
5 Chapter Five




please see the big bang did result in the concept of creation of matter from my energy that i create with say i allah to you

please see the big bang did result 20 billion years hence not but before but it is so the light from distant stars is not going to reach us as they are too far away to be seen but it is so that seeable galaxy was created 13 billion years ago in its light to us and this is not the furthest point of the galaxy not but universe so rest assured it is 20 billion years ago that our creator did split matter he create to form the galaxies here and this process of expansion will continue on until matter is depleted and so the universe will expend its matter in the form of energy and then stars will diminish in light and a day will come when it will be empty rock and dust probably billions not but trillions of years late and humans will continue to roam these relics of the past in their travels of outer space and galaxies not but other heavens i create say i allah there

omar not only


21:30 Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the earth were closed up, so We rent them. And We made from water everything living. Will they not then believe?


please see the galaxy of the milky way is just a way of showing us his power there and all other galaxies also show his vast depth of things

please see the milky way is home to many stars and earth-like material as well but life is improbable not but impossible because oxygen exists not there on its stars and moons it has and i say this with certainty as allah knows he didnt create it except here on earth and now you know even if you find water life isnt going to occur there and it is so this earth is a resting place for us and our clarity results here that the best of creations is us the human race and the best and the most intelligent one is muhammad all to be placed on earth as a testing ground for us in the sense we will play our role here and exit the stage after showing our worth to others and our creator there you have it life was put on this world so that we may see the best of us in our living here and it is true alien life does not exist as he has not created a race more intelligent than ours of the human race on earth

omar here in the shaur of my creator telling me this


please see a note from allah the extreme one in literature for you here and there

please see my creation is simple yet unique and yet i am literate extreme by you and am readable in the quran and here and in the old testament as well and the galaxies i create are different in physics not but some are and i create dimensions in it that you perceive late say i allah there and i know you admire me on omars page and the quran as well and i am there always through the ages you just hid me as you are overtaken by awe and want freedom in things which you know are incompatible with life and living well but know i am always come to man and woman and child you just don’t see me but i am there in the quran book and other literature through the ages just be pious and submit to it here and the quran these two places my literature is safe for you and it will be preserved for posterity and mirza also but not all of his scripture are there for review but much has been lost of those things i teach there to other notables

omar not but allah to you


please see the mars rover is a good addition to your armamentarium of knowledge you seek

this is technology being made to use in a good way and i know the space probe to the suns surface will tell secrets i have say i the august one with you allah to you but i know it is incomplete what you know and i am complete here where i tell you things that the suns surface is cooler not than the corona like you say there in your annals but more hot by you and soon you will discover his page to be accurate who is omar to me in the world forum and you know he is kind and so am i to him and give him things like prestige on his page but enough they say tell us what is the suns surface like but it is so you will discover it soon then omar will comment rest assured it is many millions of degrees in heat that you measure and i am aware you need to send probes to all over the galaxy not but confine yourself to the solar system that is your limit for man here the rest will be known to you in due course when omar comments on your photo file you create for him

allah here


please see the harmony that you see in nature means there is unity here in other words there is unity in the creator and if there had been more than one god there would have been chaos in it the universe here

please see it occur that milky way and other galaxies are spiral and i know its here that we understand the spiral nature of things but it has to do with a dense collection in the center of it and it revolves around it in its orbit of things as most of you know who have studied galaxy nature i give it but it is so gravity causes it to spiral and other forces keep it from disintegrating into black holes we have there but it is so this is how i keep stars together and they form starry night sky you study yes thats why i create galaxies together and yes ancient man was enamored by me in the creation of things with wonder in him but you understand nature and are in awe of such complexity it has and you submit to me now knowing you couldnt have done it there is a superior force that has created such harmony and tranquility in it yes there is no chaos in nature i give it

allah to you here


21:22 If there were in them gods besides Allah, they would both have been in disorder. So glory be to Allah, the Lord of the Throne, being above what they describe!

21:23 He cannot be questioned as to what He does, and they will be questioned.

21:24 Or, have they taken gods besides Him? Say: Bring your proof. This is the reminder of those with me and the reminder of those before me.a Nay, most of them know not the Truth, so they turn away.

21:25 And We sent no messenger before thee but We revealed to him that there is no God but Me, so serve Me.


please see the field of quantum mechanics is pleasing to one and do wonder about my creation of things in awe you do as i reveal here

the universe is complex to you suffice it to say each particle that you have discovered in quantum mechanics and those you dont know about is distinct like snowflakes are and now you know you cant fathom out my structure of mass and light particles are similar you cant see them and you cant deduce physical nature but continue your experiments and see what you can fathom out of my creation here in the physical realm you exist in and you know complexity to you occurs and you give in to my nature of not knowing details i do say i allah to you


light of a photon travels in space but stops when it hits a surface and decay occurs then with the release of heat energy i give it

light is created out of energy but you know energy and matter are interconvertible and photon is similar it is a light particle that has an energy packet there that is how it travels forth into space and there you have it all my particles have an energy with them and do oscillate and travel forth some you say nay they have ability to move in space though some are static in atoms you have though they also move there you havent discovered it as yet

omar not here he barely understands what i write say i allah to you


please see there is one god here who has created unity for you and particles are related to space in things and electromagnetic waves are also particles of his

please know a photon is a particle i create with its energy source in it and it degrades into energy always and thus you know it is a light source in the world i have and e=mc2 is simple but true not as each quantum particle can degrade into energy by my leave though some particles i degrade not but can split them smaller if i will by my force in me as i create nothing also by my faith to tell you it exists and the universe is filled by quantum particles in nothing space i create for your existence to occur and gravity is nothing not but particles of force i have

omar is perplexed here but settles down to think more and muhammad understands me not either but is astute to let you occur in your field dimension theory he knows some

 allah there knows you perplex but so do all man omar knows things not i give clues on his page to you so you may research me more then give in to more information coming through late for some and early for others

omar not but you know who


please know there is a lot you dont know in science as yet and it is so you will clarify in concepts as time goes along

please see a pulsar is wrong in your ideas of things and radio frequencies received from revolutions they have are not as you say but it is so they are not sane here where they say they are neutron stars and are comprised of dense neutrons no they are a different star that is created there and it is not from supernova and it is a dense material we dont know yet but it is so they are black holes that emit light and they are dense with magnetic energy of enormous amounts and magnetic energy is like gravity not but it is a different form of energy particle we still have to decipher and there you have it we are still in the infancy of science and it will go on scientific research until we uncover other things we dont know



please see galaxies are complex in this universe of mine but it is so i create laws of nature there and you will understand some but late for you

please see the black hole in some galaxies are massive compared to the one in the milky way but it is so they are distances apart and little is known there how nature is as it is different from our galaxy and the laws of physics change some there according to my wish i tell these things to you in this book here but it is so some galaxies are so far that little is known how they function but i create different laws of nature as they are separate and do not interact with others but it is so matter and anti-matter do exist yes my nature is complex so do understand it with horizons you create and i will come to you and explain your matter through sages i do create like omar and mirza and others

omar not but allah to you


please see cast-away planets do exist but they are rare and usually stay with the parent star they have

please in the solar systems there is a balance there but it so occurs that supernova results which destroy the way they are and sometimes the gravitational pull is so great with stars that it occurs the collapse of a system that allah creates to last an eon of billions of years but it is so this system usually lasts until supernova results why because the orbit pulls away from the sun in such a way that a balance results of gravity and pull-away forces they have and in some cases small planets may lose their orbit and be cast-away planets roaming the space of the galaxies



please see some concepts from the science page I have here for you

please see a neutron star is a dead earth not but a star that has collapsed on itself and in its involution has become dense but not as they say in science they have currently but a black hole is dense like that in that a teaspoon is many billions of tons and now you know when it gobbles up stars it causes gravity to increase in it and the pull increases and other stars are drawn in and so the process continues eventually all the stars will be drawn in these massive structures and a galaxy will disappear in it but it is so the pull that occurs when the star gets pulled in causes shock waves to reverberate and are detected by sensors they are not gravity waves per de but shock wave that occur and gravity is different in that it is electric not but power in the form of energy particles that pull one down to it now you know it is energy particle you may be able to discern it more clearly with experiments you do



please see my anger occurs when you dont obey me in things i teach in the quran to you and omars book is a testimony of mine too which you deride there some as he says it is from me

please know it is correct the rotation of the core of earth has stopped but thats a part of the oscillation cycle it has here but it is so we must surmise earthquake is not dependent on it but is a part of the tectonic plate slip it has and there you have it hadith says earthquakes will increase by judgment day but it has occurred and is ongoing and i have judged man there to be in error about issues and the west sane to prevent it earthquake damage and it should be done worldwide in quake zones now you know my anger abates not but still i allow you to take precautions against my retribution when you dont pray and all that i teach you to do here say i allah there


please see the world sees the night sky as lamps hung there but some are galaxies and not stars you see

please see galaxies are many what makes some unique is that they can be seen in the night sky as a star but it is so many stars are there in our sky that are different from it our sun and now you have it the night sky is full of clusters as well and it behooves us to call them lamps as our book tells us in that it is a light that guides us in our travel there in the past but it is so these galaxies are bright for us and one day visit them will occur in spirit we do it at the speed of thought on us yes we will think about it and travel there will occur with our beloved in accompaniment and allah as our guide to us yes so now you know we know prophet muhammads travel was in the form of a thought wavelength where he traveled to the throne of god by thinking himself there



67:3 Who created the seven heavens alike. Thou seest no incongruity in the creation of the Beneficent. Then look again: Canst thou see any disorder?

67:4 Then turn the eye again and again — thy look will return to thee confused, while it is fatigued.

67:5 And certainly We have adorned this lower heaven with lamps and We make them means of conjectures for the devils, and We have prepared for them the chastisement of burning.


please see the universe is ordered in matter and there is no chaos or incongruity as the quran says there

please see allah is the creator of cataclysmic forces and creates massive shifts in things and black holes are things he creates to keep galaxis intact but it is so cataclysmic forces are in order of things and he creates from it star systems we see and we know stars do collide at times but it is a plan by him who creates and black holes result because of it and there is no chaos there it is all a plan



please see omars page is a radio signal for you to catch on the latest and break news we have about the universe here

the moon is sane to follow and you know it is kind of allah to create it and give us reckoning of seasons not but lunar months so we can count days there but it so occurs it is barren and we know it so its time to explore other avenues of space now with rover missions and so forth and it is so we will continue to explore the galaxies through camera law we have but space exploration in the solar system can be explored by probes and man travel to it but let me explain beyond it say i allah there just listen to the radio here on this page and others i create for you


please see the milky way has many bubbles of sparse areas but only 2 have been discovered as yet

please see bubbles like the ones that have been discovered around the milky way are a part of nature in that they areas of relative sparse stars and not vacuum like they think here but it is so these sparse areas are caused by black hole center they have and there you have it is counterforce like they say here and it causes the black hole to remain confined as yet and there is only gradual accumulation of star material because of these countering force there which is an effect of magnetic pull of the stars away from the hole center in that they are drawn away by their own magnetic poles it is complex but by magnets that are present in stars they draw them together while gravity pulls them towards the black hole center they have



please see sounds that you hear in space are correct in concept not but actually heard when you are near a light source like the sun here

please see sounds are eerie that you hear in space but I know these are recorded in error not but it is true earth has sounds as well as it moves through space but it is so it is mainly silent in space and these sounds sometimes occur but enough they say we know all this what is new is that the cosmos does make sound and it is transmitted through medium as we know but it is so particles are rare and it is not heard often and so when it occurs it is usually a photon layer that transmits it when it is close to a light source that is what you wish to know here



please see the relationship between gravity and photons is known to you and that is how you understand concepts that field of space interact with particles

please see quantum mechanics can be elaborated upon and relativity is late you understand with it but suffice to say there is harmony in the field of nature we have and space is a continuum where particles exist and travel and forces i create like gravity and magnetic poles are a form of energy particle i create there

please see this concept i have that dimensions exist but it is safe to say only 3 occur and not 5 or 6 as you think but there is flux in them and they can recreate with quantum particles at my choice with your thought not in this world you think as it is so you think you will be able to recreate what i create here but chaos follows your meddling and there is a perfect balance in nature i have for you but it is so i create matter there this way by my thought process and as the quran says i say be and it is in my time frame to you

allah here knows you wonder is omar there in court or is he unwell talking through his hat but he assures me in the world forum of people he just writes my thoughts to him which is what repose is to him there now you know

allah here

web source below-

Quantum field theory, body of physical principles combining the elements of quantum mechanics with those of relativity to explain the behavior of subatomic particles and their interactions via a variety of force fields.


2:117 Wonderful Originator of the heavens and the earth! And when He decrees an affair, He says to it only, Be, and it is.


40:68 He it is Who gives life and causes death, so when He decrees an affair, He only says to it, Be, and it is.


please see to see clearly you have to be a believer in me say i the august one to you in islam you have of prayer too and relish too

please know the scientist hubble was a genius not but meticulous and realized we are of many of different star systems or extra-galactic stars and then it was termed nebulae but it is not so they were galaxies like our one and gradually we uncovered enormous number of them each with its own law of physics some say i allah there now you know there is no end to knowledge from our creator there and we must be subservient to the prayer we have in islam “o allah increase me in knowledge” the end not as our prayers increase with time and depth of vision occurring

omar not only


please see time can be varied with psychological input but i know i try you with varied perception of time you have say i the august one for you allah there

these analogies are sane that you say that time is transitory at time and sometimes varied as well according to your pyche of fear or happiness you have but what about me i ask says allah there i am constant in it and the clock is a testimony to that but it is true it does pass away varied way but i know you assess it according to the clock and not your psychological input say i as that is false time to you and there you have it i am time and the way you spend it is in your psychological make-up of things and i am not bad i allow you this varied time so that i may assess you if you still turn to me when youre happy or sad and so forth i test you in these matters say i allah there

omar not but allah there


please see some of the issues that are involved with our neurotransmitters when we play games or indulge in sports

please see games and sports are fun yes but it is so it is sad if you dont pray on the appointed time why because you need to be recharged for your fun to continue yes your neurotransmitters get depleted when youre having fun and after fun the transmitter for sad occurs in preponderance and it is then you lose balance of things in that the balance of neurotransmitters does not occur without prayer in it yes it gives you sobriety in a fun filled day



please see the techno feats man has is from the ingenuity i gave you so don’t be proud but do have industry in it and save this world from expiry that chemical industry has done say i to you allah there

desalination technology of come of vogue in recent years and it is adapt you do now as it is feasible to inherit to new dimensions soon saudia has also developed one in use there and it is for you to use but do develop desalination technology it will rid the world of water shortage and allow you crops and things so this like nuclear technology is the future of the world yes nuclear fuel for energy is necessary to get away from fossil fuels and they will be less expensive with time you have made them safe now so implement these two techno feats you have to make climate control come into control with you and allah condones it now to use them for your needs



please see birds and animals have died out because of chemicals you extrude and it is time to make it occur ban there on those harmful to us species here on earth

please see plumes that birds have are a feather in their cap but it so occurs that they both have them of a different sort though in that each sex is different make i make there but it is so i make birds flock together but there is a special one there for all eternity with them as well and queen bees not but all animals will mate there and my kingdom goes on forever so preserve this kingdom of mine here on earth and i will save you human race that you are otherwise you will die out

birds of a feather flock with each other and procreate and live in communes not but vast earth i create with them so keep them free and give them plants and animals and see the verse here that speaks of them in their habitat in that their communities are vouchsafed for us as safe for them and interfere not with them is our door and save them from the plastic and chemical waste you produce and it is so species have died because of your chemicals you use so make it law to ban them that are harmful to the environment and make it so safe disposal of them is law before they can manufacture them and i will come through and save them the species that remain on earth say i the august one here allah to you


6:38 And there is no animal in the earth, nor a bird that flies on its two wings, but (they are) communities like yourselves. We have not neglected anything in the Book. Then to their Lord will they be gathered.


please see animal husbandry is sane but we must be human and humanity entails we treat animals with respect and love as well

please see animal lovers are pleased that people are coming around and protecting them animals we have but it is so we protect the young animals until they mature before using them as foodstuff for us out of mercy that they have a life they should have normalcy in before going into us yes it is true they are used as fodder and young animals you kill like chicks are going to be asked about say i there who is your creator as they are not to be discard like they are nothing to us and we must allow them a chance to live once they are created with a conscious mind to them yes i will punish those in animal husbandry who this inanimate door to them say i allah there


please see it is honey that you cure yourself of ailments as allah in the quran has vouchsafed it as a healer of your ills in you

please see my chapter here in that i say that the bee is blessed by me and she creates for you a material that has shifa or heal for you that if taken in moderation cures your schisms you do in your living here on earth but it is so when you sin and break your fiber and your spirit goes to waste in desolate state it becomes it repairs you honey does and you should imbibe it daily from early age and add it to your foods as well so that repair can be made daily as you all sin on earth and cancer cells are being produced constantly so take care and repair your dna damage you do with daily imbibe of some honey yes even diabetics benefit from it if their sugar levels are under control and heart disease is allayed by it

please know that said it wont cure you of major schisms in you if you continue to sin with major sins by me and nothing can prevent dna damage of a fornication act or abort you do and if you produce out of wedlock for him they wont repair with honey repentance is due then and charity and forgiveness is required for the dna to repair but it is so you go for hajj but if your intent is to sin again then it is wasted and you might as well not go but it is so dna breaks or mutations in you cause cancer and other diseases as well so bear care there yes it is hell you do when you sin and hell creates schisms in you and it occur because of break of your nature of piety did i create you and thus you damaged your spirit and it is analogous to break of your dna genome so there you have it sins of the parents are inherited by child you have and childhood cancer is real so take care of your child future you have by protect your dna I give you say i allah there

allah to you here through omars finger who wrote this faith to you


16:68 And thy Lord revealed to the bee: Make hives in the mountains and in the trees and in what they build,

16:69 Then eat of all the fruits and walk in the ways of thy Lord submissively. There comes forth from their bellies a beverage of many hues, in which there is healing for men. Therein is surely a sign for a people who reflect.

16:70 And Allah creates you, then He causes you to die; and of you is he who is brought back to the worst part of life, so that he knows nothing after having knowledge. Surely Allah is Knowing, Powerful.


please see there is symbiosis in nature and you have spoilt me there yes i mean the bee by your insecticide farm you have

please see symbiosis in nature though you know it is well established bees are pollinators but now you know negatively charged ion exists on them from flowers and the pollen clings to it the bee there who has a positive charge to her body yes its true this exists and there you have it a new science emerges and then you are aware that i am in charge says i allah there and you counsel each other how to give bees health as they are dying out from insecticide you spray on crops yes you do it disturb natures balance so i tell you its imperative you produce less crops but give them health again through organic means and the people will be fed by me yes my charity reaches them by your efforts of ending food hunger good job man and wife prepare for your hereafter also by spread the word organic farming is necessary and allah will take care of the rest

omar not but allah to you


please see plastics and gmo products are bad for health in many ways a few are listed here

please see inflammatory foodstuff it is food in plastic containers and plastic packing and it should not be used by law now yes plastic makes food and drink unpalatable and tasteless sometimes as co q10 values decrease in it and that is essential for vitality and health but plastic is adverse in other way too by causing inflammation in you and your heart of things silicone is ok though so try to adopt it in your foodstuff and drink as it is biodegradable and does not harm the body like plastic does with inflammation it produces and heart attacks and strokes it may cause in us

please see another agent causing inflammation in you is gmo products so decry them and dont use them if you can as allah knows he did not sanction it an alteration in his creation there you have it we are not supposed to mess with his creation of things and it is the devils work to do so

please know it is not cholesterol that is the problem for the most part and things like carnitine and coenzyme q10 are anti-inflammatory and good for the heart and other body systems and krill oil is also good in that regard and these should be used in moderation for good health to result and longevity occur with them as well so adopt these 3 supplements for yourself in your forties



4:117 Besides Him they call on nothing but female divinities and they call on nothing but a rebellious devil,

4:118 Whom Allah has cursed. And he said: Certainly I will take of Thy servants an appointed portion;

4:119 And certainly I will lead them astray and excite in them vain desires and bid them so that they will slit the ears of the cattle, and bid them so that they will alter Allah’s creation. And whoever takes the devil for a friend, forsaking Allah, he indeed suffers a manifest loss.

4:120 He promises them and excites vain desires in them. And the devil promises them only to deceive.


please see nature is delicate and when we tamper with it there are adverse consequences like diseases in us

please see the autoimmune disorder is caused by a process of a body reacting against a compound found here in nature and so there you have it it causes antibodies against nature we have here in that it causes the body to cross-react with normal tissues when antibodies are triggered by agents such as high dose fructose in us so there you have it normal milieu requires moderation in doses of it that is found in nature

please see this informative this information here that tells you fructose is artificially created but it is so they know it is harmful in such high quantities as occur in sodas and other drinks and fructose found in fruits and other natural products is not in such high concentration and now you know high concentrations of this compound are harmful for you and cause diabetes and other diseases like systemic lupus erythematosus and other autoimmune disorders as it causes the body to react against a natural compound found in nature.



please see this list of supplements have anticancer regimen in us

these supplements that i take include l-carnitine and coenzyme q10 and black seed with magnesium and i take krill oil as well are good for your anticancer treatment and those who have been sexually active before may benefit if they abstain in things and are trying to be pious and there you have it it may be forgiven of you if you endear yourself to him the creator and know your flaw caused the cancer in you in your cells as yet but it does occur in this society you forgive yourself with repentance and things so he may remit you in your disease you have



please see the shaur of a believer is sane and certain additives help in this way

certain blossoms have beneficial effect on psyche and orange blossom and rose water are good for you and cherry blossom too has a beneficial effect on one and these that i mention are good for the heart and arteries and my chest pressure that i have has remitted some with these and other supplements i take which are antioxidant in nature and there you have it you can live a long life with my regimen if you wish to and these are good for your shaur in things see how clear minded i am and you would understand allahs word there if you take care of your health in this regard



please see words we use have a significance for us

please keep the sentiment of appreciation people have for each other and when you see something nice in their form say alhamdulillah as that is norm there for muhammads people and it was later that they appreciated by saying mashallah but that really states a fact as used in the quran there so there you have it i have changed concepts which ahle-sunnah do not like but it is so they must live with this opinion that it is just factual their word and it is similar when a person sneezes then say subhanallah as it is a flaw there the sneeze and do not say the word they use as it disturbs you the sneeze does and hadith is wrong that says our creator appreciates it



Please see we are all the progeny of Muhammad in his spirit to us and Homo Sapiens that came about on earth an eon ago.

Please see this verse from Nisa that says we are created from a single being and his wife.

Please see this refers to us as spirits and it is from Prophet Muhammad and Mary all spirits arose and we are their progeny in things and their hearts encompass us,

Please know it is clear I tell things that are hidden but some of the things I relate are in hadith literature as well and Prophet did say Mary was his wife to them.

Please know this is a separate issue that he is called Adam and his wife Eve who were evolved Homo Sapiens and they are considered our parents in the human race even though there were Adams before them as we see later in this text, but these are the ones who taught us how to live as earth humans and we learnt customs of humanity through them as man was barbaric before they came to reside here,

Please know the story of Adam and Eve in the Quran somewhat and the Bible is allegorical and means they have to stay away from the forbidden fruit which is sexual intercourse before marriage rites are done.

Please see it occur that the son of Adam is ourselves and mankind is meant in a general statement.

Please know progeny of Adam, the prophet, are specific for the Arabs of the peninsula and related tribes as that is where he was situated though his gene got transmitted worldwide with the passage of time,

Please know when God refers to us as the children of Adam he refers to Bani-Adam, the predecessor of mankind, who was a man created from the Neanderthals in Europe but when he refers to the prophet Adam he is referring then to Eve and Adam expelled from the garden they were in, but this refers to mankind in general as the tale is ubiquitous there.

Please know there is a hadith in the Shia sect that there were 30 Adams before the creation of our father, Bani-Adam we are here. It indicates our predecessor was created from another race of Adams.

Please know hominids were created by Him around 4 million years ago from a group of chimpanzees through elaborate gene alteration He did in 3 hominids or the  Homo Africanis tribe of humans He create then,

Please know since then humans have continued to evolve and the first Homo Sapien came about 700,000 years ago as Wigi from Neanderthal and then he and his tribe migrate to Africa where they populate the continent as well as parts of Asia and Europe but it so occurred Adam and Eve evolved from them around 500,000 years ago,

Please know the verses referring to the soul being breathed into man are general and all man and women have souls from Him, in that spiritual progress is written for mankind and the statements referring to Adam the prophet are only to illustrate this as the angels were then told to make obeisance to him and Eve as well.

Please know it is complex but it is clear that the prophet is different from the predecessor, as these verses shows in that the story of being extruded is general for the time the first sexual contact is made in that all mankind is in heaven until they have sex before marriage.

Please know God created mankind before he addressed these words in Baqarah to them as they knew man was wicked and spilled blood of each other, but it is clear when the devil found out this fact he abdicated his worship of Him Who is the Creator and rebelled against Him, and mankind he would mislead.

Please know this is explained in my earlier book but I explain it here again as time has elapsed since then and my analysis is this what you see here on this page of mine. Omar.


4:1 O people, keep your duty to your Lord, Who created you from a single being and created its mate of the same (kind), and spread from these two many men and women. And keep your duty to Allah, by Whom you demand one of another (your rights), and (to) the ties of relationship. Surely Allah is ever a Watcher over you.


7:26 O children of Adam, We have indeed sent down to you clothing to cover your shame, and (clothing) for beauty; and clothing that guards against evil — that is the best. This is of the messages of Allah that they may be mindful.

7:27 O children of Adam, let not the devil seduce you, as he expelled your parents from the garden, pulling off from them their clothing that he might show them their shame. He surely sees you, he as well as his host, from whence you see them not. Surely We have made the devils to be the friends of those who believe not.


2:30 And when thy Lord said to the angels, I am going to place a ruler in the earth, they said: Wilt Thou place in it such as make mischief in it and shed blood? And we celebrate Thy praise and extol Thy holiness. He said: Surely I know what you know not.


7:172 And when thy Lord brought forth from the children of Adam, from their loins, their descendants, and made them bear witness about themselves: Am I not your Lord? They said: Yes; we bear witness. Lest you should say on the day of Resurrection: We were unaware of this,


38:71 When thy Lord said to the angels: Surely I am going to create a mortal from dust.

38:72 So when I have made him complete and breathed into him of My spirit, fall down submitting to him.

38:73 And the angels submitted, all of them,

38:74 But not Iblis. He was proud and he was one of the disbelievers.


Please see some events of our race from insight I have been given from Allah there as to how humans emerged as a race from the jungles of Africa

Please know the chimpanzee has more homologous genes than many primates as seen here by science we know it’s true that close to 90% of genes are homologous to us humans and it is true there is a gradual evolution to the human race of Australopithecus not but Africanus, yes, and it occurs that we are Africanus before the Homo Sapiens occur 700,000 years ago as Wigi, a man of African race derived from the Neanderthal gene and so it occurs that we must ascribe peace to the Africans as the foremost of our race and it is true he originated there in Europe from Neanderthals there and migrated to Africa with his tribe of homo sapiens that were created from his genes and then they lived with the Africanis race of hominids until they died out, the Africanis did, and then he migrated, the Homo Sapiens, to Africa not but to Asia and Adam emerged there from them and Eve was in another tribe but akin to him, Adam there, so it came about an evolved race of Homo Sapiens who had the gene of prophesy and insight in them and our Creator communicated regularly with humans since that time in the form of sending them prophets and saints of His.



please see the account continues about him our homo sapien ancestor

please see wigi was a homo sapien that emerged from the neanderthals of europe but he was black for the most part but did have some brown elements there but it is so he emerged there where they have cave paintings of him in lyons and now you know he was european but it is so the neanderthals were black then and his progeny had some white elements as well and two of his children who stayed in europe were white one survived and it is from her the white race emerged with more neanderthal genes than the black and the brown race but it is true some admix did occur with time and eventually their gene was mixed with the brown race but it is so his white progeny was illegitimate and there is a character it adopts there in their gene pool that they dont mind illegitimate children like we do in the brown race predom and that is from adam that he did not like illegitimacy in child and promulgated marriage laws in humanity at large there you have it the white did admix with his prophesy gene he had and adopt marriage laws but it was late some of it and you deterred again with time and recent ways you were illegitimate again



please see humans like lucy and others were milestones in the evolution of the human race

please see it is clear our ancestors used stone tools and other instruments but what we dont realize they were adept in surviving in the jungle where creatures roamed that could kill them and they found ways to survive there and it so occurs they were killed sometimes but most of them made it to the next generation and so forth they lived to old age and they recovered others in the sense they saved them and let the human race survive and yes they evolved over several hundreds of thousands of years and they were landmark humans like lucy and australopithecus who were different from predecessors and now you have it they were adams or milestone humans there as the hadith structure suggests them to be



Please see the offshoot of Africanis is the Denisovans and Neanderthals and other races discovered and the hadith of the Prophet is true there were 30 Adams before our Adam, the prophet there.

Please know Denisovans are ancient humans, not to be construed as modern man like in nature today,

Please know it is over and Adam was created from another human in that we are all Adams if we are created anew,

Please know Neanderthals are another created being, being an offshoot of another race earlier than Neanderthal,

Please see Homo Africanis was an earlier race the Denisovans and Neanderthals emerged from and Adam was the progeny of Homo Sapiens but a prophet to us and Eve was similar in that she had Homo Sapien gene in her.

Please know humans are derived from another, evolution confirms, and there is inbreeding that occurs in their caves some but it is a single family that gives birth to humans,

Please know it is clear from the Quran there was a sentinel person but not Adam the prophet with the gene Adam also had later, who gave the gene to us with imagination in us amongst other qualities we had then.

Please know then Adam was created who had gene of prophecy in him that ended with Prophet Muhammad you say, nay, it goes on, dilute though.

Please know it’s the Prophet’s gene in me that gives me the ability to communicate with him as he comes to me in dream format and tells me what to write and things of the nature I need for survival.

Please see I am safe if I tell you this that his gene persists in us and many races have his gene of prophesy but prophethood has ended and there are no more of them as the seal that God gave them in order for them to teach man is not required and the Book, the Quran there is preserved now.



Please see this note about Adam and Homo Sapiens.

Please see Adam was a Homo Sapien we admire as he promulgated law of marriage and other issues he taught there were lost some but civilization occurred with his mindset not only but his gene flourished as well and China came through in piety more with him admixing them in his gene pool they had.

Please know China was abaad 300,000 years ago and the Philippine race occurred sooner when they admixed with Adam’s gene from India, so it occurred their race, eventually you will learn carbon dating methods are inaccurate to say the least and this is revelation I speak with that Adam reigned 1000 millennia not but half that time before here and he and Eve were responsible for many nations coming forth in marriage principles they promulgated as before that people did not marry but roamed around and mated random ways. Omar.


please see some comments of the chinese race

they originated with the brown gene and they migrated there to their mainland through the urals and their eyes occurred as a slant due to their propensity to like the pig in eat mode and when they stop their eye will be round once again and they have the blood of their father adam in them as well so are wise like the russians are not in issues yet they are admixed with the brown gene as well but not as much as adams progeny the brown race and it is clear confucius gene came through from adam and so did many prophets emerge there who taught them about our creator but people did not want a law from him their creat and took out references to him in their words of wisdom they had to the chinese race and so it becomes us to tell that they were evil car in doing this why do they do this it is because of pig they eat that why it is deterred from you if you wish the hereafter with him your god to you



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