Unit 13 Critical Thinking Exercises

  1. Imagine what you believe an alien would look like in your head. Then, draw a couple examples down on a piece of paper. Examine what was just drawn and notice characteristics about the alien. Is it scary? Does it look human? Does it look like an alien made up in Hollywood films? This really highlights how much media affects our mindsets, while also calling attention to how many possibilities there are for alien appearances.
  2. Think about and write down common stories you’ve heard regarding UFOs. Do they involve an alien abduction? Do they involve a crashed unidentified flying object in the shape of a saucer? Or do they even involve an alien at all?
  3. Conduct a survey that collects answers regarding the existence of aliens. Do a majority of people believe in extraterrestrial life or vice versa?
  4. How would you describe extraterrestrial life to someone who has no idea of the possibilities that the universe holds?


Science or Pseudoscience? Theory or Conspiracy Theory? Copyright © by Sara Rich. All Rights Reserved.

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