
7 Chapter Seven




please see this passage that exonerates him muhammad to you and confirms him as my mercy to you or rehmat al alimeen say i allah there to some who listen on to my diatribe not here

please see the soul intact and the spirit unchanged

please see muhammad on him be peace in that regard that he never had a major sin to his credit not and it is true he was pious and never had a lie to his name or any other sin apart from some mistakes we talk about in the quran some

please know he had a spirit intact and that is why he is my choice to teach you as the most pious by me is the most clear-minded of my creation as his brain has never been perturbed by sin and he knows clarity not to do it sin in him so both play a role

please see his spirit was intact so his soul grew and never diminished like we all have it occur say i omar here but it is true he grew wise quickly and not through experience of the adverse kind we all learn from in life and it is so because you are a witness as to his life from the quran and the hadith lore you realize omar too is confirming this on his page to you and he is not a liar or exaggerator to you and speaks plainly of prophets of yore and you know i write for him and you trust my word there in arabia and middle east some not but here in christian islam you have where you recognize this form of communication exists for some as indicated by hadith and your literature and you know the prophet did say nothing would be left of prophesy except clear visions and thoughts from him and these people would be called muhadith so you know there is a basis for saint here and revelation by means of angels who read book passages to him has end with muhammad and these are clear thoughts and visions he has omar here and mirza and other saints before have been recorded as saying they see and write from him creator they have but back to the point i make that prophet has intact spirit and thus was perfect in aplomb and clarity and knew no doubt that it would occur islam there but did not know i would make it worldwide through his pen there

please know he had a perfect thought process which is what mind is and the mind is the spirit in things as you can see the word has come that when your mind is muddied it is because of some sin in you and you have to reform in piety with repentance and prayer helps in that regard and the prophet was always clear in his mind more or less as we all travail some when we live on earth but it was so he had a perfect balance and knew not to sin so there it is he is my chosen one for all eternity as he proved it in his life what a perfect slave of mine he is and because his spirit is intact he will always have the most clarity of my servants that i create and he is also my wise one who is my companion always

omar some but mainly allah here


21:106 Surely in this is a message for a people who serve (Us).

21:107 And We have not sent thee but as a mercy to the nations.

21:108 Say: It is only revealed to me that your God is one God: will you then submit?


please see the quran was revealed to a man who fulfilled it in his life there

please know it is a book that is perfect for you and the fulfiller of it is likewise

please know it was the prophets custom not to lie and even his enemy declared that to the sovereign of the eastern roman empire when he met him and was questioned about him and he told him that he had never known him to lie

please see he fulfilled every letter of the quran in his entire life thats why we were indebted to him for bringing us the law book to us

please know the quran could not have been given to another man

please see his heart is the repository of it and it is the only heart that could assimilate the words of it

please see heraclius converted and did not fight him as he knew he was noble and that he was true in his claim to be a prophet of them the arabs and so he withdrew his army from the war field at tabuk in the last year of the prophets life

please see we are indebted to this man muhammad they know as he alone completed faith for humanity for his creator and it is his book we read there in our daily prayers so be grateful to him and allah as well for creating him a witness of us and an example we follow to get to paradise for us who fulfill the words of the quran to us yes no one can enter it unless they are like him who is muhammad to us and now you adopt it as no other book can take you to high station of firdous to us

please see aisha the wife of the prophet bore witness to this fact that his morals were that of the quran and isa and myself bear witness with her and he isa says he did say to the people that he will send the spirit of truth to them to complete faith in things that they did not have heart to bear at that time and so there you have it he is a witness with us aisha and myself here and you know other prophets also predict his coming there in arabia so you know it is clear from history that he was to come as a teacher to us



33:21 Certainly you have in the Messenger of Allah an excellent exemplar for him who hopes in Allah and the Latter day, and remembers Allah much.


33:45 O Prophet, surely We have sent thee as a witness, and a bearer of good news and a warner,

33:46 And as an inviter to Allah by His permission, and as a light-giving sun.


Qatadah reported: I said to Aisha, “O mother of the believers, tell me about the character of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him.” Aisha said, “Have you not read the Quran?” I said, “Of course.” Aisha said, “Verily, the character of the Prophet of Allah was the Quran.”

-Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 746


Please see that without fidelity to him who is Prophet there you won’t make it to Heaven Abode with you and that holds for all mankind as he is extant and you must be kind to him in words you use, like the Muslims do.

Loving the Prophet and auliya and prophets of Islam is incumbent on one and you have to respect them in that they serve Him Who creates them to bring piety to you and if you disregard them that’s different but if you deride them or their works to you then a punishment awaits you and you won’t enter paradise with them, it is clear we have to show respect to those who do Allah’s work for Him, but the person who is key is Muhammad on him be peace on this issue and if you deride him hate will follow you in your life and those People of the Book who call him evil are evil by you as you can’t find flaw on My near perfect one in all his life’s endeavors, other people you may but he was upstanding with you, and you won’t receive peace from Me, your Creator to you if you deride him or auliya we have.

Please see hatred will always be your life and you will fight with others around you if you disregard him who is Muhammad as he is to be treated with respect by Me but if you are ill about the issue and call him bad I will create sadness in your life as bad affects you and you become sad in it say I Allah the August One by you, so don’t do it, call him bad to you, and live in piety like Muslims do in this issue and dare Me not in this matter.

Please see you know he is true and good to you and your soul will reject you if you call him bad there and love will not occur in your life and you will start hating Me as well.



4:107 And contend not on behalf of those who act unfaithfully to their souls. Surely Allah loves not him who is treacherous, sinful:


Please see One God occurred with you and you realized Omar was telling it true that Muhammad was the best person to lead us, then Illihoon descend here and peace occur in your hearts about the life Hereafter.

Please know they are taken by Him, the Qadianis are, by their Creator as they were creating law that he was nabi actually, who is Omar and Mirza, as they call him that but it is not so they don’t in their heart but it is mischief they do, some of them.

Please know Ahmadi Muslims are my identity as they want qitar but it is not required in Illihoon as we are 1 body now and the shahada is sufficient for us but the qitar is beneficial in the fight in us but it is so simple prayer is sufficient and as we said when Islam occurred there in China and Middle East it was wrapped up, the world was.

Please know in your heart you know, I, Muhammad is the head of humanity as Omar’s book lists him as the best person to lead and Isa and Mirza as well say so in their writings and in your shaur as well you know he was Allah’s companion before others and he still is and is in his shaur the best to lead in world affairs, in his spirit he does now, so it occurs you trust Omar in this and so forth and the world is wrapped up as you trust Omar and Mirza some in this matter as they both praised him effusively you say, yes, it was effusive say I Muhammad.

Please know it was when Omar took you as a witness that I was the best person the world will see you succumbed to him and Allah was One with you so you succumb and say he is true who is Omar to us and Allah decided to end the world in its previous structure and descend heaven to us and now there you have it we are one structure in the world community and battles fought are in statutes and sanctions for the most part and it is true the world is wrapped up in its structure of impiety it had.

Omar not here but Muhammad there in spirit to you do I write this.


please see sin-free means only that they have achieved it perfection with him the creat and do not sin anymore not that they have never sinned that is inconceivable there

please see it is clear we sin when we are on earth as the hadith says so that when we wade through water we will get wet but i know you know minor sins occur to all of us and some not but all mankind fall with major ones as well and our prophet was an exception not as it says here in these two sections but rest assured he was the most pious of us and knew no sin in an overt way but he did have the thought of shirk as did abraham as the quran explained he searched for god and realized him in thoughts and speech but it is so it is a dhanb or sin to do so but it is forgiven if you clear in your thoughts as he was well-intentioned in it and our prophet was similar but it is so all mankind has a major sin or dhanb and the prophets all go through soul searching and things like that and some sin overtly but it is clear muhammad never explained what his was in hadith lore we have but it is so he was sinless after that except for minor issues we all have as we travel forth on earth and there you have it i am told his sin was a thought about him being god but it was a thought only placed there by allah on him as he searched for purity in things and it is clear he never touched a woman outside marriage and other sins were unknown to him but it is so he did not have a fall with women while all other prophets had and it is just words they say that they are sinless and it is so we learn from our mistakes and are forgiven and learn when we repent and major sins aside minor ones are forgiven when we pray and ask forgiveness in things but i know you say he touched women but it is so he did say to companions that he never touched outside wedlock and there you have it he was sinless in major ones and mistakes or khata are different and are forgiven when you repent it your flaw there but there you have it it is because we all have a major sin or more in our life we must be humble in it and bring others to sinless state he has there when he submits to god his flaw and he forgives him and allows intervention for us when we too ask him the creator for forgiveness and so forth you realize the hadith is there that the prophets will be approached on the day we are judged and they will say ourself not but ‘myself’ because of some sin they had and they wont intervene for them the people who ask them to and they will eventually approach muhammad and he will submit himself for judgment and then mans forgiveness will commence and people will start going to heaven when muhammad enters there so we know he has sin according to muslim teach but according to our law he was least in sin so there you have polemic from christian door who say he sinned and jesus didnt but it is not so according to our law there from hadith and we all sin and that is what makes us human and god is sin-free actually and has created evil to test us and so forth he saw the best there was in thought his sole major sin with him and others have sinned in kind and deed according to hadith structure we have and it is so my son isa and musa there did predict him so he is august to you and isa did say of him that he will complete faith for them so obviously he had a more complete faith than my son who did sin some in his youth there while my hubby muhammad never did and omar knows he is not him in sin free existence of no lies to his credit thats why he is the chosen one there in our before-life to bring islam to world structure and people know its blasphemy people of faiths different do when they say their man never knew women or sin but we know they all do says maryam here and it is just words of aggrandizement they say as we know all are human and only allah is sin-free and now you know if muhammad had a sin they all did as his intercession there is a document with us and you in islam believe he is the best man because of it this intercession he had for mankind and the quran calls him a mercy to mankind and so forth his message is for all man and women and their child so do honor him as the best of us all humans we are no gods in us as we are all men you like actual ways and bless in your prayers as those who gave you law from him the great creator of us with the culmination of faith with the quran there from muhammad to us

omar and maryam here


51 We certainly help Our messengers, and those who believe, in this world’s life and on the day when the witnesses arise—

52 The day on which their excuse will not benefit the unjust, and for them is a curse and for them is the evil abode.

53 And We indeed gave Moses the guidance, and We made the Children of Israel inherit the Book —

54 A guidance and a reminder for men of understanding.

55 So be patient; surely the promise of Allah is true; and ask forgiveness for thy sin and celebrate the praise of thy Lord in the evening and the morning.


47:19 So know that there is no god but Allah and ask forgiveness for thy sin and for the believing men and the believing women. And Allah knows your moving about and your staying (in a place).


25:68 And they who call not upon another god with Allah and slay not the soul which Allah has forbidden, except in the cause of justice, nor commit fornication; and he who does this shall meet a requital of sin —

25:69 The chastisement will be doubled to him on the day of Resurrection, and he will abide therein in abasement —

25:70 Except him who repents and believes and does good deeds; for such Allah changes their evil deeds to good ones. And Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful.


Please see the Prophet succumbs to you if you are sane in things and make it gradual, your love for him, but we know he deserves it more than Jesus as he gave you comfort where you had none and were sad in things you do here.

Please see this verse of the Quran hasn’t come true but it is there in the archives and Allah will make it appear soon so you can see it for yourself, they say it is the Comforter or Paraclete who is referred here but that is a word used that is separate and not to be confused with this name here, but rest assured he is the one who praises his Creat there as you can see from the Quran words and his hadith structure where he is full of love and virtue to Him, his Creator, and we should learn from his example and be effusive in the worship and praise of the One Who gave us a living conscious brain and mind that is able to appreciate things and a body that enjoys pleasures and all that we do in virtue with it, more here is required, I too am Ahmad but I am not the one spoken of in this verse and rest assured it is our Prophet who came to comfort you there was a God and that we have a Hereafter where we will be given things if we are pious in this life, so you succumb to pious life now as you have seen death and despair with hardship to you and you love piety in you where you are loving me, your friend, from his office, the Prophet there.



61:6 And when Jesus, son of Mary, said: O Children of Israel, surely I am the messenger of Allah to you, verifying that which is before me of the Torah and giving the good news of a Messenger who will come after me, his name being Ahmad. But when he came to them with clear arguments, they said: This is clear enchantment.


Please see the seal is Muhammad as can be seen from this Biblical lore here.

Please see this verse from Isaiah that speaks of the seal being given to an unlearned man, this refers to Muhammad, on him be peace as it is clear he could not read at that juncture and he said those words as recorded in biblical text not but in hadith lore we have, but it is so he was the seal mentioned here.

Please know Omar’s arm wants it explained but I know the words have been altered some but the context is that after the sleep the prophetic seal would be offered to him who is Isaiah there.

Please know he would not open it as he knew other prophets would appear.

Please see it would then receive grace with him who is myself, Omar not, but me Muhammad and I would say those words and the seal would occur.


Isaiah 29.

10 For the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered.

11 And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, “Read this, I pray thee”: and he saith, “I cannot; for it is sealed:”

12 And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, “Read this, I pray thee:” and he saith, “I am not learned.”

13 Wherefore the Lord said, “Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honor me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men.”


please see the reason we were created here from earth material and why we were sent from our heaven of before when we were spirits who roamed the earth here it was a plan though with us in islam that i would test you eventual ways since you demurred my wisdom before say i allah there

please know jokes and games are fun to do but industry is severe for you but it is required adam was sent out of eden for industry to occur in him i could have created heaven for you in the first go but you werent coming through you were all jealous of my chosen one muhammad there and you thought i was partial to him in unjust way most of you thought that so i gave you the world to prove your worth and all of you testify now you are not perfect like he was to you this is the reason for my creation of you from earth material say i omar not but allah there that you will bow down to my wisdom in future as you will not want earth again after i give you heaven afresh there in the hereafter for you

omar not


please see it is clear communion or isra is commonplace amongst my saints but know it is not the communion i had there with my beloved son muhammad and his dream not but motion was real to us

when you have a communion with me your mind is my mind in you and your thoughts come from me as repose i have in you but it is so you are one body with me in your meet of me in your thoughts to you and muhammad had seen this communion too when i spoke to him in isra prayer he had and you know it is a mutually appreciative act prayer is to me your creat there as you give me peace and i through my soul there in you give you peace too and we love too in it when this peace result in us yes my soul grows and so does yours in this prayer you have and i am pleased with you and you are too pleased with your creator and love flourishes between us and then you start loving others with this repository of love i give you from myself there you have it only one god issues prevail you and now you know others who learn from you love you in similar ways as you give them peace and love occurs in them too with the prayer they do to me their creator this is the nature of heaven i create here say i allah there

omar not here


please see the salafi movement does not represent me say i muhammad to man and i dress in modern clothes that are modest in nature here in my follower with you

please know the way of the prophet is truth and integrity first and later the clothes and the beard as that law is late now with the orthodox salafi not move we teach and they say to them salafis first clean your house before you preach in the west true say i muhammad here and you must be truth bear and law abiding before you teach or else you will be taken away as hypocrites now as many imams are in this land of illihoon people who dont bear it in their testimony to man and there are some imams who berate me for bringing islam gradual ways with hadith not in it and early quran law of virtue and piety there that early islam adherents had there but it is so people of the west love my simple piety and law-bearing and they like nice men who dont berate them on minor issues of islam while at the same time encourage them on major issues they have but it is so the salafi move away from me even though i bear truth and integrity with them here in the western culture of piety emerging by you with you in your midst in the world forum as you teach me in prophet muhammads garb for his simplicity to emerge with you



please see terrorism is on the wane here in the west and east both areas are safe more or less

please see it is politically incorrect to do this that you say terrorism is the creed of muslims there in this day and age when i am teaching islam from prophet muhammads group in paradise as these concepts are not there in islam he had and what i teach is different concepts from them in middle east where they take verses of war in an out of context manner and apply it to civilians further the number of thousands of attacks since september 11 is arbitrary and made up there is very little terrorism now as i have been teaching prophet muhammads islam to them and they agree to lay down arms too and in the recent years there have been few radical attacks on targets here and the west so dont bother with these propaganda pundits they do this jewish elements who hate islam coming to you and your nation of one faith we have now of mono god here which you export to them in the western hemisphere and east as well



Please see the Prophet’s acclaim that though he had the instinct to bed women before marriage he abstained from the touch even as he knew in his heart it was wrong to do.

We all desire sex in our youth, the Prophet did too in the touch to him but he abstained and didn’t talk about it, he thought it bad in him and suppressed him in it and stayed away from girls as he wanted to preserve himself for marriage, he had virtue in his intellect to him and he thought as you did that good men don’t bed women before getting married to them, and he lived in a culture where he could stay apart if he wished, but he knew it was over, he was impious as he wanted women out of wedlock say I Allah there, I put it in your heart all mankind to desire every member of man and women in your psyche if they were attractive to you and some follow through on this impulse on their living here in earth but it is not possible to bed everyone you like, you have to marry and settle with one and maybe later with another or so if you’re male by law of nature I gave you as you roam more by nature in an attempt to procreate as many as you can, a law of survival we have for man and women as well, but they are satisfied in creating for one male by her nature of procreation in marriage rites I give her for her safety to occur, and so you know that Hell is full of people who try to procreate out of wedlock and if they inhibit it, the child to them, it is still a sin as it leads to an ill man or woman who do this procreation act and inhibit childhood from occurring in them by abort or contraception. Omar not here.



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