3 Chapter Three
Please see law is inherent in Me and has to be obeyed in your nature to you and My law structure there coming forth through the ages to you.
Please see this is what the law means in that it has to be obeyed by one and if ignored it is sin and rebellion.
Please see these verses from Maida or The Table saying that the people of the book were given a law.
Please know it is because of this they are closer to Islam than other faiths where the law differed in respect to issues.
Please know it is imperative that we live with the law.
Please know Jesus taught the law had to be followed and did not allow any polytheism in it as the current day law stands in its trinity concepts.
Please know it is clear he came to uphold the law as it says in the verse of the Quran and the gospels.
Please know there is no law in the Torah or Islam that allows admonition not when you ignore law in its implementation as you have in the Christian faith.
Please know this is an innovation they say that Jesus died for your sins to be forgiven.
Please know similarly it is clear that Jesus’ death was conjured up in order that he may appear to them as gone from them.
Please see it occur that we know he did not die for your sins as that is not law in the Torah and the Quran says that one cannot take away the sins of another in the least and further it says that we need to be responsible for our deeds which cling to us on Judgment Day.
Please know to judge by what is revealed.
Please know we will be asked if we did not follow revelation.
Please know the modern-day Christians and Jews know that fornication is not allowed and yet they do not prevent them from doing so saying it will be forgiven of them. It is similar somewhat in the Quran they say but it is so the Quran is emphatic that you will be judged and an iota will be forgiven not actually and all things are accountable by Him there on that Day. In this there is truth that all are sins that will be tabulated and those whose good deeds are light will enter Hellfire and so forth results.
Please see God is exacting in judgment and it is not like Muslims think they will be forgiven and no accountability will occur if they pray regularly but it is so you have to live piously in things and then you may be forgiven if your good deeds are heavy, as the Quran says there.
Please know it is similar for other laws as well where they are not permitted leeway.
Please know the Old Testament has to be judged by, by the Christians if they want a law other than the Quran and it is so Muslims will have to judge them by their Book as the law is inherent in man and cannot be ignored in a careless way the way Christians of the latter day used to do.
Please know it is akin to disbelief not to follow the law as the Quran says here and a person will be raised as a disbeliever if he or she does not follow the letter of the law in a way becoming of them. Omar.
The Table.
5:44 Surely We revealed the Torah, having guidance and light. By it did the prophets who submitted themselves (to Allah) judge for the Jews, and the rabbis and the doctors of law, because they were required to guard the Book of Allah, and they were witnesses thereof. So fear not the people and fear Me, and take not a small price for My messages. And whoever judges not by what Allah has revealed, those are the disbelievers.
5:45 And We prescribed to them in it that life is for life, and eye for eye, and nose for nose, and ear for ear, and tooth for tooth, and for wounds retaliation. But whoso forgoes it, it shall be an expiation for him. And whoever judges not by what Allah has revealed, those are the wrongdoers.
5:46 And We sent after them in their footsteps Jesus, son of Mary, verifying that which was before him of the Torah; and We gave him the Gospel containing guidance and light, and verifying that which was before it of the Torah, and a guidance and an admonition for the dutiful.
5:47 And let the People of the Gospel judge by that which Allah has revealed in it. And whoever judges not by what Allah has revealed, those are the transgressors.
5:48 And We have revealed to thee the Book with the truth, verifying that which is before it of the Book and a guardian over it, so judge between them by what Allah has revealed, and follow not their low desires, (turning away) from the truth that has come to thee. For everyone of you We appointed a law and a way. And if Allah had pleased He would have made you a single people, but that He might try you in what He gave you. So vie one with another in virtuous deeds. To Allah you will all return, so He will inform you of that wherein you differed;
5:49 And that thou shouldst judge between them by what Allah has revealed, and follow not their low desires, and be cautious of them lest they seduce thee from part of what Allah has revealed to thee. Then if they turn away, know that Allah desires to afflict them for some of their sins. And surely many of the people are transgressors.
please see these verses regarding faith from the quran that apply to you in the world forum of people
please see this article of faith here
please know you are this in the world forum as many of you believe this to be true that allah is your creator and that he is one as the book says so and that he is unseen but yet he is obvious as well
please know you see clear vision now as you say how could there not be a creator who wrote your dna code to create you and you know in your heart the quran creates the word of truth to you as well
please know you believe too in your revelations to you in your books as this verse asks you to believe in books before his the quran here
please see you are praying too and some not but most give in charity as well to take away your sins of the past and for compassion for them who are needy but i know the fatiha is key and that is how you develop faith in you and you have ability to do works like protect my body from him in the government dick here as they try to disassemble your piety that emerges here
please see faith has entered your heart because you pray there the fatiha and shahada some in the country not only but in the world structure there
please know to fast as well it will strengthen you in piety
please see the structure of religion is based on these principles but key is belief in god as your creator and no one else and regular prayer and charity
please see when religion is done this way faith occurs in you if you maintain the law with you otherwise it is lost and you weaken in resolve so there you have it it is belief and law-bearing in you that give you faith and it is so it occurs as your spirit is intact in you and you cause it to grow your soul there with regular prayer and charity and it fills the spirit and then you begin to see clearly with you mind eye and it emanates from you light does and the first law of faith in the religion of islam is belief in one god and the most important pillar is prayer to him regular ways with you and many in the world obey these precepts and would hate disbelief and rebellion for themselves
please know if you have faith like you do in these edicts that are for you then your destination is heaven inshallah or god willing
2:2 This Book, there is no doubt in it, is a guide to those who keep their duty,
2:3 Who believe in the Unseen and keep up prayer and spend out of what We have given them,
2:4 And who believe in that which has been revealed to thee and that which was revealed before thee, and of the Hereafter they are sure.
2:5 These are on a right course from their Lord and these it is that are successful.
49:7…Allah has endeared the faith to you and has made it seemly in your hearts, and He has made hateful to you disbelief and transgression and disobedience. Such are those who are rightly guided —
49:8 A grace from Allah and a favor. And Allah is Knowing, Wise.
Please see this message from our Creator to us.
Please see my words echo your hearts sentiments as well as we have had enough of wars and enmity and now it time for love and fidelity vows to us in Islam of submission to Me, your Creat there, say I Allah to all.
Please see this verse from the Quran that we should hold fast to the rope or habl of our Creator which is His Book to us in that we must teach and obey it and know that according to hadith structure habl is the Word of the Book to us, and now you have it because of this verse you realize our Book unites us where we were enemies before fighting with one another.
Please know the second verse in connection to this is from Maida where it says our covenant is to hear and obey His Word here which is what we do when we hold fast to his Book there, so you know this is the baith we need for world peace to occur and for us to live with friendship and fidelity to each other and the Quran tells us to obey our covenants with man as well and other virtues it has in it, so be the foremost and fight for truth and fidelity to be supreme in our Word to man and women as well.
Please know complete faith is to obey the Quran and that is when you are a Muslim or submitter to Me and We say hold on to the Word We have here and let it guide you to Me, say I Allah the August One there, Who knows you like being called a submitter to Me in the Words I teach here in the Quran to you.
3:102 O you who believe, keep your duty to Allah, as it ought to be kept, and die not unless you are Muslims.
3:103 And hold fast by the covenant of Allah all together and be not disunited. And remember Allah’s favor to you when you were enemies, then He united your hearts so by His favor you became brethren. And you were on the brink of a pit of fire, then He saved you from it. Thus Allah makes clear to you His messages that you may be guided.
3:104 And from among you there should be a party who invite to good and enjoin the right and forbid the wrong. And these are they who are successful.
5:7 And remember Allah’s favor on you and His covenant with which He bound you when you said: We have heard and we obey. And keep your duty to Allah. Surely Allah knows what is in the breasts.
please see you are muslims now and it is for you to adopt that vernacular as it signifies upright one in the quran we use as abraham has been called this there and muhammad was the epitome of the upright car we have
please see this verse is you in this land of illihoon ideology where you submit to your creator in things and you call yourselves christian muslims or submitters of him and now you are muslims for all practical purposes and so there you have it you are a new breed of christians who submit to one god teachings i teach to you in islam of illihoon ahmadiyyat where we presume logic makes sense and we accept it if it is reason to us in our senses of it so there occurs and you move away from the church dogma of calling him god who is jesus to you as he never called himself that and you presume he is a liar who is paul there who said he was son literally and begotten to him and then said he was god too as he has his substance while we know no one is like him who is the creator there as the quran says and there you have it he created polytheism for you and sent many to hellfire who were willing to listen to him in his diatribe of hate to you yes he wanted it hellfire for you as you were pious more than the bani-israel tribe they had more on this is enough for some but i know you wish to know that submission was your door there under him who was james and paul circumvent it so that you would worship him idol god there but he didnt succeed in that but did in making you say he is god who you love now as human person as my book tells you so you are christians true now and you know muhammad is lead as he predict him as the truthful one so you might as well be muslims as well now being upright in testimony deed and action as thats what a muslim entails for us in islam of christianity we serve you with and one day muslims of islam there will be truthful like you are in your testimony of one god with associations in the metaphorical sense i gave you says isa there and as the quran teaches us when our creator uses terms like ‘we’ or ‘us’ for himself and there you have it you are pleased that one day you can be him in that sense of doing his bid like i did and omar does say i isa there in heaven we reside because of him who is omar as judgment did occur with you succumbing to one god and muhammad in lead and the world was wrapped up and now heaven on earth you reside in if its your wish say i omar not but isa to you
omar not only but isa too
3:51 Surely Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so serve Him. This is the right path.
3:52 But when Jesus perceived disbelief on their part, he said: Who will be my helpers in Allah’s way? The disciples said: We are Allah’s helpers: we believe in Allah, and bear thou witness that we are submitting ones (or Muslims).
Please see this message is sane for you to know there is perfection there in Heaven and here there is submission to His will on us.
Please see this verse here that says we are created but to try us in things as in our past lives as spirits we were not tried this way, but it is important for your rubaiyat or perfection to occur so you have traits of Allah in you and you are kind gentle people who love their Creator and each other as well, it is a simple formula to do so in that we obey our Creator in His laws and pray regularly with a humble heart to Him Who created us out of Himself to have a conscious mind so that we may recognize Him in His greatness there, yes it is to worship of Him we are created but don’t be sad He gives us things when we do and all eternity is waiting for us to be pleasant and loving to one another and have pleasures He has destined for each one unique in its fragrance and joy, and there you have it our Paradise will result but He wishes to try you before you can enter with Him and so you are perfect there with Him and your companions in your company, and death is written here for us, why, so that you would not abscond in this life and make your peace with Him while you are still living as Hell awaits those who don’t live piously with His commands on us. Omar.
67:1 Blessed is He in Whose hand is the Kingdom, and He is Possessor of power over all things,
67:2 Who created death and life that He might try you — which of you is best in deeds. And He is the Mighty, the Forgiving,
please see a womans body is a repository of love and sex by her nature on her and if you abuse her in out of wedlock sentiments you have then be prepared to meet sad door for you and not heaven abode like you wish for yourself
please see womans respect is here in marriage and not in adultery or fornication as they are used as chattel and discard is the law after usage in most circumstances
please know a womans body is a repository of love for her man and if taken in fornication she loses respect for him and hate ensues as you know in your culture norms
please see a woman or girl who denudes has no respect with me say i the creator there and i will punish her immensely with pregnancy or the like of evil and she will abort thereby killing herself in her spirit and her repair may not occur again
please see it is despicable act to denude actually and there is no respect for her in the eyes of mankind as she did not preserve her body spirit in things and she is usually discard after sex occurs as she wont make a good wife and even if she marries divorce usually results and it is only pious wives who make it in married life with children and happiness
that said if a man approaches a woman for sex he has lost respect for her as to marry someone is to respect them and to have sex and leave is not to have any fidelity in your life and you might as well be a human animal with no bond of relationship with you
please know it is true with marriage you achieve faith for both men and women and it is clear it is a low act to attract the opposite sex in sex and lust and it is to be decried in culture norms we aspire for and a woman who marries and still shows herself to other men has committed adultery in her repose or thoughts and she is not loyal to you and she should be discard as a wife by law of sanity
please know nisa is clear you cant have secret relationships with women and it is similar for them it is a punishable crime by us
please give women their right and single women should be married otherwise they roam and fall occurs in them and it is true modesty completes her religion in things and always choose wisely a woman who covers herself will make a good wife to you and a fitting mother to your child so marry as soon as you can and stay chaste if not married as yet but we have made it simple in your culture with liaisons of marriage even if living apart as the spirit is satisfied in that way as well and you can have children as soon as convenient for you but stay in the married state by law of sanity in you otherwise you will fall in this culture of roam you have
24:32 And marry those among you who are single…
24:33 And let those who cannot find a match keep chaste, until Allah makes them free from want out of His grace…
4:25 And whoever among you cannot afford to marry free believing women, (let him marry) such of your believing maidens as your right hands possess. And Allah knows best your faith — you are (sprung) the one from the other. So marry them with the permission of their masters, and give them their dowries justly, they being chaste, not fornicating, nor receiving paramours…
The man who marries perfects half his religion (Msh. 13:1, iii).
please see nudity and sex are the death knell in you and you dont realize it but sickness results in you when this occurs in you
please see nur here and it tells you to cover in faith you have and not show adornments your bodies wear to menfolk who are not your men of your family why this restriction so you would come through in piety to him your creat and you would lower your gaze instead of lust you used to do if you want fidelity to god and his prophet you will follow this verse as it becomes you to know a womans modesty is nearly her religion to me say i the creator of you and if you are immodest i give you illness and obesity results yes when you uncover to men you start overeating and you become obese and stress and anxiety afflicts you you didnt know this thats why I show you the laws here are for your betterment and yes sex leads to obesity and sickness in you and you become despondent in things and dont want to live and i have you laws for your happiness to occur and it is better for you not to tempt mankind to you but to seek one in marriage and you do this here now some of you not but most have succumbed to me on the issue and this world was not meant to be a heaven for you in that you lust men and seek them but it was meant for piety with the laws of god enclosing you in a cage of sorts and your faith occurs and you are made fit for a heavenly abode with allah there with you and you are given things you like and menfolk come to you in marriage you are with them there yes heaven with men occur there and if you want it here you will not see peace from me your god to you in the hereafter with you
allah there is here with this pen to you
24:31 And say to the believing women that they lower their gaze and restrain their sexual passions and do not display their adornment except what appears thereof. And let them wear their head-coverings over their bosoms. And they should not display their adornment except to their husbands or their fathers, or the fathers of their husbands, or their sons, or the sons of their husbands, or their brothers, or their brothers’ sons, or their sisters’ sons, or their women, or those whom their right hands possess, or guileless male servants, or the children who know not women’s nakedness. And let them not strike their feet so that the adornment that they hide may be known. And turn to Allah all, O believers, so that you may be successful.
please see it is clear one god wishes you peace and happiness but you wish it on yourself misery and hardship when you disobey his teach to you in his books here
please see some comments and verses in this section about how we are unhappy here if we ignore his messages who is the creator there
please see the subject matter here where hell is like a troubled sea in this life according to the bible verse
these are some of the verses regarding hell and hellfire you will see in our book the quran and some biblical quotes for you
please see the list is not comprehensive but it will show you there is no escaping the fire if you are iniquitous or disbelieve in the messages of your creator here
please know when you sin in life the chastisement follows you here and you are despondent sad and evil as well and the quran verse from ta ha shows you you will be unhappy and have a hard life for yourself in that you ignored his teachings to you so you became despondent with your sin in you and further you know islam is safe as these words were revealed to adam and thus refer to humanity
please know some of you continue to sin until you feel bad enough to ask for forgiveness and repent your deed that led you to sin in your life yes until you decide to repent your ways
please know when you sin your heart beckons you to suicide and that thought is the fire in you
please see the fire is real
please see some people will actually do it but its a sad life to be beset with thoughts of suicide on you and it is better to be happy and believe in him and pray regularly as he asks you and ask for forgiveness until your peace results as it perturbs your heart when you sin in issues and peace is a sign you are forgiven but you will see your sin on the day you are judged
please see we all sin but we feel better when we ask forgiveness
please see a girl or boy who touches others or denudes in public forum we have is always beset by thoughts of suicide thats why the quran tells you to go not nigh to fornication and that way youll be happy and peace will result in your life but if you let children do so in your schools you will be safe not and suicide will continue with you in your society
please see it is similar for other sins yes the death wish results and when you disbelieve in him in his message to you you will similar ways wish death on you why does it occur because your life is sinful and death is better for you than this iniquitous state you are in
Ta Ha
20:123 He said: Go forth herefrom both — all (of you) — one of you (is) enemy to another. So there will surely come to you guidance from Me; then whoever follows My guidance, he will not go astray nor be unhappy.
20:124 And whoever turns away from My Reminder, for him is surely a straitened life, and We shall raise him up blind on the day of Resurrection.
20:125 He will say: My Lord, why hast Thou raised me up blind, while I used to see?
20:126 He will say: Thus did Our messages come to thee, but thou didst neglect them. And thus art thou forsaken this day.
20:127 And thus do We recompense him who is extravagant and believes not in the messages of his Lord. And certainly the chastisement of the Hereafter is severer and more lasting.
10:50 Say: Do you see if His chastisement overtakes you by night or by day? What then is there of it that the guilty would hasten?
10:51 And when it comes to pass, will you believe in it? What! now! and you hastened it on.
10:52 Then will it be said to those who were unjust: Taste abiding chastisement; you are not requited except for what you earned.
10:53 And they ask thee: Is that true? Say: Aye, by my Lord! it is surely the Truth, and you will not escape.
2:81 Yea, whoever earns evil and his sins beset him on every side, those are the companions of the Fire; therein they abide.
99:6 On that day men will come forth in sundry bodies that they may be shown their works.
99:7 So he who does an atom’s weight of good will see it.
99:8 And he who does an atom’s weight of evil will see it.
3:15 …For those who guard against evil are Gardens with their Lord, in which rivers flow, to abide in them, and pure companions and Allah’s goodly pleasure. And Allah is Seer of the servants.
3:16 Those who say: Our Lord, we believe, so forgive our sins and save us from the chastisement of the fire.
Isaiah 57
20 But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt.
21 There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.
Psalm 9
15 The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken.
16 The Lord is known by the judgment which he executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands.
17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
Please see the message is accept by you in the Christian community and now it is time to wake Me up in the human race as well.
Please see this verse from the Quran that speaks of you in the Christian faith of Illihoon here.
Please know you are me and I am you, say I Omar to you if you abide by it, the Quran there to you in this Book that you have of Muhammad to you from his notes of Muhammad the scholar there.
Please know you say it too, what reason do we have not of belief in it the Quran to us as it is the truth from Allah to us and we were weak before and could not come through as we should have?
Please know it is true Allah does cause you to enter the Garden because you say that and follow it with your deed of living in a cage and not indulging yourself as the law has appeared as sane by you.
Please see it is clear you want to be righteous by Me, your Creator, and enter with them in the Paradise I have prepared for you.
Please know you know you have witnessed yourself of what you were before and you say this is better to live in a cage of faith with the laws of the Quran holding us in it, they are sane in it say I Allah there.
Please know you spread the word too, that is decent of you, so I prepare Heaven with them who you convince with truth to them and they are loving there.
Please see it occur, your heaven in this world, if you have faith in you not but in Me and My Words here.
Please know it is true I am Allah Who write this article to you through this hand that I create that has ability to transcribe Me and My Word here.
Please see you as Christians of the former faith that you do ascribe Me as Great and I forgive many of your sins.
Omar not but with his heart I do write these words to you say I Allah to you.
5:82 Thou wilt certainly find the most violent of people in enmity against the believers to be the Jews and the idolators; and thou wilt find the nearest in friendship to the believers to be those who say, We are Christians. That is because there are priests and monks among them and because they are not proud.
5:83 And when they hear that which has been revealed to the Messenger thou seest their eyes overflow with tears because of the truth they recognize. They say: Our Lord, we believe, so write us down with the witnesses.
5:84 And what (reason) have we that we should not believe in Allah and in the Truth that has come to us, while we earnestly desire that our Lord should cause us to enter with the righteous people?
5:85 So Allah rewarded them for what they said, with Gardens wherein rivers flow to abide in them. And that is the reward of the doers of good.
please see nisa is the object of your life in this country and we make it so it is simple for you in case you want to go separate ways by you
please see it is clear secret is your door in marriage clan and when i made secret marriages the norm for you some years ago you adopt it and now i tell you to read the first verse of nisa on your marriage rites and make it legal with him your creator and keep your vows of fidelity you cant take away human nature that a man roams for more beds to occupy and a woman is satisfied with one but it is so in your culture divorce was an evil that men couldnt bear thats why we made it so they marry in secret and keep them with them so breakup doesnt relent to but keep them happy and provide for them according to your means and dont expect them to work that way youll be safe but it is so in this culture women do roam but relent not on this issue they must go out with you and it is through secret marriages with nisa there that you have finally found peace in your culture norms before men were abasive to you in wedlock not and breakups were common and divorce is rare now and if it occur then parting is easy more
please see i am your culture norms and i saw marriage here as a hardship late when my divorce result but it is so call yourself married now but keep no paper trail
please know when you go to court it is easy to say youre not married as there is no trail and courts will relent to you and you will keep your assets and she will hers and children should be joint responsibility in marriage they are so theyll be happy once its over
please see it is clear this is the best solution until your courts recognize divorce in islam is sane and there is no bitter recriminations because the law is sad not but safe for both parties and both are aggrieved not in islamic divorce we have for you as stipulated before in my book here
please see it is the best solution though not perfect as we like to be upfront about it that we are married but men cant bear it as yet your culture is averse to multiple marriages but they know mens nature is different and if they want to keep families together secret marriages are the best solution for both parties and women will relent as it is the word of god since time immemorial
please see nisa below where it says that you will accomplish your act of marriage by keep your duty to him in regard to their rights over you and so forth keep good companionship as the quran instructs you elsewhere
4:1 O people, keep your duty to your Lord, Who created you from a single being and created its mate of the same (kind), and spread from these two many men and women. And keep your duty to Allah, by Whom you demand one of another (your rights), and (to) the ties of relationship. Surely Allah is ever a Watcher over you.
please see the law is entailed in us and we break our spirit when we sin in it the law in regard to that which is within us and tabulated in the quran as well
please see the covenant with them is their commandment to them and it is true they must come through and fulfill their law structure and their law is the 10 commandments to them and other laws they entail from moses to them and they must obey the quran in its completeness to them then they will be pious with us they think but it is so they must do my baith that the christians have done and recognize me as great to them and play no role in mischief in the land if they want paradise with me say i muhammad there
please see it is the same for the muslim world if they want my charge with them they have a covenant as well which entails the laws within our book but it is so many disregard them and evil is what they become say i omar not only but muhammad to you and there you have it you have to obey my word in the gospel you have too from jesus teach there as i allah here envisaged it here on omars book that we clarify he came to uphold the law of the people of the book before him and only took out extraneous stuff that had crept in it
please see faith occurs when you uphold laws of religion on oneself and thats the reason there is religion for you and the complete code came with the quran there and it is what religion is upheld on and thus if you flaw yourself you know the law doesnt allow you sin so you come through in repentance and follow my law better on next occasion and i may forgive you your sin if you are sincere in it say i allah there and there you have it you achieve paradise only if i forgive you sin you do and that law is sane for you and i am forgiving kind to my servant who despairs his or her sin on them otherwise i am not if you plan to continue on
please see the people of faith know these books that i reveal are safe in their original format as omar has elucidated upon say i allah to you and worldwide you reference them in your teach and christian islam of illihoon ideology is the word you go by in your teach of your culture there and you come by to heaven when you follow quran edicts by you and thus piety or observance to duty is the watchword by you now inshallah or god willing it will be so with you there in the world forum of man and mankind
please know the bani-israel were asked to speak good words to them they had but they were unkind in issues and so lost me say i allah there but it is so if they conform to the qurans message they can come forth with us and be kind loving individuals which they are not currently and the same applies to christians of this land they must be kind and speak good words to others they know and keep the law intact with them then there will be worth in them
omar not only but muhammad and allah too here
2:83 And when We made a covenant with the Children of Israel: You shall serve none but Allah. And do good to (your) parents, and to the near of kin and to orphans and the needy, and speak good (words) to (all) men, and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate. Then you turned back except a few of you, and you are averse.
Deuteronomy 4.
1 Now, Israel, hear the decrees and laws I am about to teach you. Follow them so that you may live and may go in and take possession of the land the Lord, the God of your ancestors is giving you.
2 Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the Lord your God that I give you.
13 He declared to you his covenant, the Ten Commandments, which he commanded you to follow and then wrote them on two stone tablets.
14 And the Lord directed me at that time to teach you the decrees and laws you are to follow in the land that you are crossing the Jordan to possess.
3:102 O you who believe, keep your duty to Allah, as it ought to be kept, and die not unless you are Muslims.
3:103 And hold fast by the covenant of Allah all together and be not disunited. And remember Allah’s favor to you when you were enemies, then He united your hearts so by His favor you became brethren. And you were on the brink of a pit of fire, then He saved you from it. Thus Allah makes clear to you His messages that you may be guided.
Matthews 5
17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
18 I tell you the truth until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.
19 Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”
please see the prayers with me are three essence but more may be required for you to come through in heaven here on earth but i know i ask for 3 in the quran so make it law for you in least you can and should attempt not but do requirement i have say i allah there
please see these are actually the prayers according to abu hanifa as well but he couldnt make it occur but i know it is difficult to change so i forgive those who continue their sunnat and not mine as they are weak in issues in it since their repute is at stake say i the august one to you allah none other than me
please see the prayer times in the quran we have but it is clear you deter in it but it is so i dont and want you to pray these but it is so there are optional prayers in between if you wish if the need arise
please see duha is not included in this but that is a prayer the prophet did so do it to complete his sunnat and the night prayer is optional you say but it is so the night prayer is said before you sleep and so it is these prayers are in the quran and maghrib is optional which he did who is prophet to you and this is allah who gives you these prayers and so forth now you know there are not 5 fard prayers but 3 as the shias do but do 5 according to the sunnah of our prophet as he liked you to be in heaven with us and so i tell you here i am his way and admonish you if you follow a law other than his as it will take you away from a far destiny where you see clearly and other ways are not me so there occurs omar only brings you my word so follow him in it
please see the prayer is not specified but do it as i show it on omars page so you know the option is yours how you pray but pray to me alone as i alone am the caregiver to man and sibling faith and so forth you pray the shahada some and some pray my prayer i give you here the complete prayer of muhammad there
the reading of quran at fajr means you recite it with words in you and not only that you include it in prayer and it is so you know the sahaba innovated some but it is norm to do so now but actual ways is to read some quran in the morning before you start your day and it is that it should be a part of prayer while it should be read aloud or silently to yourself then and if you teach it is good for your hearth and health and your becoming to me is good with the fatiha in you at least so make that the essence of your prayer there in the world structure of man and wife and child they have
omar not but allah there
17:110 Say: Call on Allah or call on the Beneficent. By whatever (name) you call on Him, He has the best names. And utter not thy prayer loudly nor be silent in it, and seek a way between these.
11:114 And keep up prayer at the two ends of the day and in the first hours of the night. Surely good deeds take away evil deeds. This is a reminder for the mindful.
Bani-Israel also.
17:78 Keep up prayer from the declining of the sun till the darkness of the night, and the reading of the Qur’an at dawn. Surely the reading of the Qur’an at dawn is witnessed.
Ta Ha
20:130 So bear patiently what they say, and celebrate the praise of thy Lord before the rising of the sun and before its setting, and glorify (Him) during the hours of the night and parts of the day, that thou mayest be well pleased.
73:20 Thy Lord knows indeed that thou passest in prayer nearly two-thirds of the night, and (sometimes) half of it, and (sometimes) a third of it, as do a party of those with thee. And Allah measures the night and the day. He knows that (all of) you are not able to do it, so He has turned to you (mercifully); so read of the Qur’an that which is easy for you. He knows that there are sick among you, and others who travel in the land seeking of Allah’s bounty, and others who fight in Allah’s way. So read as much of it as is easy (for you), and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate and offer to Allah a goodly gift. And whatever of good you send on beforehand for yourselves, you will find it with Allah — that is best and greatest in reward. And ask forgiveness of Allah. Surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Bani-Israel again.
17:79 And during a part of the night, keep awake by it, beyond what is incumbent on thee; maybe thy Lord will raise thee to a position of great glory.
please see the universal application of this law in your prayer you have there
so the shahada is true to most men and womenkind in that it contains facts they believe in world forum of people in that it makes sense to them there is one god that the quran entails and other books like the bible also say that in its writings and you know it is true to the heart so they succumb to it and the resultant peace is immense they tell others as well so they know it is done now for peace in their lives and muhammad was a prophet to his people there so obviously he is a messenger from him allah there and he has a near perfect book to people with billions of adherents to it so again it makes sense to say it with conviction in your heart and now you know as a messenger he was special in the sense he would complete faith and he was the most accomplished of his message bearers and you tell them here he was the mustafa or the chosen one by me to lead mankind in that as a character he was the best in never telling a lie or touch a woman not as well out of wedlock vows they have and jesus and moses predict him in their scriptures with befitting accolade and other cultures do predict him as holy to them so rest your case here say i allah there they have understood and do come through with us with this prayer they have many times they say it to themselves and now they have peace from me as it convinces them there is a god when they forget or are amiss and so there you have it it has universal appeal as a prayer with them here in their life on earth until we rise
allah there
please see the prayer timings according to my sharia
please know the times for prayer are fajr 1 and a half hour before sunrise until sunrise and ashraque from up to 1 hour after sunrise and doha from 10 am until noon in summer and asr from 2 till sunset and maghreb from sunset till 1 hour and isha from that time till bedtime generally in the first few hours of the night and the night or tahajjud prayer when you awake at night till fajr according to sharia omari we have here
in winter the doha starts earlier by an hour and so does asr
there is no zuhr prayer in our sharia in accordance with hadith structure we have there and other people can follow prayers as they like and may interspace prayers during the day as well but it is not required but my teachings are from prophet muhammad to me and my sharia is properly call muhammad to me or prophet to omar and so here i tell you clear ways these are the prayers according to what is taught to me by muhammad on him be peace in dream form of communication to me
Please remember to start the day in remembrance to Him, your Creator, so that it goes well for you.
In the mornings ask forgiveness for yourself and try to read some Quran after you pray to Him, your Creator, and start your day in a happy note from you as you like to have a good day by you and you know crime you commit is sad for you and if you say istaghfirallah or seek forgiveness you will want no crime on you and it protects you in that regard and you can have happy day there where you meet and socialize with people and befriend those who are kind to you, so forth results and your life is arranged for you by your Creator as a good one and you live in peace with him and others around you. Omar.
17:78 Keep up prayer from the declining of the sun till the darkness of the night, and the reading of the Qur’an at dawn. Surely the reading of the Qur’an at dawn is witnessed.
3:15 Say: Shall I tell you of what is better than these? For those who guard against evil are Gardens with their Lord, in which rivers flow, to abide in them, and pure companions and Allah’s goodly pleasure. And Allah is Seer of the servants.
3:16 Those who say: Our Lord, we believe, so forgive our sins and save us from the chastisement of the fire.
3:17 The patient and the truthful, and the obedient, and those who spend and those who ask Divine protection in the morning times.
Please see the essentials of wadu or ablution before prayer here.
Please see wadu is simple and comprises 4 principle things to wash and you can do it in that order or complete it according to the ahle sunnah style as seen in their book lore but it is so it is simple and only takes a few minutes but do try to keep it.
Please see to keep your wadu is sane but not necessary and things that break it are going to the bathroom to defecate or urinate and the passage of wind if it is heard though minor passage does not break it according to hadith law we follow there. Sex also breaks it but minor touches do not. Sleep by itself does not negate it but if you feel the passage of wind then do a fresh wadu when you wake up and somnolence is sane to ignore in this issue as we all doze off and don’t do a fresh wadu.
Please know a single wash can suffice but you can do it 3 times as they teach you there, whatever is convenient for you, but labor is weak there in that if you find it difficult then single wash is sufficient, and the Prophet Muhammad relented to a single wash if they wished.
Masah or wiping your feet with socks or shoes on is an innovation that came about late by Ali’s law of making things convenient for his follower but the hadith is there that Prophet Muhammad insisted that the feet are washed thorough ways and during his life his sunnah was to wash his feet in a thorough manner, also the Quran words are that the feet are washed and not wiped as they do in their lands to you.
Please know wadu became obligatory in Madinah many years after prayer was implemented there so you know it is gradual for them, so why not for us, and complete faith can come about with time when you have trained yourself with the Fatiha and Tashahud here in this country and worldwide they will follow you, as they look up to you.
5:6 O you who believe, when you rise up for prayer, wash your faces, and your hands up to the elbows, and wipe your heads, and (wash) your feet up to the ankles…
please see the prayer structure evolves with time during prophets life and it is similar here
please see this comment here that these 3 prayers here entail our faith and if you say them at least 3 times a day you will make it with your creator in heaven you want to be with him and the time has come to make it compulsory in the world structure of people starting with a 7 year old onwards once in the morning on getting up then in the afternoon and lastly at night preferably before going to bed and there you have it it will give you peace with him and your thoughts will be clear minded in issues you face
i tell you this prayer the tashahud to you as it comprises faith and is a virtue to say and in it you praise and pray to allah for peace on his prophet so it is a darood as well and try to recall the words when you say it arabic so you know what you are saying
please try to say it before the fatiha on the times of prayer
please try to recall the words of the fatiha too say i allah to you and it takes a little effort but it is good to make that work for you if you desire his pleasure who is allah there as it gives me pleasure to hear these words from you and teach your child true to you as well say i to two
Sincere obedience is to you allah and prayers and good deeds too,
Peace be upon you o prophet and mercy of allah and his blessings as well.
I bear witness there is no god but allah he has no associate and I bear witness muhammad is his messenger.
This is the Fatiha below.
1:1 Praise be to Allah, the Creator of the worlds,
1:2 The Beneficent, the Merciful,
1:3 King of the day of judgment,
1:4 You do we serve and you do we ask for help.
1:5 Guide us on the straight path,
1:6 The path of those upon whom you have bestowed favors,
1:7 Not those upon whom wrath is brought down, nor those who go astray.
after the fatiha it is appropriate now to say the edict there is no god but allah in your prayer structure 5 times preferably in the bowing position but if it is difficult and you are being observed then say it silently as you can but it is so these 3 prayers are the essentials of faith and will get you there to heaven with him your creator if you are regular and sincere to him in his edicts of the quran to you otherwise your prayer is hypocrisy elements in it
omar not only here
please see this prayer is instituted in the west that the backbone is only the fatiha and if you do that you have accomplished the deed of prayer with you
please see i have popularized the fatiha with you based on this hadith that there is no prayer without the fatiha after it was revealed it was so but the shahada was sufficient for early islam adherents but now you know the fatiha is the complete prayer so adopt it and try to add prayers to it as we do but as the quran doesnt specify the prayer to us we must rely on this hadith structure to guide us in our prayer to him who guides us to be grateful to him by praying regularly and now you know i was not wrong in bringing the fatiha and shahada to you you can relax and believe me that islam was nascent in madinah as well and it was only with time the structure of prayer was formalized as dogma but it is not so and there is leeway in prayers as you can see here that the fatiha was the backbone and other prayers were added to it though my prayer is complete say i muhammad there but i allow you in the world forum to add to it as you wish from hadith we have and you know we are kind to allow you leeway but try to pray that way in following the example of my son omar here who teaches you correct prayer but we dont make it law except you should say the fatiha in your tongue if you wish and wadu was instituted late in madinah so rest assured your prayer is acceptable to us in islam though with it the wadu the prayer goes deeper and your thoughts are from him your creator to you and in the final analysis you realize you must read the prayer three times a day and if you do it will be acceptable to you and your prophet that you are well-meaning and know that jesus too prayed regularly so be humble heart and pray like him and me and see if you can muster omars prayer but we know it is a burden to some so do your best with the fatiha backbone you have
omar not but muhammad to you
11:114 And keep up prayer at the two ends of the day and in the first hours of the night. Surely good deeds take away evil deeds. This is a reminder for the mindful.
Hadith on the subject
Ata’ reported: Abu Huraira said, “In every prayer is a recitation. Prayers that were recited aloud by the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, we have recited aloud to you, and what he recited silently we have kept silent with you. Whoever recites the foundation of the Book, Surat al-Fatihah, has done enough, but to recite more is better.”
-Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 738, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 396
Hadith also
‘Ubadah ibn al-Samat reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “There is no prayer for one who does not recite the opening of the Book, Surat al-Fatihah.”
-Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 723, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 394
please see the baith of muhammad entails you will pray as well and follow other laws of islam we have in illihoon islam here for you
please say this prayer regular ways with you the fatiha as it is a prayer to him your creator while the shahada is an affirmation of faith as an edict to him and in the fatiha we pray to him for the straight path and it is clear if you pray regular ways you will achieve solace and your deeds will correct themselves so even if you sin and commit wrong deeds do pray by clock on you at least 3 times a day and with time you may be able to correct yourself in issues and become a resident there in heaven abode in your life here and in the hereafter you may make it with him as he does count your prayers you do and try to fast in ramadhan if you can and women know its difficult if you dont adorn appropriately as then the hunger is too much to bear but men are stalwart in things and can bear two meals a day which women can too if they dress appropriately and pray on time the fatiha with them as i have shown you in my book to you and it is simple to bring your phone out and read the prayer to yourself when youre at break from your school or work or if youre at home and try to make an effort heaven has its rewards for efforts you do
Narrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah’s Messenger saying, “If there was a river at the door of anyone of you and he took a bath in it five times a day would you notice any dirt on him?” They said, “Not a trace of dirt would be left.” The Prophet added, “That is the example of the five prayers with which Allah blots out (annuls) evil deeds.”
-Sahih al-Bukhari 528
11:114 And keep up prayer at the two ends of the day and in the first hours of the night. Surely good deeds take away evil deeds. This is a reminder for the mindful.
17:78 Keep up prayer from the declining of the sun till the darkness of the night, and the reading of the Qur’an at dawn. Surely the reading of the Qur’an at dawn is witnessed.
17:79 And during a part of the night, keep awake by it, beyond what is incumbent on thee; maybe thy Lord will raise thee to a position of great glory.
please see this prayer is from allah so don’t ostracize me i am simple man teaching him in his words here
when you pray before me try to picture in your mind that i am standing in front of you and your prayers are known in your heart and say with your heart not but tongue the recitation of the tashahud and fatiha and the edict that there is no god but me allah there 5 time this being said in the bowing stance and try to muster it the bow to me in acknowledgment of the fact you give me peace by saying you are my creator and acknowledge that with your ritual there of these 3 prayers and one rakat will suffice but two are better with wadu if you can muster it and pay homage to your creator this way daily not but 5 times a day and i will come forth with you giving you peace in things and making sure beloved is your call to me if you are law bearing in things you do
omar not but your creator here
please know the key to prayer is a humble heart to him your creat
please know there is etiquette for prayer for men and women and for them they must cover appropriately before presenting their prayer to him if possible but i know its difficult if youre out in the open but do make an effort when youre at home to put a scarf on your hair and cover your bosom and legs and if youre a man your knees should be covered at least and a man should not show his body from the navel down to his ankles not but knees and a proper attire is required for both sexes if at all possible this dress code should be followed and i know you want it a scarf there in your room when you say the shahada or the fatiha even at home as your prayer is acceptable then and men dont have to wear headdress by law there as the prophet allowed it for them but he did encourage women to wear it and it is law there they do it when they pray or read quran there so do this etiquette for his sake your creator there with humble heart you have hoping your prayer is acceptable to us in islam and your creator too in humble pose you adopt now
please see early faith is okay until you can come forth in complete faith and key is to love me say i allah there and love for mankind will follow there
please know early islam had the rudiments of faith but the people were pious by and large and loved the religion the prophet taught them and it wasnt until maida was revealed in madinah that religion became more standard with wadu and prayer regulated by sitting in it and the prayers were recited in unison behind the imam as before the prophet would pray by himself on occasion as well but after the 7th year of hijrah or migration to madinah he started to form the body of prayers and the salaat ibrahimi and other prayers were implemented so i want to make it clear that was when faith was complete more or less and maidas last verse was revealed in the 10th year shortly before the prophets demise so you see when we ask you to pray the fatiha at least it is not the complete faith we seek but a partial faith that is good there in early madinah life they had and they were pious with it so you know some islam is better than no islam where you dont pray to god there you have it submission to him means you must pray regular ways with you and now you know people are so far removed from piety that to expect them to do the complete prayer there is difficult to conceive so i say not but allah allows you to do earlier forms of islam until you are ready to do the long prayer service and the fast is similar yes we allow lente to some who cant muster the complete fast as it was done early on in madinah history and you will still be submissive to me say i the august one allah there to you and now you know i am patient with you but do your best that i ask you without encumbering yourself with hardship
omar not only here but allah as well
please see the month of ramadhan is the month you perform lente in and the complete fast for those who can muster it for themselves
this is a good prayer you have to be sincere from the heart and do fight your nafs or self as it beckons you to crime or the lie in you but it is so the devils are chained in the metaphorical sense but if you do evil they succumb to you and beckon you on but it is so they are quiet for the most part in this month so do fast in ramadhan if you can muster it it is not difficult it just requires resolve from us not to eat or drink from dawn till sunset but if you have difficulty then observe lente where you eat a little or drink some until you train not to and it is true the prophet used to fast that way and his sahaba too until the verse was revealed not to eat or drink until sunset and so forth you know islam is sane to let you be if you dont but this is a month i will test you and those who pray will fast for my sake says allah there to you to gain piety with them and be steadfast and becoming to me and your wife you have says allah to her and him and now you know women have to fast if menses not in them then they can take a break from prayer and fast but do try with your person to show your worth to me your creator who admonishes you if you sin this month as that would be giving in to your low desires which you take to be your god and not me allah to you say i the creator of the heavens and earth and all that you see
allah here through omars tongue not but pen there
2:183 O you who believe, fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may become pious.
please see i am magnificence in color and my eye is limited not but in heaven there are many hues you dont see here with human eye you have
please see i am colorful in my creation but it is so my nature has beauty immense and i allow you color why do i dress you in drab clothing for your protection girls and women because when you are colorful attire many men are attract to you and rape results too thats why in islam abaya is plain clothing to some but you wont come through with it that way say i allah there so i allow you color magnificence you adore and i relent if men admire you be pious though and walk away after converse you have and i will forgive you color i give now to womenkind
allah there
please see the verses of heaven apply to my family one day but they have been bad here so these verses may apply to them but its up to them and others in islam not what destination they choose
there are some who wont make it there to heaven after they pass on and on the day they are judged they will be told they are unsuccessful in making it as their deeds were not up to the mark but it is so their hell will be mild not but not the blasting kind that annihilates thoughts with the fire produced but still there will be hellfire there after judgment day and lets see if family structure occurs then i cant intervene on the day of judgment but may be able to do so after they are clean in hellfire they produce on themselves as our fire is created by our deeds here and you know family law has to wait on that day but my mother knows hardship is written for my family and my father had to see hell before he made it to paradise on the day he passed it because he had some good in him and she my mother was mild in comparison as she had come through while living and had started to protect my car here
please know i am sad not but we choose our own destination and make it with our own hands our hell on earth and the hereafter but i know good in them as well so lets see what they decide for themselves but i will say this they should fear the retribution of their creator in their deeds they do to their sibling who is saint there to people of the world structure and i know destination is choice they make and punishment is his to her and him from him the great master of retribution
5:2 …And help one another in righteousness and piety, and help not one another in sin and aggression, and keep your duty to Allah. Surely Allah is Severe in requiting (evil).
5:98 Know that Allah is Severe in requiting (evil) and that Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
5:99 The duty of the Messenger is only to deliver (the message). And Allah knows what you do openly and what you hide.
5:100 Say: The bad and the good are not equal, though the abundance of the bad may please thee. So keep your duty to Allah, O men of understanding, that you may succeed.
14:47 So think not that Allah will fail in His promise to His messengers. Surely Allah is Mighty, the Lord of retribution.
14:48 On the day when the earth will be changed into a different earth, and the heavens (as well), and they will come forth to Allah, the One, the Supreme.
14:49 And thou wilt see the guilty on that day linked together in chains
14:50 Their shirts made of pitch, and fire covering their faces,
14:51 That Allah may repay each soul what it has earned. Surely Allah is Swift in reckoning.
104:1 Woe to every slanderer, defamer!
104:2 Who amasses wealth and counts it —
104:3 He thinks that his wealth will make him abide.
104:4 Nay, he will certainly be hurled into the crushing defeat;
104:5 And what will make thee realize what the crushing defeat is?
104:6 It is the Fire kindled by Allah,
The concept of atonement or intercession is incorrect as shown from the Quran literature.
The concept of atonement is dependent upon the death of Christ on the cross in the Christian concepts of atonement. In this way we know that he did not die on the cross but only passed out as his heart was still pumping when he was brought down. In this way we know the concepts arising from the presumed crucifixion of him is a misnomer and just as prophets can intervene for their followers the atonement should be worded as intercession that occurs in a similar way when Christ intervenes for his followers, if permitted by his Creator.
Please know the atonement of Christ is a misnomer for his intervention that occurs after a man or woman is judged, generally speaking.
Please know the death of Christ is clear in the Ahmadiyya literature. In this we have peace in that this spells the end of atonement of Christ for the sins of others as when he was brought down in the unconscious state he recovered consciousness in the resting place designed to keep him there in peace. As Jesus did not pass away on the crucifix he will not partake in atonement for others as can be seen from the literature I have presented so far. In this we have peace as we know from the Quran that there is no one who can take away the sin of another and all of us are accountable for our deeds and also from his teachings who is Christ there when asked and he replied with the Lord’s prayer for you.
Please see he who is Christ came to fulfill the law and not abandon it and so it occurs he could not change a dot in the law, neither add or diminish it in the least, and Paul changed the law, not My Jesus says Allah there, and the law of the Jews then was that they had to ask forgiveness from Him, their Creator, and also from other people they associate with, then they will be forgiven by Him and this prayer is there in the Lord’s Prayer so Jesus only did His bid and taught them shariah they had and the Quran beseeches us to ask forgiveness as well from Him for our sins and we are encouraged to forgive those who have wronged us, there you have it unanimity of teachings we have in all religions of the Book and further you know Paul changed concept of atonement they had in Judaism as he wanted them cajoled on false promises so there destination would not be with Him, their Creator to them.
Please know atonement with the death of a human being is a fallacy as how can there not be justice?
Please know it is clear we will be judged for our sins and our Creator will exact judgment to the last iota as He has regard that none of you will be wronged by Him in regard to the law He has sent down through the ages, and further He exacts punishment if you have sinned against Him in regard to His commands on you that you come through there.
Please know similarly for Muslims, there is no intercession on that Day and if they are good they will make it with Him, their Creator to them, but as the Quran verse here says every sin they have done on earth will be divulged to Him and He may decide to forgive if their good deeds are heavy and so forth every nation will have its secret known and the matter will be decided by Him on that frightful Hour we have.
Please know Muslims are immune they say but it is not so says Muhammad and they will be asked if they lived piously after they were bad and repented and those who were pious will be given Heaven but it is true all sins can be forgiven if you live piously after your repent occur and the hadith that says if your sins are high as the mountains they will be forgiven of you as you have shown your worth to Him by sinning here but the proof must come in your life that you live piously then after repentance,
Please see I am perfect say I Allah to you but I know you are not but when you realize your worth then don’t sin anymore and live with us in a nice manner but if you continue to sin I will seal you in it and you will not realize your wrong as the devil will justify your acts to you so beware all nations when you realize the law is there then don’t sin on, it is an admonishment coming your way then,
Please see then you know when you repent whether you were contrite or just saying words you learn and it is similar for all nations and people and you know it is too late when you say it on your deathbed as you haven’t shown your worth and it is empty words they say in Christianity then and other faiths, you will be raised to face judgment and your sins will be counted and tabulated, as will your good ones, and if you believe in Me as One I may forgive some and enter you in an Abode you are pleased with and so it occurs all nations are equal now if they blaspheme not My Word there.
Please know My balance is there but some I will enter into Paradise who were contrite and were born anew with faith and good deeds and I will relinquish judgment not but will decipher their way as good to Me and others but they too will see anguish for sin they do in life even if they were sorry in issues they were evil in and all will sweat on that Day, a terrible fright it is for man to face Me with their deeds at hand.
Please know I am Just and know you want it in the Hereafter that you are justified as well as no wrong will go unpunished by Me, say I Allah there. Omar.
Al Zilzal.
99:6 On that day men will come forth in sundry bodies that they may be shown their works.
99:7 So he who does an atom’s weight of good will see it.
99:8 And he who does an atom’s weight of evil will see it.
Al Anbiya.
21:47 And We will set up a just balance on the day of Resurrection, so no soul will be wronged in the least. And if there be the weight of a grain of mustard seed, We will bring it. And Sufficient are We to take account.
80:33 But when the deafening cry comes,
80:34 The day when a man flees from his brother,
80:35 And his mother and his father,
80:36 And his spouse and his sons.
80:37 Every man of them, that day, will have concern enough to make him indifferent to others.
2:48 And guard yourselves against a day when no soul will avail another in the least, neither will intercession be accepted on its behalf, nor will compensation be taken from it, nor will they be helped.
Al Najm.
53:38 That no bearer of burden bears another’s burden:
53:39 And that man can have nothing but what he strives for:
53:40 And that his striving will soon be seen.
Please see apostacy is punishable in Muslim lands but has no basis from the Quran and sunnah here as entailed in hadith we have.
Please see these verses from the Quran and the accompanying hadith that tells us apostasy is a punishment that is reprehensible to Him Who creates us to be steadfast and so forth occurs.
Please know it was the law in Muslim countries until recently that it was punishable by death.
Please see it occur that Ahmadiyyat made it occur that it was not punishable by man and it was left up to God, their decree with Him, and that it is now considered to be correct to deny death penalty to them who abdicate.
Please know they are still put into jail some but the death penalty is usually avoided.
Please know it is correct to let them be, they may come around to Islam again and let be should be the law again, as it was during the Prophet Muhammad’s time, peace be upon him for this law he had.
Please see there are faulty hadith that cause this misrepresentation of law he had and should be rejected based on the law they contradict the Quran.
Please know hadith is fraudulent at best if it contradicts the Quranic precepts we have.
Please know hadith was collected years after his death and the sahih sitta or 6 confirmed books date 200 years approximately afterwards when they were collected and compiled into book form for people to read.
Please know it is clear they are not to be relied upon in the case of the contradiction of Quranic precepts we have. Omar.
3:90 Those who disbelieve after their believing, then increase in disbelief, their repentance is not accepted, and these are they that go astray.
5:54 O you who believe, should anyone of you turn back from his religion, then Allah will bring a people, whom He loves and who love Him, humble towards the believers, mighty against the disbelievers, striving hard in Allah’s way and not fearing the censure of any censurer. This is Allah’s grace — He gives it to whom He pleases. And Allah is Ample-giving, Knowing.
2:256 There is no compulsion in religion — the right way is indeed clearly distinct from error. So whoever disbelieves in the devil and believes in Allah, he indeed lays hold on the firmest handle which shall never break. And Allah is Hearing, Knowing.
2:257 Allah is the Friend of those who believe — He brings them out of darkness into light. And those who disbelieve, their friends are the devils who take them out of light into darkness. They are the companions of the Fire; therein they abide.
2:217 They ask thee about fighting in the sacred month. Say: Fighting in it is a grave (offence). And hindering (men) from Allah’s way and denying Him and the Sacred Mosque and turning its people out of it, are still graver with Allah; and persecution is graver than slaughter. And they will not cease fighting you until they turn you back from your religion, if they can. And whoever of you turns back from his religion, then he dies while an unbeliever — these it is whose works go for nothing in this world and the Hereafter. And they are the companions of the Fire: therein they will abide.
88:21 So remind. Thou art only one to remind.
88:22 Thou art not a warder over them —
88:23 But whoever turns back and disbelieves,
88:24 Allah will chastise him with the greatest chastisement.
88:25 Surely to Us is their return.
88:26 Then it is for Us to call them to account.
4:137 Those who believe then disbelieve, again believe and again disbelieve, then increase in disbelief, Allah will never forgive them nor guide them in the (right) way.
Hadith from Bukhari.
There was a Christian who became Muslim and read the Baqarah and the Al Imran, and he used to write for the Prophet. He then went over to Christianity again, and he used to say, Muhammad does not know anything except what I wrote for him. Then Allah caused him to die and they buried him.— Sahih al-Bukhari, 4:56:814
Additional hadith from Prophet Muhammad’s archives on us.
A man from among the Ansar accepted Islam, then he apostatized and went back to shirk. Then he regretted that, and sent word to his people (saying): “Ask the Messenger of Allah is there any repentance for me?” His people came to the Messenger of Allah and said: “So and so regrets (what he did), and he has told us to ask you if there is any repentance for him?” Then the verses: ‘How shall Allah guide a people who disbelieved after their belief up to His saying: Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful’ was revealed. So he sent word to him and he accepted Islam. — Al-Sunan al-Sughra 37:103
Please see here love engenders it to others around you if your Creator loves you.
Please see John 15 is safe to ignore not and understand if you keep God’s commands He will love you and so forth you know the Quran is sane for you as well.
Please know the Quran is explicit that God loves not a people who obey not and transgress against Him in His commands to them and so there you have it He does not love a community that ignores Him in His law structure to Him and thus you will see people there also don’t have love for Him.
Please see when you love not Him you will also have hatred amongst yourselves and only your child is safe as he or she begets love on them by their nature to Him, their Creat.
Please see when you promote sin in a community it will result in hate late but it will occur as Allah loves not this act of promoting fornication or adultery there.
Please know it is similar for families, and the mother and father will lose the child in hatred for her and him also as a natural consequence of their act but it is so fellowship does occur in sin but it is soon followed by enmity to each other.
Please know crony law is to be decried in you as it is a low form of fellowship where you accept each other’s flaws instead of correct behavior by you and him, and it is similar for women, hate follows in fellowship of sin they have of gossip and other things they do.
Please see this verse that there is love from God in following His commands to us and when love flows from Him it flows to others around us as well from us, as we are loving, and there you have it piety engenders love in a community, and when you love one another it is from God you do. Omar.
John 15.
9 “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.
10 If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.
11 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”
3:31 Say: If you love Allah, follow me: Allah will love you, and grant you protection from your sins. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
3:76 Yea, whoever fulfils his promise and keeps his duty — then Allah surely loves the dutiful.
3:57 And as to those who believe and do good deeds, He will pay them fully their rewards. And Allah loves not the unjust.
4:107 And contend not on behalf of those who act unfaithfully to their souls. Surely Allah loves not him who is treacherous, sinful:
please see nude photos are norm here but not so there in the prophets time not but in eastern lands so do learn from them culture of piety we seek for you
nudity is to be decried whether it is in person or videos or photos as allah does not like it
please see it is in the illihoon quran some that you have to cover yourself appropriately and many hadith talk about this indicating a womens dress is her culture of modest way of life she adopts and there you have it nur talks about a womans attire in that she should have a head covering and her breasts should not show through her clothing or otherwise
please see a modest attire is half of a womans religion by us according to hadith lore and it prevents the fall to sin on many occasions for her and her husband not but it is true both fall in it
please see it is over and we dont allow nudity for you to watch as its a devil act on you and he justifies it to your heart yes he beckons you to it even after you stop
please see watching or indulging in it causes a hardness for you in that you become hard hearted with it and it despoils your eyes in that their beauty is lost and you dont want that for your culture as beautiful eyes is a character of a heaven person and hur there have beauty in it their eyes to them
please see it is the custom of muslim men to avoid watching them who are unshed not but those who adorn themselves with this form of idolatry in them that they show their body parts to others in the public eye on them and the quran encourages us to keep downcast eyes to preserve their beauty
please know i know it is rampant in the states to watch such things but it is not to be done by law of islam and if you want to be with allah you will decry it in future you have with him and as i say it is hypocrisy if you pray for heaven to him and still do it in your chamber not
24:30 Say to the believing men that they lower their gaze and restrain their sexual passions. That is purer for them. Surely Allah is Aware of what they do.
24:31 And say to the believing women that they lower their gaze and restrain their sexual passions and do not display their adornment except what appears thereof. And let them wear their head-coverings over their bosoms. And they should not display their adornment except to their husbands or their fathers, or the fathers of their husbands, or their sons, or the sons of their husbands, or their brothers, or their brothers’ sons, or their sisters’ sons, or their women, or those whom their right hands possess, or guileless male servants, or the children who know not women’s nakedness. And let them not strike their feet so that the adornment that they hide may be known. And turn to Allah all, O believers, so that you may be successful.
Please see Mary had a fall there but it was her own doing and she was not tempted by the devil in it.
Please see Mary here as she explains this means her gene was sane and she was not tempted by the devil in the accursed form to make her promiscuous and Jesus too was sane after it occurred, his fall, due to an error he had of too much prayer in him, but they were both tempted by him as can be seen in biblical lore where the devil tempted him with kingdom if he followed him in edicts and he said “go, it is in the book to serve Him only Who creates.”
Please know this is hadith that say he was not afflicted by him, and Mary was similar, but it just means they would not fall prey to his guile, as the Prophet did not either, and it is a sanity gene they had, and I am similar but did fall in my youth some.
3:35 When a woman of Amran said: My Lord, I vow to Thee what is in my womb, to be devoted (to Thy service), so accept (it) from me; surely Thou, only Thou, art the Hearing, the Knowing.
3:36 So when she brought it forth, she said: My Lord, I have brought it forth a female — and Allah knew best what she brought forth — and the male is not like the female, and I have named it Mary, and I commend her and her offspring into Thy protection from the accursed devil.
Please know Islam is the religion that embodies piety in it to all races in that there is equality in it.
Please see the last sermon the Prophet made at the time of Hajj in 10 years after Hijra.
Please know these words echo the Quran in that they talk to us about one father and mother which is our spirit here as we know Adam and Eve were late in the evolution of humans and it says here that the best are those who are pious there and that all progeny is mankind who are equal in regards to their rights over you and others.
Please know it is clear equity is there and the Prophet made sure that Muslims in future would not have any reason to make superiority an issue over races and tribes other their own in that equality occurs between mankind.
Please know it is clear that Islam allows prejudice only if you are not following the law of Islam and or in general manners but does not allow prejudice on the basis of race, tribes or ethnicity and further disallows mankind from taking what others may have.
Please know it is also clear that America and British races have erred when they took slaves based on biblical scriptures and turned a race of people into their servants or slaves based on ethnicity or tribes or in other words traded them for gains to them.
Please know Islam establishes equity in its relations and further no race is looked down upon in the world arena.
Please know the situation is different in other cultures like the West where blacks are denigrated because of their skin color and things like that.
Please know it is clear there is One God there Who proclaimed it to be so. Omar.
49:13 O mankind, surely We have created you from a male and a female, and made you tribes and families that you may know each other. Surely the noblest of you with Allah is the most dutiful of you. Surely Allah is Knowing, Aware.
Hadith from the last sermon.
An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety (taqwa) and good action…
Hadith from the Prophet.
People are equal like the teeth of a comb.
Hadith of the Prophet there.
You are not better than people (of other races) unless you excel them in piety. – Al Tirmidhi
Please see the Quran validates the message of these two Books is preserved in monotheism principles it uphold there to the people of the Quraish.
Please see the words of the Quran defending monotheism in these two Books, the Torah and the Quran, which were preserved better than any other book from their Creator in that the message of monotheism is preserved in them and the Gospels are mentioned in a later surah that they should be followed as well where they affirm the teachings from the Quran to them, the people there.
Please know the Meccans were polytheistic people and did not like the message in the Quran of pure mono God there and called it an enchantment and when it was pointed out that the Bible had a similar message they called it that too as well, there is no belying the evil of their ways and it is clear the People of the Book were averse to it, the Quran here, as it contradicts it in many principles it had, especially Christianity that emerged there after the passage of Jesus to India, so forth results and you know there are still many truths in the Torah and also in other books of the Old Testament and the Quran talks about how the Torah preserved the message intact in many ways though deviances did result with the passage of time, as the Quran says, but credit has to be given to early scholars who preserved many aspects of religion of Moses intact by them, and the Christians were more wayward and the Quran does not commend its book in regard to preservation of the message, more is required here so I will say the Injeel has been tampered with extensively but still contains some teachings that are correct in that it has Jesus’ words intact in many places and does teach wisdom to its follower in issues of love and mercy message it has from Jesus and Mary to us, as Jesus was teaching Mary’s teach also to them and Mary is disregard not in her teach to the womenfolk who came through in piety with her.
Please know I am sane the Gospels are Jesus’ teach but the Old Testament is the teach of Moses and other saints and prophets and the teach of Moses and Muhammad is similar in that the strict tone is there but Jesus was trying to be merciful to his follower and fell in mercy principles and deviated from the Gospels not but old text and was not validated in this teach by Allah in the Quran where he said turn the other cheek and so forth other issues he discussed there with them, followers he had.
Please see it is clear the teachings of Jesus are disregarded by later people like Paul and his sahaba as well in regards to the law of the People of the Book there, that’s why the Bible as a whole is not recommended for your teach but only the words of Jesus have credence with us but circumspect law is sane as there has been tampering there too and validation is required from the best preserved text there, which is the Quran to you.
28:48 But (now) when the Truth has come to them from Us, they say: Why is he not given the like of what was given to Moses? Did they not disbelieve in that which was given to Moses before? They say: Two enchantments backing up each other! And they say: Surely we are disbelievers in both.
28:49 Say: Then bring some (other) Book from Allah which is a better guide than these two, I will follow it — if you are truthful.
28:50 But if they answer thee not, know that they only follow their low desires. And who is more erring than he who follows his low desires without any guidance from Allah? Surely Allah guides not the iniquitous people.
5:67 O Messenger, deliver that which has been revealed to thee from thy Lord; and if thou do (it) not, thou hast not delivered His message. And Allah will protect thee from men. Surely Allah guides not the disbelieving people
5:68 Say: O People of the Book, you follow no good till you observe the Torah and the Gospel and that which is revealed to you from your Lord. And surely that which has been revealed to thee from thy Lord will make many of them increase in inordinacy and disbelief; so grieve not for the disbelieving people.
please see it is clear islam is served by being subversive if they come after your livelihood or your property and you know there are elements in the government here who dont like it that you practice islam now
please see the world is averse still to many of you coming through in piety to your creator so be cautious in your obedience to him your creator there hopefully one day the danger will pass there and you will be safe to practice your faith open ways with us in islam
please see these verses that teach you to be obedient to your creators word to you and follow his instructs in the quran by you but also take care in issues by not alienating yourself from people but to be firm is good for you in that you must persevere in truth-telling and piety principles apply in you but be careful too and try to work with people so that they come through with you gradual ways with them as some people are averse to you in your religion of islam that emerges here but if you are steadfast it is a boon to you and allah will protect you if you are pious in it yes work with people and bring them around to your way of life that you adopt in secret some of you do but gradual strength is good in you and you can do more with time says allah there
25:71 And whoever repents and does good, he surely turns to Allah a (goodly) turning.
25:72 And they who witness no falsehood, and when they pass by what is vain, they pass by nobly.
25:73 And they who, when reminded of the messages of their Lord, fall not down thereat deaf and blind.
5:92 And obey Allah and obey the Messenger and be cautious. But if you turn back then know that the duty of Our Messenger is only a clear deliverance of the message.
please see benediction or blessings appear in your life when you pray and fast for my sake say i allah to one and all
please see what benediction means to you it is a blessing in your life that comes about when you pray to me your creator the one and only one for you to answer your prayers to you and with it you achieve solace in your life that there is a purpose for you and life has meaning and it is not only hardship but fun too and through it you gain wisdom and understanding of issues you face and if there is any worth in you you teach others too that there is meaning in this life and it is not just sporting with one another or games you play but there is spiritual development that occurs when you fast for my sake in that you become pious and forbearing in issues and it is a means of strength in you which is also a meaning for you in your life that you live here on earth and prayer is similar yes it strengthens you but more than that it blesses your move in issues you face and if you have hardship it solaces you in it and bolsters your effort to overcome it and charity is similar it prevents hardships on you as my trials are less for a believer in me and i forgive many of your sins without reprimands i do and these are core values in life which give you benediction from me and love occurs with you as you love me and others when there is peace with you and there you have it if i bless you you will have love and compassion and forbearance in your life and your hardships will be over if you are pious in things as the door for ease occurs with every hardship you face and i do guide a praying one to me so bless yourself by filling my edicts on you which is your regular prayer and charity and fast too when the time is right for you
omar not but allah here
94:5 Surely with difficulty is ease,
94:6 With difficulty is surely ease.
64:11 No calamity befalls but by Allah’s permission. And whoever believes in Allah, He guides his heart. And Allah is Knower of all things.
please see hatred for one another is bane and you should rise by eliminating sin and rebellion in you
please see hatred is bad especially for a spouse or former one but you know it occurs in this culture when a wrong has been done to you and then it is mutual in both respects not you have for one another but it is so when you ask forgiveness for your sins and repent as well your wrongs on him or her he allah to you does forgive if you obey him in things as his love to you overcomes hate you feel for others and you start loving your former one
please see it is there for other forms of hatred as well but if your money is unjust love supervenes not and you cant eliminate hate from your car thats why a divorcee who is unjust in proceedings has difficulty loving again and until she remits her unjust or ill begotten ways in charity she wont love her former one again and will have difficulty with her future husband as well as love comes not to her because she was disobedient to her creator who does not allow her wealth in this way that occurs in car you have in this country in courts you do
please see people hate me who have crimes on them in money and other issues of piety not where there is evil car in them and they wont love until they repent their act of evil they did sometimes in jail it occurs but it is true love cant occur until repentance supervenes the evil of your act and that may mean stealing or bribes or murder and any crime that takes away the rights of others but it is so many repent in prison and turn over a new leaf so they start loving again if they are obedient to their god in loving embrace they do of him and he forgives much of their evil and so do others thats why prison is reform for one
please see if you have evil in you of adultery or fornication or other crimes of sex like homosexuality or even transgenderism or nudity you will hate people like me who are pure and you will hate purity as well until you stop your crimes you do in repentance you do it then love supervenes in you thats why there are many in this land who hate islam for its purity and dislike you who follow me in islam now
3:31 Say: If you love Allah, follow me: Allah will love you, and grant you protection from your sins. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
3:76 Yea, whoever fulfils his promise and keeps his duty — then Allah surely loves the dutiful.
3:57 And as to those who believe and do good deeds, He will pay them fully their rewards. And Allah loves not the unjust.
please see your hellfire appear in the hereafter when you disregard me and go to your beach escapades say i allah there
please see this is what occurs at beaches your innards are fried and tempers flare and they are angry over issues while they denude themselves yes it is a place where sanity occurs not and you are insane there as sanity occurs when you are covered appropriately for both men and women but i know heathen culture likes it but it is so it is so alien to your roots of modesty and piety you have in your judeo-christian culture not but religion that it creates insanity in you to do this denude there and men are caught in the quagmire as well as they participate in it yes it is alien land you adopt in the past and evil is your door there yes everything is evil in it if you uncover yourself there and swimming arenas are similar where you show your parts to others while you sunbathe in the nude practically you dont notice it but you are in fire there and it like lava on your body the swimming pool is and beaches where you go with family and women cover are sane for you to enjoy the scenery of my creation say i allah there you know i dont permit it and there is no peace there for you or your family if you plan to uncover your chest and show your legs islam and nearly all cultures dont allow it it was just in the last century you became heathen with no care for the hereafter only thinking about the moment and ricocheting from one person to another with sex on your mind not knowing it spoilt your heart not only but your body and mind and you became old quickly with your fiber destroyed and your spirit spent what are you going to show your creator when you meet him after your death you wasted your life and off to hell with you for your heathen ways of no god in your reckoning in your life endeavors and there you have it it is hellfire you do here with beaches and swimming pools so your destination after you expire is that modality for you
omar not but allah there who admonishes you here for your past life
24:30 Say to the believing men that they lower their gaze and restrain their sexual passions. That is purer for them. Surely Allah is Aware of what they do.
24:31 And say to the believing women that they lower their gaze and restrain their sexual passions and do not display their adornment except what appears thereof. And let them wear their head-coverings over their bosoms…
85:12 Surely the grip of thy Lord is severe.
85:13 Surely He it is Who creates first and reproduces;
85:14 And He is the Forgiving, the Loving,
85:15 Lord of the Throne of Power, the Glorious,
please see the world is a witness to you in islam as as yet you dont capitulate to truth-telling while they have by and large
please see nisa that you should be bearers of witness now that the truth is known to you and not deviate in the word of god to you
please see it is clear you witness this book the quran to be allahs work here and it is similar to other books he has sent before to the nations of the world but you know it is perfect more and history shows it is intact more or less and muhammad alis version is the correct translation for you in that there is beauty in its prose here
please see you succumb to it now its time you bear witness to it and the prophet just like the disciples bore witness for jesus in his words here in al-imran and you dont say anything but true words like many of you do wish and it is so you have all witnessed the beauty here of the words of your book the quran to you so dont witness falsehood here and it is true for the muslims too that they must bear witness to the truth of ahmadiyya teachings if they want repentance for sins they have as they know truth in them from the quran they teach for the most part and they must bear it this opinion in islam instead of ostracizing them from it like they have done in the past
please know the west is currently more truth-bearing and you must raise your car there in islam if you wish to have credit with allah as a witness there otherwise all mankind is a witness on you
4:135 O you who believe, be maintainers of justice, bearers of witness for Allah, even though it be against your own selves or (your) parents or near relatives — whether he be rich or poor, Allah has a better right over them both. So follow not (your) low desires, lest you deviate. And if you distort or turn away from (truth), surely Allah is ever Aware of what you do.
2:143 And thus We have made you an exalted nation that you may be the bearers of witness to the people and (that) the Messenger may be a bearer of witness to you…
3:51 Surely Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so serve Him. This is the right path.
3:52 But when Jesus perceived disbelief on their part, he said: Who will be my helpers in Allah’s way? The disciples said: We are Allah’s helpers: we believe in Allah, and bear thou witness that we are submitting ones (or Muslims).
3:69 A party of the People of the Book desire that they should lead you astray; and they lead not astray but themselves, and they perceive not.
3:70 O People of the Book, why do you disbelieve in the messages of Allah while you witness (their truth)?
please see faith is the heart of things in heaven on earth and the hereafter as well as heaven rests on the pillars of faith in you
please see they say i care you in a negative sense and im always on your case to improve but actually i care for you and most people realize that that if i didnt love you i wouldnt care that you come with me to heaven which is prophet muhammads abode and others reside there already like jesus and some other sahabas and sahabis of his the prophet there and allah as well like mary and ayesha but it is so i have given you peace which is a sign heaven has occurred in you and peace can be described as a good feeling with contentment of the heart in it and with it accompaniment of it is love and compassion you feel for others as these are heavenly qualities in you and joy is your dictum in things you do and so it occurs many of you have faith and would hate disbelief to enter your heart which is my reward here and grace for those who have it the peace of faith they see with it and encumber themselves with vice not anymore in their lives and if i didnt care for you i would have let you be and worked and made money here but it is so i worked tirelessly for your betterment to occur thats why i admonish some because you know i care that you have a relationship with allah that is benediction for you and his love comes forth when you turn to him in loving embrace you wish but keep that good feeling with you when you pray to him in submission to his wishes on you and you will come through in heaven one day with us who submit to him we all do when we pray and so forth carry out other requests he has for us like fasts and charity and so forth you realize your life has to be god-centered in order for your peace to result
11:90 And ask forgiveness of your Lord, then turn to Him. Surely my Lord is Merciful, Loving.
85:12 Surely the grip of thy Lord is severe.
85:13 Surely He it is Who creates first and reproduces;
85:14 And He is the Forgiving, the Loving,
85:15 Lord of the Throne of Power, the Glorious,
49:7 …Allah has endeared the faith to you and has made it seemly in your hearts, and He has made hateful to you disbelief and transgression and disobedience. Such are those who are rightly guided —
49:8 A grace from Allah and a favor. And Allah is Knowing, Wise.
please see some words of wisdom from our creator here
please see these words from the quran where it shows the nature of the prophet and how i reassure him not to fret over issues and to rely on me his creator the lord of the throne and it the preceding section it talks about the disbelievers on whom i send punishment twice a year with their deeds of evil on them and i know some come through with these punishments and they realize they dont have power actually and i am powerful so be wary of my power over you and dont take me on i can tame you easily i just want you to show your worth and to show if you wish to come willingly to my heaven but i know you are kind and good as well to your progeny some but some have been evil before but if you come through in my law structure to you i will forgive some of your sins once i know the evil of it is out of you but you have to show your worth and repent true ways with the intention of not do it again and omar knows this is a good dua to learn and he has no power over you you have to come through yourself with me as your creator to you and you to submit to me alone yes one on one i take you on and then you can say it that i am sorry please forgive me and things like that
omar not but i allah there on my throne to you from where i speak through his hand to you
9:124 And whenever a chapter is revealed, there are some of them who say: Which of you has it strengthened in faith? So as for those who believe, it strengthens them in faith and they rejoice.
9:125 And as for those in whose hearts is a disease, it adds uncleanness to their uncleanness, and they die while they are disbelievers.
9:126 See they not that they are tried once or twice in every year, yet they repent not, nor do they mind.
9:128 Certainly a Messenger has come to you from among yourselves; grievous to him is your falling into distress, most solicitous for you, to the believers (he is) compassionate, merciful.
9:129 But if they turn away, say: Allah is sufficient for me — there is no god but He. On Him do I rely, and He is the Lord of the mighty Throne.