1 Unit 4 Critical Thinking Exercises


  1. Identify and analyze other significant cultural aspects that a believer in Ley lines might claim to be connected to this pseudoscience.
  2.  Research Ley lines yourself and find a blog or article written by someone who believes in Ley lines. From there, identify any logical fallacies you can find and explain your reasoning.
  3. Analyze the research supporting ley lines and use cherry-picking to explain how a Ley line believer might explain these patterns.
  4. What examples of pattern finding do you experience in your everyday life and how can you relate that to the thinking of someone who believes in Ley lines?
  5. What other beliefs or pseudoscience might coincide with believing in Ley lines?


Science or Pseudoscience? Theory or Conspiracy Theory? Copyright © by Sara Rich. All Rights Reserved.

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