Appendix 2: Reading list

Powerful expositions of the role of the artist in the climate crisis

A short list of readings focused on the role of the artist in the climate crisis. Some of these have been referenced in the text of the guidebook already, but we include them here in order to highlight them further along with other works that have not yet been included.

Bilodeau, Chantal. “The Arts are Good at Changing Culture,” Conscient podcast, e44.

Brunner, Paul and Michael Mehler, “Theatre Design & Production Reimagined: Four Principles for a Sustainable Future” Theatre Design & Technology vol. 49. 3, 2013, pp. 24-32.

Chaudhuri, Una. “The Fifth Wall.” HowlRound Theatre Commons: Theatre in the Age of Climate Change, 17 April 2017.

Dias, Annalisa with Lauren Halvorsen. “Decomposition instead of Collapse–Dear Theatre, Be Like Soil,” Rescripted, August 4, 2023.

Fanconi, Kendra. “The Art Shaped Hole in the Climate Crisis,” Below the Radar SFU Office of Community Engagement podcast, 8 November 2022.

—. “Head Under,” Canadian Theatre Review 173, 2018, pp. 31-35.

Gupa, Dennis. “Climate Change and Applied Theater as Post-Disaster Response”. Edited by Glenda Tibe Bonifacio and Roxana Balbido Epe, Disasters in the Philippines: Before and After Haiyan, Bristol, UK: Bristol University Press, 2023, pp. 248-266.

Lebeau, Anne- Catherine.“The Ecological Mindset,” Dance Current podcast, 2022.

Litzenberger, Shannon, “State of Emergence: Why We Need Artists Right Now,” Medium, 11 December 2021.

Maggs, David. Art and the World After This. Metcalf Foundation, 2021.

McKibben, Bill. “What the warming world needs now is art, sweet art” Grist 22 April 2005.

Okri, Ben. “Artists Must Confront the Climate Crisis- We Must Write As If These Are the Last Days,” The Guardian, 12 November 2021.

 “The Role of the Artist in This Climate Moment” roundtable with Kendra Fanconi, Tasha Faye Evans, Elaine Avila, Miwa Matreyek, and David Maggs, Arts Club, Vancouver, 24 September 2022.

Stephens, Elizabeth, “Becoming Eco-Sexual,” Canadian Theatre Review 144. 2010. pp. 13-18.

Svendsen, Zoe. “Principles for Theatre in an Era of Ecological Chaos,” Medium, August 30, 2021.


A Guide for Environmental Stewardship in Theatre and Performance Training Programs Copyright © 2024 by Kimberly Skye Richards; Hope McIntyre; Selena Couture; and Kelly Richmond. All Rights Reserved.

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