Unit 8 Critical Thinking Exercises

  1. Choose a partner
    • Individually, write down a list of movies, TV shows, books, or news articles that contain ESP elements.
    • Compare with your partner. See how many each of you came up with and if you share any similarities.
    • Discuss why you think these forms of media decided to use ESP. How does it contribute to the overall story? Do you or your partner believe the elements of ESP that are presented? Why? If not, what makes it intriguing to watch if you do not believe in it? Is it the storyline, the animation, or something else?

2. Choose one ESP feature you find the most interesting. This could be psychics, necromancers, the reading of tea leaves, telekinesis, etc. Research more about that feature. For example; recent studies, news articles, common sightings or occurrences, etc. Write down your research and be prepared to discuss it with a group or partner.

3. Apply Throughout the day, try to incorporate the topics into your daily life. Have you ever seen a psychic? Do you have any intuitive experiences? Write it down in your journal.


Science or Pseudoscience? Theory or Conspiracy Theory? Copyright © by Sara Rich. All Rights Reserved.

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