-Body Relationship

Point of View:

  • Physicists
  • Spiritual leaders
  • TikTok users
  • Supporters of The Many-Worlds Theory
  • Supporters of The Copenhagen Interpretation

Implications and Consequences:

  • The need to understand what Quantum Mysticism is and how it impacts the interpretation of physics in less informed people.
    • The misuse of Quantum Mechanics has severe mental consequences:
      • Ageless Body and Timeless Mind.

Conclusions and Interpretations:

Physicists have completely rejected the application of Quantum Mechanics to other topics and are constantly fighting against theories of this kind.


Psychology (Need for Uniqueness)

Question at Issue:

How does the Need for Uniqueness (NFU) cause people to look for the “special” or “supernatural” within them and around them?

Evidence and Information:

Psychological Studies

  • Clinical trials on uniqueness
  • The rise in TikTok user in the recent years and the negative implications as such


  • Most spiritual occurrences and beliefs come from a need to feel unique or regain control.


  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • COVID-19
  • Yearning for something “more”
  • Helplessness


  • To determine the correlation between the NFU and recent spirituality trends that have gained a following in recent years.


  • Spirituality, as it’s seen in a psychological context, and the attempt to support claims with science.

Point of View:

  • Psychologists
  • Sociologists
  • Spiritually inclined individuals
  • Eastern healers that do not work under Western assumptions and practices

Implications and Consequences:

  • Spirituality and spiritual practices have gained traction during the isolation that occurred during the 2020 pandemic.
  • People not only craved a feeling of uniqueness but also yearned for a fresh perspective of the world.
  • These beliefs can be harmless and fun when practiced in moderation, however there is the threat of capitalization and vulnerability of younger audiences at play.
    • This threat is particularly prevalent amongst online users, like those on TikTok, who do not source their information from reliable sources.

Conclusions and Interpretations:

The NFU, in addition to the need that humans expressed during the pandemic when they sought to “take back control” in situations of helplessness, could be reasons why spirituality is gaining a following.


Empirical Claims

Inductive Reasoning #1

True Premise 1: The crystal helped heal my anxiety, illness, depression etc.

True Premise 2: Through Quantium Physics, you can achieve the capability to raise your body’s vibration, promote healing, all through the power of your thoughts.

Weak Inductive Reasoning: Crystals have healing powers because hold the ability to capture the positive energy within them.

Logical Conclusion: Through the placebo effect, you may see positive benefits by truly believing in the crystal’s power.


Inductive Reasoning #2

True Premise 1: There are anecdotal claims that if you want to raise your vibrations, a positive mindset is crucial.

True Premise 2: After shifting your mindset, your life quality improves.

Weak Inductive Reasoning: Due to the vibrational rise in my thoughts, I am now attracting the life I desire.

Logical Conclusion: Changing one’s attitude toward life may lead to better quality of work and an increase in lifestyle.


Abductive Reasoning #1

True Premise 1: The concept that remaining positive, and having an optimistic outlook on life produces a happier and healthier life, is used by quantum healers as proof that our thoughts hold intense power over the outcome of our lives.

Weak Abductive Reasoning: You can make dramatic life changes, and even prevent aging through your thoughts.

Logical Conclusion: Having a positive outlook on life has shown an overall improvement in people’s lives, not because of their thoughts and what healing they are performing, but because they are more likely to find enjoyment and accomplishment in their daily tasks.


Abductive Reasoning #2

True Premise 1: Energy is all around us and crystals possess the ability to channel different types of energy.

Information: Most people want to have control over their destiny, and there is a lot of anecdotal evidence that crystals help change your life.

Weak Abductive Reasoning: Since crystals grant control of energy then they must be veracious.

Logical Conclusion: When experiencing feel good emotions or experiencing something good, while carrying a crystal, it’s likely a coincidence or the placebo effect.


Deductive Reasoning #1

True Premise 1: Quantum Mechanics math models support the many world theory, which claims that there is a reality formed for every possible choice.

Weak Deductive Reasoning: You must only think positively because there is a reality created for every thought/ choice we make, and you desire satisfactory, possible realities. (Science misinterpretation, appeal to false authority)

Logical Conclusion: The physics of Quantum Mechanics exceedingly supports The Copenhagen Interpretation. While, the Many-Worlds Theory exists mainly because the math requires less constants. Therefore, one can conclude no other realities are created for the choices you do not make.


Deductive Reasoning #2

True Premise 1: Energy is all around us.

True Premise 2: We are capable of manipulating energy and converting it between different forms (electrical to thermal, kinetic to potential, etc.).

Weak Deductive Reasoning: We can use crystals to channel positive energy, so they must be supported by physics.

Logical Conclusion: We are indeed able to use energy to improve our lives, but there is no physics based energy referred to as positive energy, nor is there a way to channel it into an object using the power of thought.


Logical Fallacies


Quantum Mechanics is not well understood, especially by the masses, causing it to often be used to back up metaphysical concepts. “You must raise your thoughts’ vibrational frequency” – What is our thoughts’ vibrational frequency? How is it raised?

Appeal to Ignorance

Due to the fact that there can be no concrete research done on Quantum Mysticism theories, there will always be individuals claiming that the theory cannot be disproved. “Since it cannot be absolutely dismissed then it is true”.

Wishful Thinking

Quantum Mysticism relies on wishful thinking. A lot of the ideas incorporated into Quantum Mysticism are built upon the idea that if you truly believe something, then it will happen – which is the definition of wishful thinking. “If I change my thoughts towards a positive spin then my life will be better. I will get my job because I have manifested it.”

Hasty Generalization

Quantum Mysticism is mostly supported by anecdotal evidence that shapes bold conclusions. “Two of the people who bought crystals on my shop had a new job within the week, it must be the crystals.”

The Slothful Induction (Appeal to Coincidence)

Many people are unable to improve their lives despite how hard they try to think positively, or how many crystals they buy. Instead of claiming that these methods do not work, a guru could claim “they are not in the right vibrational frequency, or the stars are not properly aligned.”


A lot of the people who use crystals and other forms of metaphysical practices attribute successes to the practice and failures to themselves rather than mere coincidence.


This fallacy is similar to The Coincidence Fallacy in which individuals claim that their life is improving due to the practice of metaphysical ideas and activity, disregarding other factors (mood, viewpoint, attitude). For example, one may say: “My anxiety is gone ever since I started wearing my Amethyst necklace.” In reality, the crystal necklace you are wearing has nothing to do with the improved effects of the wearer.

Science Misinterpretation

Quantum Mysticism applies the fallacy of misinterpretation to  portray science incorrectly. By applying real concepts and ideas where they should not be applied. “Quantum Mechanics shows that vibrational frequencies can change, which supports the idea that we can change our vibrational frequencies.”

Appeal to False Authority

Individuals involved in Quantum Mysticism are often fake experts. Deepak Chopra lacks accreditation in the field of physics, yet he speaks about quantum theories in his published books. Deepak Chopra uses his publishing accolades, such as his status of being a New York Times Bestselling Author to appeal to authority when he has no formal background in the scientific fields he makes claims in.


Standards of Critical Thinking

Clarity: The point is very clear and the evidence supporting it is well defined.

Accuracy: Most of the articles supporting scientific facts are legitimate articles from reputable journals/books. The anecdotal experiences attached to support and explain Quantum Mysticism are insufficient – this can work in favor of the pseudoscience claim.

Importance/Relevance: The information covered is highly relevant due to the rise in Quantum Mysticism today. It is also greatly important to educate people before they are preyed on.

Sufficiency: There are a good bit of articles stated, but more should be included to strengthen the backbone of the paper.

Depth: The article provides good depth for a primary introduction to the topic, but it requires a further delve in the physics realm.

Breadth: The article has three lenses, however, two of them are physics related. While this is extremely applicable, a different point of view could be brought in. Maybe a business/marketing lens?

Precision: The article has good precision because the conclusion is widely supported by physicists.


Science or Pseudoscience? Theory or Conspiracy Theory? Copyright © by Sara Rich. All Rights Reserved.

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