
Epilogue here.

Please see I end here this note to you in that we are kind in Islam to give you a reckoning with Him, your Creat, as you thought you were going to make it to Heaven without accountability and you were leading impious lives full of sadness door and didn’t know it, you thought it was norm to be suicidal in thoughts but is it, nay, it is not and you must have aplomb there is a Heaven eventual ways with you as my book here says but you must come through in piety before it materializes for you and you must observe law He gave you for your betterment and happiness to occur and you realize you can live without extramarital sex, yes, you are happier that way and soon you will come to know the loving embrace with your partner is worth more with you but you live for the day that your Creator embraces you with love from Him as you are ready for that to happen when you sin not in significance with us in Islam and yes Heaven evokes you and you wish to be Muslimkind of people who submit to the will of their God just like your savior did, Jesus to you, and you realize many saints do that and Prophet Muhammad also had that door on him so you want to be with him and Isa and others in Islam who serve you with piety in their hearts and our Creator is there with them in Heaven above us and Mary and other women who have made it with Him are there as well, one happy family at the feet of their Creator wishing for Paradise with you who are pious enough to make it with them.



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