Appendix 4: Other resources

Other Resources

Another fantastic resource is the Artists & Climate Change initiative, which has a public archive of arts & humanities syllabi themed around environmental topics. It can be found here:

The Department of Performing and Media Arts at Cornell University has a digital archive documenting their Climate Plays project, a multi-year series of devised community-based plays on the impact of climate change on the Finger Lakes:

Sample Syllabi

We are also offering some examples from our own teaching. If you intend to draw on these materials in your teaching, please be thoughtful about the intellectual labour that goes into syllabi work and cite your sources.

Sample syllabi can be viewed here and include:

  • Introduction to Theatre Arts & The Climate Crisis (Drama 101) – Selena Couture, University of Alberta
  • Haunted Natures, Hidden Environments (Performing & Media Arts 1611) – Kelly Richmond, Cornell University
  • Ecocritical Theatre (Theatre 3610/English 3800) Katrina Dunn, University of Manitoba
  • Expanding Capacity for Living on a Damaged Planet (Theatre 440) – Kim Richards, University of British Columbia
  • Sustainable Staging Techniques/Sustainable Design in Performance (Theatre 4111/5111) – Ian Garrett, York University
  • Eco-Scenography (Theatre 4112/ 5112)Ian Garrett, York University
  • Climate Changes and Eco-Performances ( a new course in development) Dennis Gupa, University of Winnipeg


A Guide for Environmental Stewardship in Theatre and Performance Training Programs Copyright © 2024 by Kimberly Skye Richards; Hope McIntyre; Selena Couture; and Kelly Richmond. All Rights Reserved.

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