4 Chapter Four
Please see these words of Allah to you regarding His law structure there.
Please see throughout the ages there has always been a law structure for man and child and his wife as well so that sanity could prevail and criminals could be punished and Allah’s law is similar, yes, it is sane for you when it tells you in addition to other laws fornication is punished as well as it leads to abort or death of child in you and many other crimes as your nature becomes aversive to God and His creation and so there you have it, it is a criminal act with Me, and My law is complete say I the August One Who knows better for you, His creation, and what laws to implement on us in the world forum of His people residing here on earth and just as you bow down to authority in your respective lands also submit to My law on you in your Book, the Quran by you, and you will be in peace with your fellow mankind and child will be happy too. Omar.
Please see monotheism pleased you and you won’t go back to disbelief by choice you make.
Please see monotheism creed is pleased in you and you have immense peace in it, why, because Allah has created us to know Him and when we tell you your book and the Quran and many world scriptures have that there is only One Creator or God your heart finds peace and solace in it and is satisfied, that’s why you would hate to go back to disbelief and heresy and you tell your child not to listen to him who teaches otherwise.
Please know not to commit blasphemy to Him, your Creator, when you say he or she is god to you in addition to the One Who creates, as all those who came to earth that you revere did not write the DNA code in you, only God can do that you know, so abstain from these exclaims in which you associate with Him, your Creator, as there is no credence in it and you won’t have peace in your lives as I admonish with severity now that you know better and this applies to the Christians not only but any religion that takes a god besides me say I the Great One, Allah there.
please see the monotheist brain is calm more and perceives nature more accurately than those who are polytheists by the law of sanity in them
please see this is correct in that we feed our ego things and negative appears in our thoughts and compassion dies out that we have before yes we must not feed evil in us and self-pity and loathsome behavior is bad for you and the higher level is what you aim for there and there you have it inculcate higher values in you and you will come through with us now that you believe i am one god to you and your bewilderment is less why because sanity results when you believe i am one otherwise you are confused in issues and things are not real in your head to you yes you do not see reality and the true colors of the prism dont appear to you in that you cant see my beauty and nature which other people who are monotheists can in this book of omar and the quran to you
omar not here but allah there is he who writes this page here
Please see the verse here has validity with you now and My Quran is complete there, they just say folios are missing but it is not so, it is the complete work.
Please see this verse ‘there is no doubt in it’ it refers to the original Quran that was revealed to Muhammad on him be peace that he was stalwart and did not allow any discrepancy in His Word Who is Allah but it is so they changed His Word and so it occurred other Quran’s appeared and now we have several versions not but many of them as many Arab Qurans have been collected and the wording is different there, but this Quran, the Illihoon one, is in Sanaa and should be preserved without fail they say, it is true, it should, and the ultraviolet one is the correct version not the one that has been written over and Allah has preserved it and its pdf is available for review, but it is true My Word got altered but now it is preserved in Sanaa and elsewhere, yes, it is Muhammad’s Quran which he gave to Ibn Masud when he left there to preach to them and it has all the verses, the current one was done after his death who is Muhammad and it is Uthman’s copy so there are some fallacies in it and rest assured the Sanaa one is the correct Word with Me and My verses here have finally come true.
Please know just like Pharaoh’s death not but body came out late My Quran too is vouchsafed here so make an effort to preserve without any addition or subtraction and Allah and His Prophet will be pleased with your effort there. Omar not but Allah to you here.
2:2 This Book, there is no doubt in it, is a guide to those who keep their duty,
15:9 Surely We have revealed the Reminder, and surely We are its Guardian.
Please see the Birmingham’s manuscript is preserved for you to see how readable my writing is there say I Muhammad here.
Please see this script from Dr. Mingana’s collection has credence as well to show these words are preserved except in minor issues from the standard edition there but it is so Abdullah bin Musud’s collection is close to the Sanaa collection and is considered to be more accurate in format and content than the standard version but it is so this version in Birmingham also shows variation in letters some so you know it exists, change from original book with me say I Muhammad there.
Please know this text is from my book that I have and is of the few remaining pages preserved, otherwise Ali and his men destroyed my book.
Please know I wrote the Birmingham manuscript with my own hands and you can see how readable it is. Omar not.
Please see IREA and some other groups like my literature and use arguments I use in order to bring people to One God with us if we submit to Him in our lives here on earth.
IREA is good to me and puts my posts on them automatically on their website so with them I am generous and want them to benefit the issue of 1 God with us which they teach though the Quran they use is scanty on the details but I know the knowledge of how to convert is there in Illihoon ideology I teach say I Muhammad on him be peace that they understand my teach to them in this culture and that Allah is our savior and so forth it occurs I spread Islam through peaceful means and it occurs we know there is a hadith I was told by a friend there that Allah wanted Islam spread diplomatically through struggle in us and they changed it to war and now we have it that Omar’s page has diplomacy in it and he fights rarely only to bring people around to him and he is not bad actually to people in their thoughts, it just appears that way to some who hate his teachings of Islam coming forth, more on that later as its time for bed now Omar here knows his bed is toxic with medicine in it but it is better than being out on the streets like he was then in the past turmoil life he led when he led her to Islam who is child not anymore and fights for him in court settings and gets me out of jail settings by cajole of him in court settings of man and mankind.
Omar and Muhammad here.
Please see this note about your womenfolk that the Quran adheres for you to be sane for us menfolk.
Please see the caption on my heart.
Please know my mother was dear to me but other women in my life were not but it so occurs there is good in them nonetheless.
Please know this is woman there,
Please see she takes care of you and rears him or her who you beget,
Please know she is created for love and affection and in that you find peace of heart in things you do with her.
Please know this is true but she gains a child as well but it’s true she is the essence of faith you have, otherwise your eye would roam and you could fall in life, and further she takes care of your child and raises him or her to be perfect to you and all that. Omar.
Please see the Quranic verse from Romans about this subject:
30:21 And of His signs is this, that He created mates for you from yourselves that you might find quiet of mind in them, and He put between you love and compassion. Surely there are signs in this for a people who reflect.
please see a womans role is different from menfolk and the two cannot be equated together as one entity in their essence of things
please see it is clear a womans job is nothing to her in the sense of achievement she thinks but it is so it is hard work and reward is immense from him her creator for doing this care to her child and in islam it is equated in fighting in battle for men according to hadith we have and now you know it a womans entry into paradise is by different criteria and not as men are judged in that their prayers are in qitar while a womans is not otherwise the rules are similar not as alms are given by the mans funds and hers are kept with her in safekeeping and it is so she should be generous as well but jihad or defensive battles are for men and if they dont do it they are ostracized not but extruded from faith so there we have it they complement one another and a man has to provide for her and child they have otherwise he is not allowed marriage to her but it is so both are a team in islam we have and serve you with nay dont say its nothing they do all day when they labor for you and your child too but say to her true we honor your work you do
please see we are with the one we love with our heart fervor in us for all eternity and some of you may find that mate here
please know for all eternity you are with me your creat and you are alone there where you travel with her to the ends of space not as there is no end actually and she is your beloved the one i create you for and she too is similar and both alone with me yet together with poems of poetry to her and soliloquy of love to her lips you sing as i give you this ballad as a love song to her to remember you by and then you will turn your attention to another and she too has her wing on her and meet again you do and share thoughts of her other you had and you grow in love you too and so it occurs for all eternity that there is one who is beloved and special so keep him your beloved there
allah here
please see just as a child is joy here there too they will be and a welcome addition to your family i give you then with each one you love
please see a welcome hand here as a flower erupts into the world as its leaves encircle it with love they have for it and so it is for new creation i give there in that a new child is always welcome and you come through in heaven abode with these new things not but people coming to you yes they are your fruits that you sow in this world with your deeds in you and people must be careful not to be ungrateful to me their creator as i will punish them if they are and they wont have this peace in the hereafter with them yes every child born to you is a flower in love and beauty do i create it and so you know my creation goes on forever but after some years not but eon you wont wish for more but it so occurs if your heart evokes memory of it i will give it to you a new child by you
omar not but allah there always loving when you get to him in heaven abode with you
please see all creation will know me as they are from me and i will teach them in a way they understand me allah there
please see i am pleased she says to her kid animal he is as she loves him in bed with her but it is so many girls are kind-hearted to animals they love and wish them a hereafter with them and animals will have an intellect there when they are with us in heaven but it is true they will recognize me there say i allah there how could i be unjust to my creature who wishes to know me like you do here and it is true they are equal loving me in my intellect to them but it is so we will all be simple car there but with a deep understanding of things and i create all equal loving one another all animals and plants too will have knowledge of things say i allah there and the earth too and other inanimate objects also sense me why because they are my spirit as well
allah here omar not but his pen i use
please see the prayer of a person is similar there to fish and other animals a simple car they are there in heaven with us
please see all my creatures deserve knowledge that there is a hereafter for them they didnt know before but they were content in things as they know their nature is to end but it is so i kept this knowledge from them so they could roam as animals with trust in you as vicegerents of mine yes they knew there was creation of them but they did not know me there I reserve that for a time when heaven descends on them say i allah here
please see i allah their creator know their simple car and know they are encumbered by knowledge here so i keep details of myself away from their knowledge banks but it is so they know i create them and they have a prayer for me as the quran shows but it is so i will reveal myself gradually to plants and animals when the time is right for them to know me just as you do here
please see birds are unique i make each one character different and so do i man and woman but some are better than me they think which animals dont and they are in love with omars teach on my page here say i allah there but it is so they learn their make as i teach them alongside in their dreams and there is peace there they will make it to heaven with us from my knowledge to them coming forth here yes i teach animals things as they have illihoon descend as well.
please see it is now their prayer comes forth and they recognize there is a creator of theirs and in heaven too they will have prayers of a simple construct each one will know its prayer in contentment will it reside
omar not here but allah there
24:41 Seest thou not that Allah is He, Whom do glorify all those who are in the heavens and the earth, and the birds with wings outspread? Each one knows its prayer and its glorification. And Allah is Knower of what they do.
the creation of the peacock is magnificent by you but the quran is more perfect for you to observe as it gives you delights the peacock doesnt in that it take you there to heaven i create for you and it the peacock here
please see the magnificence of my make say i there you recognize me through my creation like the bird i create in its plumage the peacock i speak of here and when you admire me here the bird i speak of here i mean then you realize how magnificent i am in the quran my book to you proper for your edicts in islam i have then you come forth with me and omar as well as he takes a back seat and lets you in the world forum read me in the illihoon quran by you and i know you are impressed by plumage he owns dont be it is my teachings he teaches and the quran was similar to muhammad yes it was my book he taught the credit goes to them for their honest forthright door they have in bringing you my word to you
omar not but allah there in forthright mode i am
please see it is so i reserve the most beauty in myself for you to observe and appreciate when you are with me in heaven abode i give you
please see poetry in his beauty the way he creates humanity not you think but only animals and flowers he has nay it is humans i gave the most beauty to and it causes one to worship him your creat and you cannot create such symmetry such lines of color harmony in it and it is for all his creations that there is poetry in his symmetry so forth you say ‘wa’ with relish in you and lay down your pen and sleep on it expecting one day to be in his presence where you can see firsthand his poetry in himself
god gave us a gift and thats a heart that appreciates him so submit with it also they think true this is how submission occurs by girls and pious menfolk and women who also appreciate your piety here in bringing me to you in the world forum of people who read you say i allah there and now you know why i create women and men so they could know me in loving grace to themselves
omar in the shaur of allah not only but words of his as well i write this message to man
please see it is key to keep holy in matrimony vows even if the other one has left so you can experience it there in heaven the joy to you yes don’t spoil yourself even if they are unloyal to you it is better to leave with dignity in you
please see if a simple structure of a bird or something beautiful i create can evoke such poetry then imagine what would you be like in heaven above when you make it there the hadith do confirm such beauty in men and women that joy occurs in them and they relish the look for years before entry occurs there it is true they get impatient girls do and want penetration after some years while men like to relish their looks and so forth allah knows you havent seen it my jannah he says but look forward to it with your deeds of piety here where you marry in loyal matrimony and all cultures know islam has this depiction while they dont why it was a gift to muhammad and his people and other cultures did not make it there tangibly to the heights i gave my men and women there and it is so you will enjoy my beauty that i create for you and will sing ballads of joy to you then entry will occur in her who becomes impatient with the joy you teach and wants physics in things to begin
allah here to omars tongue not but pen
please see the brain being fried is an anomaly for you but it is true in the spirit of things and there you have it it is hell you see there for associating me with god there
please see this verse that signifies that even if you consider god one you will see hellfire in the hereafter if you call anyone else to be a god to you and it is clear some people appreciate me in my literature there and out of love for me associate me with him who creates which is an abnormal sentiment stemming from past polytheism ways and allah admonishes you and says dont say you worship us out of love for someone or else you will see fire in the purgatory to you where thoughts clarify and it is there your brains will fry from the heat of your door of association with the great one allah there yes i mean barzakh in our literature here and you know its late for someone to come through in heaven if they love someone this way in their living here on earth life we have and allah admonishes you not to do it and not risk your hereafter with us by being ignorant of the law of islam here
5:72 Certainly they disbelieve who say: Allah, He is the Messiah, son of Mary. And the Messiah said: O Children of Israel, serve Allah, my Lord and your Lord. Surely whoever associates (others) with Allah, Allah has forbidden to him the Garden and his abode is the Fire. And for the wrongdoers there will be no helpers.
please see the ego and the id are known to you but i am your superego say i allah there
please see the ego is bad for you as it has pride in it and we dont like that sort of pride as it deters you from me your creator and you worship yourself in it but it is so some pride is sane like when we accomplish a deed or act which is difficult to do we have self-esteem in it that is different from pride in deeds of ego which gives rise to a god in you and you disobey me in things it is your baser instincts coming to the surface and that is your id in things but i know you know this from freud but it is baser instincts we fight with your superego and there you have it i am your conscience and your higher values you pay emphasis on in your life and i am your god in it yes i teach you things about myself and your executive function which is your ego for lack of better term executes it yes it is you in your conscious state that executes your higher functions in you and you adopt me in the quran to you by it yes your ego in the sense of your conscious state and your executive function is it as well
allah here as omars pen who learns as well
please see you were unaware as a nation about the hereafter and about accountability now your case is with me as i am your superego from the quran to you and you succumb more to me now say i allah there
please see the executive function whim and say there is no death not as no one says that but there is no hereafter and they despair in it it used to be your way until i showed you the quran and its meaning to you that we have a purpose for our creation and we are brought here to perfect our souls and this is a temporary abode and the hereafter is lasting and there is no death there so you became my servant and started to protect me from the dick that broke statutes on me without accord from you and now you are sure there is a hereafter and we tell you here that in the next life you will have good if youve been good here but say your shahada and your past life is over and you start anew and your sin of abort and sex will be forgiven if you repent it why because you were unaware like a spirit who hasnt been awakened and now you are knowledgeable and your executive function has been taught superego values and you know in your heart you will make it if you start to pray and lead a god-conscious life there you have it you are given a chance at heaven even though you while away your life before
29:57 Every soul must taste of death; then to Us you will be returned.
29:58 And those who believe and do good, We shall certainly give them an abode in high places in the Garden wherein flow rivers, abiding therein. Excellent the reward of the workers,
29:59 Who are patient, and on their Lord they rely!
please see raggedy ann girl and her tempest nature on him her mate not actually
please know the sex act still goes on some in this land but it is a broken girl that results from it and she is a rag doll in demeanor and still has verve not anymore and sadness is her door there and so it occurs her feet are sane not and abort law occurs in her heart as well but it is so this raggedy ann girl is safe for you not and fights inordinately and has tempest as a law for her and her mate is impetuous and imprudent by his law on her and there is impiety there in them and they dont care the consequences while they should obey nisa on them if they want the sex door on them child though they are to him parent they have omar here knows he is in deep waters with them but they have broken law and must bear the consequences in life after that act is done these are true values in the law of mankind from our books of islam in the christian land and muslim land as well so bear consequences for them by law of sanity on them
please see your creator loves to give you things once your test here is over and you pass into heaven you go
there you have it you are happy and have joy with you and joie de vivre is your way you adopt but be careful in regard to the law of man on us as he knows you can fall too with joy in you and then all will be lost and youll be dismal and sad too so keep within the boundaries of allah to us and be thankful to me say i allah there as i give you things in your joy mode to us as i am joy too when you come through here in happiness and contentment that i am good and you are evil not if you are good to others and creatures of mine that i create out of love for them there you have it men are cajoled to keep safe in this land aplenty who fall with ease in them so say your prayers to me that you are safe from temptation of me girl and womankind to you allah there knows you listen on and know what i say through mary and aisha to you through omar so be patient womenfolk you will have your own lair in heaven and will hit on men like we do here not anymore and you will tempt with love in you for them and loyalty for your mate is inherent here but there you are free with no loyal door for your menfolk so this world is a test actually to see who will obey me your creator.
omar here not actually but allah to you.
please see this is what a hypocrite is to me say i the august one by you allah there
this is what a hypocrite is there that they dont pray with them the muslim menfolk in my prophets time according to sahaba lore they have
please see it is clear the quran says they disbelieve and so it occurs in their heart they are like kafirs or disbelievers and so there you have in this day and age a hypocrite is one who disbelieves or who doesnt follow the edicts of islam and if women underdress thats a sign that there is hypocrisy in them as their deeds are not what they say that they have fidelity to their god in that they want the leisures of this world while at the same time want heaven we promise them if they pray regularly by them
please see people who underdress want sex to continue in them and show their worth by actually going through with it
please see men who fornicate or go to prostitutes are likewise hypocrites and they show their deeds are not muslim by me say i the august one by you allah to you and they are disbelievers in my view as they dont follow my word there in my book and other literature we have so they are disbelievers or kafir and should be called that and you can also call them hypocrites if you so desire say i the creator there
please see women of the muslim faith who promote such dress of promiscuity on them children they have have atheist heart and similarly not muslim by me the creator here as my law is meant to be followed and if you promote infidelity in my child you are a hypocrite as well
omar not only but allah there as well
please see abortion issues are still ongoing in this country and this is an article i wrote recent ways with you
please see more states move on antiabortion bills as there is consensus in the country here that it is evil act on your child to kill it at infancy not but after it has been conceived and just because it cant feel abortion of an implanted not but conceived embryo does not mean you have right to take away life you conceive in you and it is clear allah holds you accountable if you do as it was not his intent to let you have a say in this matter after you acquiesce to sex and it is his punishment on you to give you a child you take care of and he does not allow abortion by law he has in the quran and bible some and it is true you have to rear your child conceived in sin you do rather than kill it outright as an inconvenience for you and him and islam directs you to marry him who you conceive with rather than this dastard of killing someone
Please see on my Facebook book to you I am written for by Allah and His team there.
Please see accidents do happen and there will always be death, rest assured I have destined it and I am not to be outdone in issues but it is so you will try to make long life to occur but it won’t be without frailty, so what’s the point, might as well die in good standing with Me and I will give you a robust Hereafter full of joy and love to you.
Omar here you think, nay, it is shirk you do, the words are Mine always when I write this to you this way I do, Allah to you here, now begone those who say otherwise, you won’t be able to do a Paul here, I am too careful and my stalwarts are many who protect my book to you.
please see it is clear we are tried here but it is so one day we will not want children to be judged and will want them peace of heaven direct ways with her and him
please see this is not true that the earth will be destroyed eventually by supernova explosion of the sun we have but may be billions of years from now a new world he may create who is the creator there and he will continue to try mankind to see what their worth is but i know man will not want to be tested one day and the world can close permanent fixture it has as it was created to test man and woman as well and there you have it the world showed its worth and you are a witness to who best one is and after billions of people have testified to it there is no need for trial from me say i the great creator of the stage of the world to you
A note from Allah there to humans here.
Please know Muslim men and women have emerged worldwide but they don’t call themselves that in a way that can be said but do start calling yourself that as there joy to your heart in that word and immense peace occurs with you as you do believe in Me, your Creator, as One God you have and that no one else can help you the way I can, and if you live piously submitting to the word of the Quran then you are a Muslim by Me and by people at large and the law there is similar to your book, whatever faith you have, so do submit with your heart to it and do good deeds, I will see you in Heaven with us and Hell will be forsaken by most as it is an evil destination not worthy by man to be in, and so you come through in marriage, you do, yes, that’s key for you and fidelity too to your mate, so it occurs you are kind to me, your child, as you tell him or them, your girl to you, that virtue is a reward and that way you know it’s a distinction I give to some, say I Allah to all mankind, so vie with your longings for a good and peace filled existence here on earth till we meet in person in the next life where I will befriend you with things you love.
Omar not but Allah to you.
Please see you are the best nation there, during my Prophet’s time they were told the People of the Book would have preference with Him, their Creator.
Please know women are my identity car in that they identify with us 2, Muhammad and me as key for them, and Muslim women are averse not to us but it is the former Christian faith that really likes my car to bring them One God to clarity and they love it that they are living humane folks with a good nature, better in regards to the law than Muslims, say I Allah to them, now they have realized Allah admonishes you if you are errant and life goes astray in things, then they can’t recuperate, so it’s better to stay safe and obey Him Who gives them law structure in things and it is so they weep with joy that they are the best nation after the sahaba of our Prophet and that they have a high Paradise if they wish it, so their men follow their lead as well and protect my car from expiry.
Please see your fidelity lies with Allah and not with me or anyone else and your body was given there by Him so be careful how you use it here on earth life you live.
Please see it is shirk to think of your rahber if you are thinking of committing some indecency with someone while your Creator holds the rights for you as you are His creation and you should think if He would approve, not myself or Prophet Muhammad, but it is so you may think of me as well but your primary responsibility is with Allah and His Prophet second as you are His tribe in your hearts and thinking of me is a lesser deterrent, there I have said it, it is similar for Isa, you should not think if he’d approve but only if his Creator would as He gave the law structure to them, his people, and he was his agent acting on His behalf.
Please see the governments force sex on you is over by the people’s mandate now in this land.
This is the Mary act, to care about people regarding the sex act with them their mate not in this land, you do it on cajole, but it is true you are responsible for your body and what occurs with it and you have a duty to Him, your Creat, not to do it out of marriage rites on you and no sex act is the law by you now and government cajole is over by people’s will not to do it girls and boys again, it was abysmal what they did forced you to sleep with the IUD in you and now you know what hard is you don’t want it again and sex is not worth it if it makes your Creator angry and your child hard, so you know the bun law is sane to observe in that it is kept tight fit in that you don’t do it except in marriage fit and it fits perfectly your child dimensions that way. Omar.
please see this note that city life is not conducive to your peace and that simple country living is where your happiness lies in
please know trees and plants in a concrete jungle are beneficial to you but i know its late before you move to the country for simple life to emerge in you but it is written it will occur why because i will it in illihoon say i allah to you and girls realize there is no point in riches all you need is a good man for happiness to emerge in you and city living detracts you from piety some as you become belligerent in things and seek things you want more than you need and i know love does not supervene as there are too many women around you and you are better off isolate more than you need but safe for your family some
Please see it is the devil’s workshop not but the devil’s car you do when you obey secular and atheist bent laws rather than your God’s Word to you coming through the ages and embodied in the final law Book He has for us, the Quran to you.
Please see it is clear you have come a long way but your law structure is wayward and needs to be implemented correctly in order for your nation to rise from the ashes of despair you still do with your secular laws on abortion still at hand and other law structure you still maintain, including homosexual leeway you give in this land.
Please see it is true the government is devil worship ideology, while God in the Quran is opposite of lust and vice they promote and ask of you not to go nigh to fornication or zina by your law structure on you, and it is the devil’s work you do when you promote vice and broken promises to people while God tells you to keep you word to your oaths you take, and it is the devil’s rebellion you promote when he rose against his God and said “I won’t do it, obey a humble man you create while I am great in things and I pray more than he” but it is so you are humble and circumspect, you can’t be the devil’s team against your Creator, but it is true there are many devils there in your midst who tell you to wait on your laws and when he dies do it, but I know there are many good people who don’t want child to die by gradual implement you do, while by the same token you have of gradual death there on him, your rahber, as you plan to continue to poison him there until he is gone from your midst, so you can backtrack on issues. Omar.
Please see the people are sane about the issue, the government is there though taking action even there.
People are upset for you, the government and the army dick is very powerful in this land and even though they vote them in power the government hierarchy is in place and they can damage people and you, say I Allah there, the people are scared but don’t be I say but for your safety against imprisonment again it is better for you to leave them to deal with the hierarchy they have and dismantle their evil car while you are safe in some country that will accept your teach there, but I know people are scared with you gone they will be annihilated and won’t have freedom of religion which is their wish as all want to be Muslim land in Islamabad ideology in this land they reside as that is the true religion coming forth on your Facebook page and books you have but I know they will allow them leeway now as there are many there who want this nation to lead world community and for your word to be true for them from Allah there that they will be raised to the greatest civilization the world will see and there is peace in this for the government as well, but for your peace go there and teach them truth about Islam we had during Muhammad’s tenure with them so they come forth as well and join these states in piety, like they do here.
Omar not but Allah there.
please see you were a dirty race until i came to tell you muslim custom is far superior in this issue of sex in the bedroom
please know the sex act is dismal here the girls know its nothing in the long run and they would like to forget their past endeavors not but smelly things they did and they smelled afterwards for days as they didnt bathe there they just said they did and wet hair and things like that boys were similar but not only worse but dirty too and it occurs their dirty underwear was washed but they did it the sex act with shit on them both and they would suck pubes and anuses as well with it see how dirty they are muslim girls would exclaim but it is so they are a dirty race here with shit there on their parts and now a semblance of sanity occurs that clean sex is sane and wholesome and you enjoy it more with sensuality and love occurring in marriage rites and now you tell them girls must clean parts by law and tell menfolk they marry they must do the same or separate beds will occur until they do as sane sex is clean act there in middle eastern countries thats why children occur with them and they enjoy each other more in bedroom
Please see the law of sanity prevails you here in that fornication is not law of allowance to you in your law structure you have there.
Please know Christian law is similar in regard to the law of the Jewish land but allows fornication while they do not there by law they have and it is a custom they have to ignore the issue but it is so law changes slowly for the most part, but Judeo-Christian law does allow punishment for fornication rites in the law structure here so implement is the rule eventual ways as it is a bad culture they have currently where bed wetting occurs in kids by law of comprehension they have that sexual maturity occurs that way, while it is only death they do there in their car parks and movie theaters.
Please see I give the instinct to the human race to bed all of them, mankind to you of the opposite sex to you, but you realize with touch it is not possible for you and your comprehension occurs marriage is better.
Please see hell occurs when you try to bed many and mental and venereal disease follows this act as a impious person is ill by nature, I do this to them that I make them ill so they desire peace of heart in marriage and pious results in them one day by My law on them, and they tell child not to do it, they were well but it’s a sin with Him, their Creat, Myself, I know I test them in this instinct I give men and women to bed all mankind but I know some fall less and learn quickly and so it occurs they are raised high in life and in the Hereafter they are blessed with more mates because they abstained, and now I tell you I will let you bed mankind one day and satisfy you in your instinct if that is what you wish like Omar does, yes he does it in spirit, it is not possible even there to do it in physic. I Allah there say this to you here.
30:21 And of His signs is this, that He created mates for you from yourselves that you might find quiet of mind in them, and He put between you love and compassion. Surely there are signs in this for a people who reflect.
please know your marriage laws are unkept because it causes despair in them menfolk you have in divorce courts you seek on them
please know the nisa is a decent act by you that you take them in holy matrimony and dont live together in marriage vows not but it is so you are scared of legal proceedings even with that but you must take the risk of that as allah allows you matrimony but not the other avenue you seek where children are out of wedlock vows and breakups result as that will occur and your children will suffer immeasurably and sad is your door then you have to take the plunge with marriage and stay together where possible for you
Please see Islam is served here by telling man and wife that the white and the brown gene are compatible and child is reared well if they follow Islamic virtue in things.
You can’t do culture here I tell the brown man who rears girls in this culture of the West to us, it is a better world with the Fatiha there daily not but 5 times a day to keep Allah with you and girls from our culture are encouraged to pray like Christians in Islam do with the Fatiha some, but I know they have arrived who are boys faith to settle in marriage now so girls in Islam from Middle East some can marry them if they are true in Islamic virtue and pray like we do with Fatiha and shahada and also are willing to undergo circumcision then they are ready for girls here as many men in Middle East door do not pray to them not but to Allah, and these boys in the West are learning virtue in prayer and want to develop faculties Islam has like intelligence in them and industry as well and so you have it the brown and the white will mix well and their children will be happy in marriage vows they have as their culture permits this now.
please see your children are your peace if you teach them good principles in life and there is nothing better for them than a pious relationship with their married partner
please see they may be your heart youre children may be but they turncoat when theyre teens it is so they learn to be independent of you then thats the reason they leave home eventually but it is so they love you again when they marry and are more pious as that is why we create marriage for people because they become happy and caring again and remember you fondly how good you are when they were kids and later as well thats why the transition to marriage should be early so they heed you always
please see the prance dance was a thing of the past now as you conform to the norms of mankind for the most part now
please see ‘prep’ the medicine is being used for the prevention of transmission of the hiv disease but i know my law is to deter it by preventing sex in you in your homosexual law you have and since illihoon occur most of you cant function and i allah know you are good now and want cure so say the baith of muhammad and say your prayers of repentance for your past deeds and i will accept you if you stop the prance dance the transvestites do in their daily prayers there it is true many of you were unaware of the law i had and in your frolic you deviated and now you come through sane as you know there is no homosexual in my heaven so you might as well conform now to the standards i give to muhammads people and to him who you call omar the immaculate male prototype
allah there in his illihoon quarters there
please see transgenderism is illegal to us in islam and your gender is in your dna code and you cant change that
please see this has got out of hand children are not mature to make gender decisions and it is illegal to counsel children on these issues our gender is in our dna and at birth we know it and it is perversion of thought to think you are different sex from our own and democrats are insane in my view for promoting such causes and when they share locker rooms that is illegal as obviously they are looking at the opposite sex parts and you cant take away human nature you just say you can with sex jobs you do and planting hormones in them take a reality check here you cant change the dna in the cell so there occurs this is insanity true you do to project this view that you can change your sex to them
please see wayward and erratic car is yours if you don’t comprehend the truth of the matter and adopt it for yourself
please see crashes are from careless driving and some accidents are norm and other mischief as well like crimes of significance occur with man but it is so we can avoid it by sanity in us and those who go against gods laws are insane in my view and thus some of their deeds have insanity too so be careful of those who say there is no god and we are free to do our bid yes they dont have a law on them and yes they have insanity in their thoughts as a result of having insane views and it is because they follow the devil in their insanity views and he makes it occur that your thoughts become insane in them yes allah allows him to circumvent your sanity in issues
please see this group was pious with me though they knew they would not survive but made sure they would stick to their aqeedah in things and would eschew worldly life says i allah there
please see this group the ebionites culture survived until the 3rd century of early christianity and were followers of jesus in that they eschewed concepts of virgin birth and godhead that paul eschewed not but promoted and they considered him who was jesus man to them and savior bringing piety to them and they were the early christians that james led there you have it monotheism was their creed but they did not follow atonement concepts that were gaining ground and were part of the church of jerusalem and were the true followers of jesus christ he says and they are with me in paradise says he and so you know they survived until the persecution began in the 3rd century then they died out but were the major group of several million before they were eliminated by other christian sects
omar not only but jesus here as well
these are some additional comments about them the ebionites or the nazerene caste of christian faith true more to the teach of jesus there
ebionites were pious by you and they eschew poverty not but considered it a virtue to be unworldly in things and follow principles of virtue and love jesus had for his follower yes they were the best people of their time but were too pious by people so they died out when war was promulgated on monotheism and the people of the cave or kahf were these people as seen in the quran for them where they took refuge there and they just wanted safety with god and their messenger but when pauls teachings took hold they were asked to disband says allah there but it is so they did and fled from cities where they lived but their books are found some and contain monotheism in them but when constantine adopted christian faith he had their books burnt and much of their literature got lost but it is so their legacy is reawakened now that i have come to explain these were the nazarenes or the original tribe of jesus and revered james for his teachings of monotheism to them while paul was changing the teach of jesus and they followed law of moses in that they kept the shariah intact and observed piety in their teach there keeping the spirit thus and so there you have it dont desire it the world but seek heaven with him the creator they think now but i say from muhammad that some wealth is okay just give in charity as well and the balance of islam is sane for you to adopt but be pious in it your worldly affairs i mean
omar here from allah somethings are here
please see hungary come here as we need labor as the market is getting depleted with women choosing to stay home to rear child they have and other nations are required to come as well
please know they are a good group these countries in eastern europe and support my literature and philanthropic ways where i feed the poor where i can but it is so they are averse there in ukraine as I don’t support them being independent but it is so they know russian occupation has ended and troops are withdrawing to borders they have to keep up the charade of occupying forces they say but it is so they are averse there on this issue as well as they want to come here and i dont support that also not actually they can by my leave but its up to the united states government as they dont like piety in them as they were married there for the most part yes these nations that used the marriage law and didnt adulterate much and are sane with us in islam they have of one god worship they have and atheism is banned in their hearts to them more on this late as i know from allah they love him and worship him in their day to day living with halal option of gaining livelihood in them and hungary is similar yes there are many nations with us in the white race now in east not only but western europe as well and many observe the law we have here of delaying sexual pleasures for the hereafter where there is reward in it as you learn from him and her when you meet them in love and companionship you seek here
please see this was an experiment they did the american girls and women and they realize they cant have their past sex door again as they will lose hair and faith will be over there and heaven wont occur with them that they wish for ardent way with them
why do we feel suicidal they say it is a natural consequence of touch and denude they say as they realize it has occurred their peace when they decided to cover and marry instead of date but it is so they found peace now and wont backtrack unless forced by culture to denude again and have sex again where they had stopped as an experiment to see if i was telling them the truth about their culture of promiscuity and what it causes to their hearts and how their peace is lost in it and i know sorry is their door once it occurs the sex door on them and they cry and weep for joy not but sad life they lead and islam is their savior and they know this is the only way to live away from evil clan that forces them to sex acts by virtue of force on them that culture demands them i know its sad life they lead with sex in it and they cant be saved and contemplate suicide constantly thats what occurs to their hearts when they disobey their god in the quran to them and peace occurs when they relent not to by make up with him their god there by forgiveness in them yes by saying sorry and abstaining in future they know thats key for them to live in solace now
Please see this occurred in our land that they capitulated to me here in my teachings of Illihoon Islam there but they couldn’t muster with the government on their backs not to do so.
Please see it occur we are one now that it has occurred that Christian meat is with us in Islam and that we are one body when the church capitulated to 1 God late there but they did try it recent way they had as a lieu I know but it did occur and they relent to peace with us living in this land while before they were averse to our culture of piety in us, and now you have it too.
Please know the Church of Christ took the lead and the Baptist followed through with them and then pretty much all church groups agreed after I read this verse below in my daily khutba in mosque we have with you and you became one body with Islam because of it and there you have it a new teaching in Christianity has emerge with you of Illihoon teachings I have for you where piety is regarded as sacred and inherent in us, and that we live for the Hereafter in our dealings with man and God Himself knows you are better in regards to the law than those in Muslim lands and you teach your kid not to lie here which they don’t tell them there.
5:82 Thou wilt certainly find the most violent of people in enmity against the believers to be the Jews and the idolators; and thou wilt find the nearest in friendship to the believers to be those who say, We are Christians. That is because there are priests and monks among them and because they are not proud.
5:83 And when they hear that which has been revealed to the Messenger thou seest their eyes overflow with tears because of the truth they recognize. They say: Our Lord, we believe, so write us down with the witnesses.
please see the churches did capitulate some but then backtrack occur with government pressure on them but it is true many churches have shut their doors because of nonadherence of their people there
please see we want churches to survive but they wont unless they adopt monotheism at least covertly it is a must to be like the church of jerusalem in early christianity and adopt monotheism they did with james the just as their lead and continued on as monotheism until the church structure other took over yes the ebionites and other monotheism clan persisted for over 300 years until they were overpowered and its true there are many virtues there in church quarters and if you can adopt me covertly if not openly then i will help you survive say i allah there otherwise people have decided they will stay away and your youth dont want you either so please adopt me as your one god to you without your tongue in cheek method of saying it while you call my servant it yes you call him god to you which is evil you do to me and people as well
omar not here but allah there
Please be aware there is war there with people who know he was innocent who was Mary’s son and they will not relinquish you in court settings of man until you submit he was innocent man by us to you then.
Please know the Jews know they are in deep waters with the American youth and the next generation won’t support their disclamor of Mary and Jesus some that is present in their books about him and her and they know Christian people are averse to their literature about him who they call their nabi-man and savior some as he gave them monotheism in their books, and so it occurs they are ostracized now in this land of ours by Christian folks, like us in Islam, who know monotheism is the watchword there during Jesus’ time with them and son of god issues was a blasphemy to them in their books we have so they came forward and relented to him when he explained these were metaphors as I have explained in my book to you ‘Jesus, the Messiah and the Person’ they still laid him to rest in their hearts intent even though they desisted in stoning him, but it is true they made up a blasphemy act occur and hung him from post they have there and so it occurred in their books that he was an infidel or kafir faith while he was not, he had already explained to people these were metaphors he spoke, say I Allah there was a witness he did so and he then came true he was a man born to one as it is documented in your lore and if Jews still insist he was infidel in this day and age when I have come and explained him then beware of My war with them from the American people of here say I Allah there, and now you have it if they say similar things about Mary I will be similar in repose here with Omar and his folks who teach he and her were innocent by Me and I will not relent until they give in to truth and fidelity to us in Islam of the West emerging here.
Omar and Allah there in this post here.
Please see the Jewish agenda is worldwide in Christian and Muslim lands not only but impiety is their law on all structures but themselves.
So be careful of agenda that is against me and my people say I Allah to you, Omar is war not and wants to reconcile Jews to us in Islam but few come through as yet, let it be so we bring them humanity to them and they follow humanitarian principles in their land they own not but occupy by force and it is clear their subversion is worldwide with interest not only but also sex and adultery issues that prevail there in world forum currently.
Please see the subversion of them continues where they try to turn people against me as I teach piety to them here.
Please know just like I say trinity was a plot of Jews with Paul as a spearhead, so is the crime of sex in you to be justified by you in this culture by their doing it, as they had wealth and made it occur movie culture on you while they remained pure pristine clear in issues that it was not allowed to them while they promote it in Christian lands, and now you know it is a Jewish plot where they don’t want piety in it Illihoon culture emerging in the West where they cajole girls and menfolk to write against me but few will, I have been too good to them and they want to savor them in heaven rather than waste their life in sex throes they don’t enjoy now that they know it’s God’s punishment actually in his disgust mode of go away and learn me in your abyss there, as it is hell actually for those who indulge in it.
Please see the Jews here, they were subversive to the prophets and killed them if they could.
So it occurred there in ancient times that Jews became subversive in order to survive and then survive became their nature and they formed groups like the Masons were previously during Solomon’s time, as the Quran says, and they allowed men only as women were subversive less and talked about things their menfolk were thinking and so forth they became subversive negatively with time and plotted to overthrow prophets who were telling them piety was important, laws were not sufficient to get you there with him your Creator they said but it was so David cursed them as they overthrew him if they could as he was just there and enacted laws of punishment on their impiety.
Please know when they crucified him who was Jesus Allah cursed their progeny as they were with them and never relented to him being pious to them in their eyes and that goes on till today, and they called him a heretic, then their subversion occurred as they were growing in number and they were pious more with Jesus’ teachings they had of piety here in this world and sent Saul to infiltrate them and the rest is history how he abrogate law so they would fornicate and adultery law was abrogate there when they said Mary Magdalene abrogate it as he didn’t kill her.
Please see they made you idolaters in the sense you worship a man here which is not their aqeedah or belief there.
Please see I am not against Jews per se but I know their culture of hypocrisy where they allow interest on you and promote vice as well but keep aloof from it themselves and allow no interest payments on themselves while taking it from others and Jesus cursed them for it so they got even with him, they hate you actually and now hate is more as we defend him who is Jesus there and fulfill hadith he had that the comforter would defend him late, and so it occurred with Prophet Muhammad’s Quran and his spirit here as he is the one who writes here with us their fitrat in making you idolaters where you worship him who is Jesus and Mary and other saints you have.
Please see ostracize is their door in the Jewish clan until they come forth with us in Islam we have of Christian lands here.
Please know Prophet Muhammad was kind there and let them form pacts with him that they would respect Muslim ties there in Madinah suburbs but they were not to be thwarted in issues they had of superiority over them, in their hearts repose they thought them inferior, the Muslim clan there, and fought them eventually and then subverted their pacts with him but it is so Muslims know they are hard hearted in issues and do not give in about Isa ibn Maryam and other issues of Mary’s innocence with us, so they are ostracized in Jewish issues they have and if they come forward as a nation and apologize for their misdeeds we can have peace with them in Islam of Christianity and Islam proper, and if they say good things about Muslims emerging here then they can live with us in peace with us, otherwise ostracize is their door from us. Omar.
Please see the Jewish agenda is sane to them to allow fornication to you, as Paul did, so you weaken resolve not to fight My pious door there.
Please know Facebook mulls over my literature and know it is sacred door from Allah and so forth Mary and Muhammad write here as well through spirits in your arm, in a matter of speaking, but they are upset the facts are out and people protect your page by taking rights from you in the government dick there as they are you actually, only Jewish law is there to circumvent me by saying I am Semite not but I am and I like Jewish people who are candid about their culture, but it so occurs we are 1 body actually, all faiths, we just have to disband evil elements in us that are averse to each other and adopt Quranic principles are true as it is the best preserved Book out of all books I had say I Allah there, I made it so that it is preserved intact more so, as I didn’t allow Ali’s men to change substantially the message in it and I will preserve the message through menfolk around the world who have my Book as girls don’t want purity actually here in this culture of Illihoon people of the West predom, as they like fornication rites, which I don’t permit in my law structure.
Omar not but I Allah there.
Please see the Jewish nation has to come forward as a group in their literature there and declare him innocent who was Jesus and his mother as well who was similarly innocent then when they accused her of idolatry of the body worship kind.
It is true with the passage of time things become clear and Jews are no exception, there are many good people in them who know Isa ibn Maryam was innocent as he was talking about metaphors when he explained his sonship to them but they must come forth as a nation and ask forgiveness for their sins to him and Mary as well who they called a fornicatress and so forth in their literature, and if there is any good in them in the conscience mode they have they will move forward as a group and issue an apology for their past misdeeds their forebears did and they are innocent not until they do so. Omar.
103:1 By the time! —
103:2 Surely man is in loss,
103:3 Except those who believe and do good, and exhort one another to Truth, and exhort one another to patience.
Please know it is with this verse that the Jewish nation now has to come forth with public disclaimer of what their forebears did as with the passage of time things have become clear, he was innocent who was Jesus and Mary was as well as she was a rape victim as was well known there during her time and they just said this that she fornicated to spite him, her son there. Omar.
Please see the government of Israel relent to peace with us of Islam of the West emerging here.
The government of this land is polytheistic, yes, very much so but they are getting better in it and misimply less than before but it is so the Balfour agreement new is enacted by world community for Palestinian people but Israel hasn’t come around yet, so America relents to take over and send war planes there and take over nuclear facilities and missile sites, they still have some bombs they can use but by and large they are dismantled say I Allah there, and I know its late that elections occur fair and impartial but that setting will be been done by the American government on the behest of people of this country and it was time to take over the land, and now you sit back and watch how it occurs by America and its people here, you do make this stipulation though not to give power there to Palestinian people unless they are Illihoon ideology with Christian people here believing in the 3 Ahmadi edicts we know are true for Muslimkind which they weren’t going to relent to unless we made it a condition for them.
Please see this was a personal communication one night from the spirit of this man who saw Hell because he had antipathy to me, say I Muhammad there.
The plume of Muhammad is immense with his Quran door and beauty of his speech there, his teachings still continue through to you here and he gives beauty he has to others who befriend him and work his works, but it is true your beauty is immense to girls and women and men too, say I Anne Frank’s father here, but it is so you are relegated to abuse in this issue of mental disease you do for your protection says Muhammad to you but it is so you are second in plume identity and Mirza is 3rd and Maulana is 4th and Isa ibn Maryam is 5th, let’s leave it at that Moses is late but not evil as some say in the Jewish clan who hate piety he promulgated as safe for them, Anne Frank’s father says to I, that Muhammad is key, he had antipathy there to him and tried to dissuade Anne from him and told her he was bad and killed Jews, did I, they killed themselves by fighting us and the law of abuse of their word came out as avenue of defeat, and he didn’t make it because of that, Anne Frank’s father knows he hated him who was me, Muhammad there, as I taught Anne true things and he hated her as well for that, he asks us to tell them Anne was promiscuous and didn’t make it to heaven either until late as she didn’t relent to him, her father not as he was permissive, but to Muhammad as he told her not to and she died because she was disobedient to him, her father knows she died because boys told on her that she was hiding infidels of the Jewish clan who were fighting the Hitler clan, while they should have given in to them. Omar not only here.
Please see it is clear I am Christian in regard to them as they have adopt me through Omar’s pen here and the Quran is there as a testimony to my purity.
Please know Jewish people are me negatively currently as I am against their nation Israel there being a sovereign state and it must be under Christian law which is more humane as they follow the shahada prayer there in their lands and so it occurs they recognize me as key says I Muhammad there, and they must be sublime as well in the Jewish faith there and recognize me as savior as Christians are doing, and so you have it I am key for normalcy to result with them as currently they abhor me and as long as they do that they can’t have entry into Paradise, like Christians have done with their culture and are becoming pious daily, with the passage of time they are believing and exhorting truth on them and are patient in adversary they face from the establishment of churches worldwide.
Omar not but Muhammad to you.
please see the jewish agenda is subversive but government control is even more so as they blanket reporting on me positively by peoples wishes on them as they fear for my safety if i become too popular by you
so its a plot to spread promiscuity and illegitimate children worldwide by the jewish agenda on us and secular laws of abortion and homosexuality are similar yes say i allah there lets leave it at that its not my law structure and you wage war on me when you do it in world forums seeking to corrupt my people who seek recourse to us in islam of illihoon people worldwide so fight them who do it in the name of freedom act they have while it is not free to kill a fetus in you and it is war you wage on allah and the prophet and their people who emerge here in this land of american shores here and elsewhere in the world where piety principles are being followed and there you have it the media promotes these values and most of it is engineered by the jewish lobby along with government control they have over them and it is not true you have a free press otherwise they would have reported me in my literature here and the only time i get mention by them is in a negative context of derangement in me while my literature should have been reported to you over the years it has been extant by us in islam here and it is so your media cooperates with state government to not report me in my claim to be messiah to you people in the world forum of mankind from prophet there
omar not only
please see his polemic on me says i muhammad here brought him fire and other issues he had
martin luther was a saint no but he had insight from allah and the prophet how to go about and bring islam to the west by allowing the quran to be published in their languages which brought about temperance in their religion of catholicism not and brought reformation to the church yes he had a guide in me says i muhammad and i befriend him late but he used to see jesus and me but he was not saintly and his polemic on me was a self-defense as they were saying he was too easy on islam but he was not a saint who stood by me and his polemic was sad on him and he didnt see it after his death i mean heaven there and he still hasnt made it because of his abuse of people like the jews who he hated with vehemence and i know they were bad but they were human and he treated them inhumanly and now that is outcast but at that juncture they delight in it his vehemence there and now you know saints are kind like omar and love humanity even if they have evil there say i muhammad to all who listen on to my pen here
please see he was a savior to people but he suffered immeasurably because of his notions on oaths and other issues he had
please see george fox the founder of the quaker movement was a saint yes he used to see me and omar not he just said he did but he was truthful to us but some of his ideas were his own i couldnt dissuade him in things he set his mind on and jesus was similar he couldnt change his mind on issues so he suffered in jail he was a puritan but more than that he was a believer in me muhammad as a prophet there but it is so i taught him monotheism but he couldnt muster it there you see how they are they would have jailed him permanent ways if he had professed islam so he stayed among them as friends just teaching them mono principles i had though he did not join the unitarian movement in europe he was with them in spirit and finally his death came about from jail poison over the years yes he was a martyr to me say i muhammad to you here
please see monotheism is a creed in christianity that is compatible with heaven if they have a muslim ideology in things like son of god issues and atonement not
please see they are muslim in ideology and believe in the worship of god and let god guide them in his spirit to them and they dont worship jesus so they are with us in monotheism and are our friends in islam of the west emerging here but i know differences are minor not but they know i have appeared to bring them to islam of ahmadism from muhammad to us and you know it is his brainchild and we relent if you call us kafir but we are one body with you in quakerism and other monotheistic movements in christianity and most of you recognize me as a messiah to you and muhammad a prophet at least you do that so we are one body with you and you should adopt the fatiha as a prayer he took you away from prayer as he didnt want you to blaspheme but you can adopt monotheism prayer with us the fatiha involves praying to god for guidance which you do in your life and i know george fox was good and brought monotheism to you this indirect way well done george you are a muslim to us and a heavenly abode is for those in monotheism who do good in their lives with god with us in our actions and deeds we do
please see me as the first 10 in the line of submission are me in essence they try but couldnt muster but three omar here was one isa was the second and prophet i have there muhammad there is my best in me identity and my essence true he achieved it
please see he was me my imam there abu hanifa to you but to me he was numan but with a quick temper but very brilliant and a scholar no less than any other but more than that he was me or one who nearly made it to me like isa ibn maryam and my omar but he had a short fuse and couldnt be my feet perfectly like omar has become yes i allah say this he was close to me and i taught him personally as i did imam jafer there and his discourse was brilliant and muhammad teach him too yes muhammad used to visit him nightly as he say and it is true he could see him in visions like mirza and me can yes i mean omar here as he is me as he writes this discourse here
allah here
please see he was an imam of the shia sect no he was sunni ideology he just stayed with them
please see he who was jafar sadiq was a sage revealed by me but he wouldnt say it they would have killed him if he had as they would have called him prophet of mine but now the time is different and you know this can exist as you have it in your lore that saints are revealed things from me their creat and i tell you dissimulation or his concept of taqiya was his deed i didnt sanction it but it makes sense to you in this culture where government pressure is on you to conform to them but i know to stand firm is better and more worthy in my eyes but i know sufi lore is his do i didnt sanction it also but they know many good came out of it but they changed law which i didnt sanction but it so occurs they are more moderate so you let it go but they must conform to law as well like my al-ghazali made them but it so occurs many people came to me through them nonetheless they have a prayer they must conform to at least the prayer here that omar propagates on his page with the fatiha mainstay there is for us in islam of the west
allah not you think nay it is i
please see the progeny of muhammad is the scholar who is great in submission sometimes more than prophets of mine
yes he is a mujuddid of mine wasil is and i taught him personally etiquette of things and he became conversant of law but it is so he is little regarded why he died young due to poison on him and i did establish him though as he made sense to masses and then they took him who were shias and tried to proliferate he was backward but i know him as theologian extreme in piety and acclaim is mine to give here that he was 13 in my line of submitters while joseph was 12 now you know the list more yes some scholars of mine are better than prophets i had in submission to me and great is their door to us in Islam we have
allah here
please see wasils legacy here
please see this is a movement the mutazila or the mutazilites that makes sense to a rational mind like mine and mirza was similar moving away from hadith for the most part they make sense in issues of islam and should be considered my forebearer faith but i am matazili says the august one allah here i taught him who wasil to move away from them there and form his own group where a rational mind would produce logic in arguments and reason with me people at large there you have it muhammad alis discourse is similarly inclined to it this form of discourse this group has and ahmadism has its forebears in them and i reject most of abu hurairas hadith like they do so do appreciate me wasil here as he was a mujuddid of my time there with them along with jafer sadiq and abu hanifa to show you contemporary mujuddids do exist and mirza myself and muhammad ali are mujuddids now as we bring you islam mutazali type to you in the forefront of islamic ideology
omar and allah here
please see al-ghazali was my man and a rahber-like person to me as he brought sufism under control
please see him as a mujaddid of mine says i allah there and i know it is late you understand virtue he has but he left his position on my insist that he develop ascetic way of life yes i come to him as i come to omar and mirza some yes mujaddids i come to to teach them islam and omar is no exception here and when he says it occur please accept his word he sees me allah to you and i taught him ghazali there islam and how to rebut scholars like averroes who said he was incoherent my ghazali was my man and kind to you by creating order in sufism which was getting out of hand yes i wrote for him as i write for omar and mirza some but more on that late as I know you dont accept it of him since he didnt say it but i do come to saints of mine to write their discourse of things
omar not but allah there
please see he was kind of a genius but more than that he was submissive as he wrote from me
please see he was a polymath al-tabari here no he was revealed things and knew nature was essential and said so there in his exegesis and so was expedient to follow as a scholar it was true what he said about hanbal i asked him to say it that he was not a jurist but simply recounted hadith for every occasion says i allah there yes i used to teach him and i asked him to put it there that he was conceived naturally said about jesus and of his death he knew the quranic verse as well but it is so they were averse to his nature law that malik and others proposed against but i know he is recognized as great by you in islam and he was like omar and mirza revealed by me say i the great soul to you allah there
allah here
please see he was a traditionalist with a sufi bent of mind but clear in discourse and very capable to lead
please see he was a saint who is taymiyya but had many avenues of defeat from traditionalists and eventually succumbed there in damascus to poisoning of him but it is so he influenced levant to fight the mongol invaders and defeated them there and he is remembered fondly by his follower mirza and others and is considered a fighter for the cause of islam unfortunately mirza had not appeared but he was similar in views to him taymiyya was and denied the advent of philosophy the west liked as did mirza so they were similar and considered mujaddids of their times by me prophet of islam omar not but muhammad to you
omar not only
see the list of great door is complete here not but you know my muhammad is by far the great door for you mankind through which you enter paradise i create here for all one day when they acknowledge him who is muhammad and follow him as well in his car to us
ibn taymiyyah was a scholar but he was saint as well and had communication from muhammad on him be peace both entities and he was my slave say i allah there and saved the muslims at levant say i and i know he had some points of ridicule from us but it is so he was sad he wasnt freed there but i know his sin was wrong to do and he lost them when he kill her his child in wedlock not to save his repute but he was a saint nonetheless and persevered in Islam he had till the end and he was a good submitter by me and zaid was not but if he comes there with piety can be 52nd in submission and her his wife can come through with him in teach both to each other if he forgoes her he will be lost and she wont make it heaven so they should resolve their differences and live close by to each other or together by law proceedings of islam he should not abandon again otherwise he will be lost and now you know he is late but so is he who is taymiyya as they do not follow law as they should but he was better in law keeping than my son there who has many wrongs but i know he is compelled some but should deter by law he has and his forebear salafi type taymiyyah there is 27 in submission mode and now you know greatness in the eyes of god is by other criteria than submission by me and zaid is late in rites and privileges of islam but will raise himself like his dad does and be 6 in my great door but other man taymiyya here is 9 in greatness in islam now you know a general may submit less than others but still be good and mirza is 3rd in great level with me thats how pious are and omar is two level after my man muhammad who is me in life
omar not but allah there
please see the criteria for the hadith are many but the most important is that if it causes distaste in you then reject it by law of sanity there
he was a scholar imam muslim of the hadith collector repute yes but he was also revealed by muhammad who came to him and imam bukhari not yes he was more authentic in his hadith as the prophet told him which hadith to include in his work so he is more reliable than bukhari and others who collected hadith and so you know some hadith are there that are considered weak by some but i know tirmidhi was also revealed and his work should also be read but let me elaborate as there are still more hadith of disrepute there and i am sane he had to put it there as they were accepted by lay as correct but it is so i can correct them now as hadith are outmode as law and should not be used unless i elaborate it from prophet to me and us as you trust this matter that he comes to me in dream format he has and bukhari should not be allowed in hadith format for the most part as he collected many that were incorrect and cause distaste in one for me say i muhammad there which is a sign they are not correct hadith as i am perfect to you man and women of the world
omar here and muhammad too
please dont rely on any scholar about hadith they have as they were compelled some by people force there
please see he was revealed by me too i say about tirmidhi say i muhammad and i know hadith is late but his collection about me is good and i know he was kind man but it is made up he became blind from weeping about us muslims but it is so he was sad there were so many weak hadith people ascribed as correct and he tried to correct this but couldnt bukhari was popular and his collection was foremost for many but not for us in islam and his hadith are considered correct and the quran is not in certain verses it has so be careful about his collect there is too much acceptance of his word there and there you have it adopt muslim collection and tirmidhi for the most part but be careful there as well as i will elaborate error they have there if i have the opportunity say i omar here
omar and muhammad to you
please see some notables i produce from my dna car yes i create their dna to be pious why because as spirits they were good people
please see rabia of basra was an ascetic but she did bed some then repented and remained celibate in her days of youth as well but i know she is kind there to refuse my heaven say i allah to her but she is wrong to do so as islam is there not in your whims we say to her and aisha did fall after the prophets demise but she was kind and liked her who was mary and they used to visit her in dreams yes both prophet muhammad and mary did frequent her house to teach her law and her hadith are considered valid for the most part and asiah was a nice women who had enough of sex there and wanted married with him her husband the pharaoh but he did not care for piety and killed her and you know my mary was a gem says i allah there and the best woman as the quran says but we know flaws of women in her and she likes to consider herself best person there in jerusalem but it is not so muhammad was my best and omar was second then she came in 3rd but this list goes on and I wont belabor with facts just yet more knowledge will come by late
allah there
please see these four women made it to the top 1000 list of submitters
aisha is 23 in the order of submission by her own right and i am 4 say i mary i here as i am pious more than her and omar is pious not in that sense of the word as he beds you in spirit but muhammad knows he is more than aisha and me as he maintains integrity more but it is so he is safe for us as he travels on our command to him and it is like our prophet he had more wives than other men by virtue to them he could maintain and omar has 4 not yet but may its up to the people of this land and saudia may give him some so they may teach others and asiah the wife of pharaoh was 41 in order of submission and i am rabias door and teach her to submit to piety so she does and reaches 400 not but around 700 in order of submission yes we 4 did achieve salvation there on our own without our husbands keep and zaid is there too in the top 100 badge he has for you so you keep him there with you and protect his car with them in pakistan quarters he is key for you one day but he will break the law not by law of islam otherwise he will lose his order of submission he has
Please see concubinage for troops was the way they went about the business of world conquest they had, sahaba of Mine there, and I did not permit it, they should have remained chaste in war proceedings or brought them back with them in marriage law they had.
Please know I know he is sad about issues of marriage that he has to keep abandon away from his door who is Zaid but he can’t make it if he abandons women he likes but it is so Umer was wrong in telling troops to abandon women there and come home after war proceedings are done and Islamic law allows no concubinage by us, so you know Umer is late in Heaven because he abridged my law say I Allah to you and he did so without compunction in issues so don’t rely on Umer for law bearing, he is not your prophet, and waged war unnecessarily on people to obtain virtue he thinks but we don’t do that in Islam of the Quran where I say obtain peace when war is done and now you know he was a poor general by me and Walid was better but fell too and waged war unnecessary ways as well but was better than Umer in ways of killing not and both saw hell before Heaven occur there.
Omar not but Allah to you.
Please see this is what deceptive is.
Please know Ali changed the law so he’s no saint and he was an auliya not but he was intelligent and the prophet liked him until he was taught his nature was to tankeen or deceive him in issues he had of loyalty to him while he only looked out for himself, and he deceived him about Fatima being pregnant not while she was as he wanted to abort her and marry other but it was so she came to him and told him Ali wanted her who was Abu Jahl’s wife son not but her other and then it occurred I realized he was tankeen and I did not want him for her but the deed was done and they were married then but it is so I deterred him in khalafit and did not want him to succeed him who was my friend Abu Bakr and so it occurred he was tankeen and relented to sahaba only because Umer was the natural choice after him who was Abu Bakr but so it occurred Usman was next by choice of sahaba but then the deluge followed and he who was my son in the sense he was true to me like a son is was killed there by Ali and his men and he took over caliphate,
Omar not but Muhammad to you.
please see the baith of a muslim means he will pledge allegiance in the limits of the quran and his teachings who is muhammad to you
please see the importance of baith in my culture say i muhammad to you and you know it means fidelity you keep to your leader muhammad and me omar here but it is so muslim leaders took baith from their followers and when my son not but friend abu bakr asked my relative ali and his wife to pledge allegiance to him on my death he refused and so did my daughter fatima saying they were more worthy and did not want to follow the muslim ummah who asked them to do so and there you have it they refused a custom saying they were of the household i had but it is not so my house was aisha and others there but i know shias are angry with them in islam who ridiculed them ali and fatima and their sons subsequently and i know it is over and you understand when the muslim ummah asks baith on a person it should be done for unity to occur but it is so i elected my friend to lead by indicating he should lead prayers in my absence when i was ill but still they had a reason for it and it was power they wished and recognition as well
muhammad here
please see it is clear he was a heretic who killed my men and waged war there when he took them in captive and killed them yes i mean usmans family and my son not but grandchild
there are beautiful things god creates but schisms in islam are not his deal and ali and fatima result in it by obstinate desire for power and prestige in the muslim world emerging after my death says i muhammad to you and ali grabbed power when he could and the result was shia door which lead to many wars and assassinations in islam early on and later there was schism that remains till today where they look at askance at each other and dont marry each others women and so forth are enemies in their heart
omar not here but muhammad to you
Please see the evil of their way to promiscuity act on them and then say they are holy to people and deserve caliphate before my men says Muhammad there.
This is Shiaism to say ahle-baet are god-like and can intervene for you if you pray to them but it is not so a dead person can’t hearken you, he has no soul to hear you, and Fatima is similar she can’t approach you in dreams as it is not possible for a soul to travel there unless her soul migrates to her body not but her spirit in barzakh or hellfire wherever they are, and it is not ideology of Islam to hearken a dead man like Ali or Fatima not but her child Hussein, like they do in their majlis there. Omar.
please see it is clear shiaism allowed whoredom in their marriage law and it caught on in the muslim world
please see whores in islam is not permitted law and it was ali there who allowed temporary marriages in his clan knowing that it would lead to whoredom as that what temporary marriages are and alis men followed through by removing some verse regarding whores that was in the holy prophet’s door the law of illihoon on them and the people allowed it to occur and it is so shias have sex problems in their culture because of this and relationships can be lax in things and move on results often
Please know Shiaism is sane as they know Ali changed law of mine and others too and caused turmoil in Islam with the death of my men.
Please know Shia faith is sane to come through as the evidence is incontrovertible that Ali arranged for the killing of my friend Abu Bakr not you say but it is true his men poisoned him and I told Ayesha that fact and she wrote it in her book there but it is so they hid it, it was too inflammatory and there were too many Shias there who would kill them and so it was hid for eons, and then Umer was killed after many years of waiting as Ali got tired, he thought he was going to be next khalifa, but it so occurred people were scared of his might and men gathered around him nightly so he disposed them who elect him not and then the siege took place after some years and khilafat was interrupted since then, now you had a new khalifa there in Omar here so let’s see what Shia faith does there.
Omar not but I Muhammad to you here.
Please see how the law of concubinage came in in Islam.
Ali abrogated whores they say there in Shia faith, now they have no leg to stand on, Ali and Hussein and Hassan are indefensible here and Shia faith can be abrogated now as they know Ali said that, and Hassan followed suit by marrying and divorcing them after pregnancy result, a low faith that Ali create, so it is true Islamic custom became lax in issues of Islam because of them, Ali’s door, now you know why hadith is abrogated there in Mecca environs as there are too many hadith to sift through, and Ali was pervasive still in the law of concubinage as well and said Prophet Muhammad had a concubine, Maria the Copt, while he did not he married her then he had conjugal relationship with her and they use the verse out of context and say those of the right hand are the concubines in Islam and so you know it is over, and Umer heed him who is Ali and allowed it for his troops when they traveled to foreign lands, there is no such law in Islam that they would marry and abandon them their children as well as they would stay with her, and now you know Ali is abrogate in the law structure of Islam and Umer is suspect as well. Omar.
Please see a siege was laid by Ali’s men and then he pretended he had nothing to do with it or the massacre that followed though they knew in Madinah he was behind it and fought him for it.
So it was a struggle between the supporters of Ali and Fatima and Hussain and the khilafat movement I promote before I died say I Muhammad as they wanted kingship in Islam which I promote not when I indicate my friend lead in my absence the prayer service and I know the struggle continues till today so I’ll tell you that my wife Ayesha and others were against him at the outset and he would never had gained power unless he kill my follower Usman who was young also when he took over and ruled ably, though at cost as he load some of the posts with his relatives, and so it occurred the insurgency gained ground amongst Muslims and that’s when Ali and Usman bickered and he left who was Ali and called them to his house and laid siege by the Kharijites crowd on the outskirts of my city Madinah and then they elected him to the post, poor innocent Ali, and Fatima not as she had passed on, and Hassan and Hussain were party to Ali’s plan as well though did not involve themselves in fight as they wanted cover for themselves later. Omar not.
See the evil of the clan of Ali here as they killed the family of Muhammad without compunction to him, their prophet, so be sure to outcast Shia door here in the West.
So Ali took hold of Madinah environs during Usman’s time with several hundred not but several thousand of his men and remained aloof and said they did it and said they supported his move as Umer not but Usman allowed family privilege in positions of importance which the prophet did not allow, true he did, and paid heavily for it as they had avenue then to muster support from Muslim body and so it occurred the siege of his house who was Usman and the killing of his children which was heinous as they were not guilty in it as their father did it, showed favor to them, but they were reluctant, but still it occurred with death of many of the progeny of Usman including his grandson who is Muhammad, Abdullah from Ruqayya as she gave him 2 children, but they were his kids who carried on the gene of Muhammad to man and Umm Kulthum also had some kids who survived him but most of them died later, but it is so their progeny was carried forth to the Muslim world and many Shia men wanted them killed as they were true to Muhammad and did not like Ali in his outskirts of Basra some, and so it occurred the Umayyad’s had the progeny with them, though many were massacred by Abbasids late with them and were Shia offshoot.
Please see the Umayyad downfall was a result of Ali’s men and they were responsible for turmoil in my door says I Muhammad here.
Please know Ali was killed by the Kharijites not and they were his camp of supporters and Prophet Muhammad asks me to tell you that Ali caused the death of Usman through them and they were a rambunctious group who laid arms on Muslims and were responsible for the death of Abdullah bin Umer after his demise who was Ali by the sahaba group he had, and Shia Islam’s guilt is there that they support him, Ali to them, knowing he caused factions in Islam brotherhood there and was responsible for wars with them, sahaba of his killed many of my men says I Muhammad here and Ali’s hellfire is written then when he killed my sahaba.
Omar not.
Please see these facts are factual and contained in her book who is Aisha and have been preserved, these hadith have.
Please know Ali was an usurper and caused the death of Usman by his group of supporters when they laid siege of Madinah in 756 AD, some years after the prophet’s demise, and Aisha nearly died then, then the army rose to fight him and Zubair and Talha led the force and Aisha was the figurehead person there they tried to kill and Ali’s forces did concentrate on her death as she was adamant that Ali usurped Usman in his caliphate and caused the decline of Islam since that time but it is so she survived with arrows in her back and eventually went back to her home city and Zubair and Talha escaped, unlike what is told in history books, and eventually killed him who was Ali in 761 AD and were then martyred.
Please see hadith from Aisha are there in Madinah and elsewhere and it will come to light what I say about them in Ali and Fatima group to them.
Please know Aisha was my love, not Khadija, Ali’s men altered facts after his demise when they took control of Basra and other cities and sent hadith structure there to other lands where Islamic lore prevails and now there is a move to bring hadith from Aisha to surface where Ali was infidel to her and it is true many hadith in the Shia sect are made up and they exported as many as they could to the Muslim world over the centuries before they were codified by Bukhari and others, so there you have it many hadith there in their books are from Ali’s group and should be discard in my view except some that I clarify from Prophet Muhammad’s group in Paradise and Allah is a witness I am truthful in it as I don’t gain much by abrogating hadith and there is much clamor over it.
Omar not only but Muhammad as well.
This is Shia Islam emerging there in the Middle East that they adopt me as their rahber rather than their former faith they have.
The Shia government in Iran is no longer and American interests are saned in that they can remove warships from there and concentrate on Israel there who refuse to budge on elections with people’s mandate of international supervision where Israeli citizens all participate free and equal and so it occurs they need threats to comply with American people and the world community who needs peace, there was never going to be peace there, they would have annihilated them, the Palestinians, but not given in to their power again as they are a sizable majority there, and it is so Iran Shia community is now me in Ahmadi aqaid on 3 topics we discussed earlier and they have moved away from Ali door they used to have as it is in their books how Ali subverted Usman and other sahaba and they know he is not worthy to follow so they enact Ahmadism as state religion under Prophet Muhammad’s guise as their leader and that I represent them, sahaba he has, like imam Jafer Sadiq and Abu Hanifa who were Shia ideology before they taught them things differently, as is well known there they were different from general Shias they had who were Ali’s group, by and large they left them. Omar.