Unit 7 Critical Thinking Exercises

1. Are there any conspiracy theories that you typically engage with or have engaged with in the past? Do you recognize that they are conspiracy theories, or do you truly believe them? Why?

2. If you could create a secret society, what would its purpose be? What would your own secret society look like?

3. If given the option to join a secret society, would you? What effects do you think it would have on your personal life and morals?

4. Knowing the Illuminati conspiracy and others like it cannot be absolutely proved or disproved, how would you go about trying to discern for yourself whether secret/elite societies are real or not? Do you think critical thinking would lead you to discover there are general principles that apply to all secret society conspiracies, or would it lead you to believe it’s a case-by-case situation?


Science or Pseudoscience? Theory or Conspiracy Theory? Copyright © by Sara Rich. All Rights Reserved.

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